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Everything posted by Cellit

  1. Can I join this group? Tolkien is my father, thanks to him I am here and since we are here I want to join this community
  2. I would like to know how the community works, that is, I have read Mistborn both eras, I am on the seventh book and The Way of Kings and now I am withWords of Radiance Some role-playing I've read below and that kind of thing. Also if you can recommend me which forums to see according to what I have read.
  3. And how is the reputation of the community, and what does spren put in my reputation? Yes that help
  4. Sorry, I thought that I would also translate from Spanish to English, I'll speak in English I need information on how the forum works, please
  5. Buenas tardes queridas personas de este pequeño mundo, empecé a leer a Brandon cuando comencé a leer y aquí estoy con Palabras Radiantes después de haberme comido las dos eras de Mistborn, necesito información de todo sobre él y que me hagáis, Muchas gracias
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