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Posts posted by HippoPhileus

  1. 2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

    Maybe the part I liked the best was the bit of Gavilar redemption. After RoW, he was cast in a super negative light, and I'm glad that in his mind his view of Navani isn't what Navani perceived it was. I remember seeing a joke/meme awhile ago, about the prologues-

    • Book One- Who's Gavilar?
    • Book Two- Noooo, Gavilar!
    • Book Three- Wait, what's up with this Gavilar guy?
    • Book Four- Storm this Gavilar guy!
    • Book Five- KILL HIM, SZETH! GO! GO!

    Or something like that :P But I'm glad that it ended up not being like that.

    I agree, and I think that's hilarious :P

  2. I really liked it.

    • Gavilar was trying to become a Herald, and the Stormfather (or like Pagerunner said, whoever this is) was helping him!? Does this mean the Stormfather chose Dalinar as a candidate to become a Herald?
    • Brandon specifically mentioned Chararch's red hair, and I think that is intentional to lead us to think she is Shallan's mother. Whether or not she is we'll find out (hopefully in SA5), but I almost don't want her to be Shallan's mom. I think there is enough weirdness around Shallan's family as it is, between the Unmade, the Cryptics, the Ghostbloods, family issues.
    • I really really want to know what Gavilar learned from Thaidakar.
    • Kelsier as a seon in a trenchcoat! I love it.
    • What are "the most important words a man can say?" I guess swearing to become a Herald is similar to swearing to become a Radiant, which is not quite what I pictured.
    • I may be forgetting something from Elantris, but have we seen seons do what Kelsier's seon did in this prologue? It turned almost transparent and manipulated its form. Good to know this is possible for my Alleyverse character...
    •  This whole prologue is crazy. I like the little bit of character it adds to Gavilar (though he's still a horrible person), and the character development for Dalinar. I think it helps with the transition from the Blackthorn to who he is in WoK.

    That's all I have for now! I'm so excited for SA5.

  3. 2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    *telepathically sends Hippo a message* no, someone else would have been promoted, most likely Elf or something.

    "telepathically responds* well, it was worth a try. So if Elf were to befall an unfortunate accident, what would happen? Hypothetically, ofc.

  4. 2 hours ago, ShardlessVessel said:

    There are two requirements for using a metalmind: Identity and Investiture. If you are a Feruchemist, you can use any metalminds that are compatible with your own Identity. If you are not a Feruchemist, you cannot use metalminds at all.

    An unkeyed metalmind lets anyone that already has the ability to use Feruchemy access it, regardless of Identity. An unsealed metalmind is an unkeyed metalmind that lets anyone use it, regardless of whether they have the correct innate Investiture or not.

    Anyone can use Breaths. In this sense, they are already unsealed. However, when they are used for Awakening, Breaths become keyed.

    When you put it that way, I think I agree with you.

    2 hours ago, ShardlessVessel said:

    I don't think this is quite the same thing. Vasher told the girl a Command so that she could erase her own memories.

    Really? I thought she lost part of a Breath. I assumed she gave it to Vasher. If not, what did she do with that partial Breath?

  5. 2 hours ago, ShardlessVessel said:

    I wouldn't call that "unsealing". Breaths aren't sealed in the first place, as you don't need to be specially Invested to use them. I think "unkeyed" would be a more appropriate term in this case.

    Pedantry aside, I believe this should be possible. The obvious answer is aluminum Feruchemy; assuming Breaths are keyed by Identity, like metalminds, then by filling an aluminum-mind at the same time that you Awaken an object, it should be possible for another person to draw them out.

    That said, I also think it should be possible to do with BioChroma alone. Breath can do more than just Awakening, as we've seen it mess with memories. Brandon has implied that it can do more than that, and I believe unkeying Breaths should be possible with the correct Command, or perhaps by wording a regular Command in a specific way.

    First of all, looking at the definitions of "unsealed" and "unkeyed," I think "unsealed" is the better term:

    An unkeyed metalmind is a special kind of metalmind that anyone with the relevant Feruchemical ability can access. Anyone in the Cosmere can use Breaths if they are given, not just those born on Nalthis.

    An unsealed metalmind is a special kind of metalmind that anyone can access. Breaths are sealed, in a way. If you grant all or part of your Breath to an object, only you can draw them back out. Therefore, the Breaths are connected to your Identity. With all this in mind, this seems like the more accurate term.


    But terminology aside, I just realized we've seen something like this in Rhythm of War. Taravodium steals or at least destroys some of Hoid's Breath. Thinking of this reminded me of when we saw Vasher tell a girl the Command to give away part of a Breath. So since we know it is possible, the only question would be how? I think a Command would be the easiest, but I agree with all of your observations.

  6. 2 hours ago, HSuperLee said:

    Breaths are naturally very willing to give up their identity, which is how they are transferred from person to person. Thus, I suspect there probably are ways to phrase commands or to hold intents that would allow the Breaths to be recovered by anyone.

    That would make sense

  7. Could you somehow unkey breaths? So if you put 50 breaths into an object could they somehow become unkeyed so that any person could pick them up?



    I just realized we've seen something like this in Rhythm of War. Taravodium steals or at least destroys some of Hoid's Breath. Thinking of this reminded me of when we saw Vasher tell a girl the Command to give away part of a Breath (Warbreaker). So since we know it is possible, the only question would be how? What could this Command be?

  8. 2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    *blinks* that fool also happens to be a different person than the OG thaidakar. I am Kelsier Von Thaidakar's grandson, I am not bound to Scadrial as my grandfather so foolishly was.

    Well I don't think Mraize knows that. What shall I tell him?

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