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Monk of Dakhor

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Posts posted by Monk of Dakhor

  1. 21 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    a lot of things. My ideas are either moving to California for life (as the minimum), banned from the Shard and from us following him (Mid), DEATH! (not the most extreme)


    we could execute him in the way that Kelsier threatened to do to Hoid in Secret History

  2. 2 minutes ago, cheeseman said:

    @Kajsa :) I request this evidence be thrown out on account of misrepresentation and doctoring.

    that is a lot of big words, also twas a joke, I will edit, since you don't have a sence of humor apparently


    but I will still edit

  3. On 3/14/2023 at 9:17 AM, Kendelian said:

    I have an idea. Since hemalurgy can be used to steal Connection, could one use hemalurgy to steal an Elantrian’s Connection to Elantris, then give that Connection to another person? In addition, could one give said Connection to a Dakor monk, and how would Aon Dor interact with the monk?

    would hemalurgy even work on a different planet?

    also would a dakhor monk be able to be taken by the shaod or no?

    what do you think would happen if the wyrm was taken by the shaod?

  4. also I was just coming home from a trip, and I stopped at a gas station and they had outside of the bathroom a piece of paper that said "we have a waterfall urinal, large enough to fit two or three at the same time." I was confused and when I went in I saw this:

    (I forgot to take a picture so I just grabbed this reddit link for the image off of google, I am pretty sure this is the same place)


    There was this and one stall

    Outside on the roof was a animatronic cowboy that would say stuff,

    Along with it serving 30 different kinds of jerky and an ice-cream shake made with dates, it was by far the oddest gas station I have ever been to


    (If the image doesn't appear please tell me)

  5. 2 hours ago, Wits instant noodles said:

    I am not a witch but since you have brought forth no evidence that cant be explained by my IQ, I would say that either you put forth your evidence or the jury/judge/whoever is deciding this should decide


    Rubix cubes, he can solve them way faster than any man should be able to

  6. 1 hour ago, cheeseman said:

    Good people of the court!

    Please, this is the 21st century. Be civil.

    I, on behalf of my client, do accept this role of defense attorney and will truly and faithfully represent @Wits instant noodles. I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me ADONALSIUM!!


    If the defendant will join me, we will discuss his position.


    4 hours ago, Wits instant noodles said:

    nope I refuse also @Monk of Dakhor I summon you

    well darn you instant noodles, now me and cheeseman have to duke it out to see who can be the defense attorney

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