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Status Updates posted by Eri

  1. Read WoR. Cool.

  2. Got WoR! :D:D:D Kudos for Amazon for fast shipping (we chose cheapest option to Poland and it came here yesterday). But why did it have to come during such busy week???

  3. Reading WoR preview chapters (some of them). Shallan got a pet fractal (Julia, I think)!!! Awesome! :D:D:D

  4. My Mistborn campaign has finally started. Good. I got a flu. Bad. :/ This game's mechanics is more complicated than I thought, but it's always like that. Anyway the game is cool. :)

  5. I'm going to GM a Mistborn campaign. This game is so cool! Some house-rules already, to better fit with the books (nitpicking...). Alternate secret backstory of the Empire and unknown metals, so that the players will not have to “discover” thingh they already know from books. I'll probably post more details when I have them, I really like some ideas I came up with. :D

  6. WoK illustrations are online. Not I can use the power of "polar to cartesian" filter in GIMP on voidish symbols and finally see, what hides in them. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

  7. Spent a long time theorizing about similarity in Surge symbols and now on Reddit learned that it's a coincidence. Sad. Angry at the illustrator for making a red herring.

  8. Away until August.

    1. Chaos


      We'll miss you until then!

    2. Eri
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