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The Subsumer

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Posts posted by The Subsumer

  1. Primary power: Telekinesis. Specifically a wide-range multicontrol telekinesis that allows me to control things with incredible amounts of precision and lift a myriad of things at the same time and move them with incredible control. Of course I could use incredible bursts of strength to throw cars and dissemble buildings, but mostly its lifting lots of smaller things. 

    Secondary powers: extrasensory capabilities, like a general knowledge of everything around me- a kind of "touch" that spreads around me for a radius of about fifteen feet. Also, enhanced cerebral capabilities; nothing wild, just enhanced reactions and multitasking ability.

    Epic Name: checkmate

    Weakness: doubting myself. I keep a group of lesser Epic lackeys around as a kind of "yes-men" to make myself feel good about myself and rule with a totalitarian dictatorship, but if I ever think I'm outmaneuvered, I lose control

    Evil: no killing or anything; that's a waste of human capital. I rule my city with the express purpose of making it better than everyone else's, in my own twisted opinion. My city is the best for everyone to live in quality-of-life wise, but the rules are harsh, severe, and come with near fatal punishments for those that subvert them.

    Costume: brown, dirty trench coat, aviator sunglasses, and floating knives. I always have at least three knives floating around me at a time. I also don't really walk anywhere; I hover.

  2. I agree with this and this is kind of where I was going with it. I really like the use of "context". None of these Shards are entirely good things on their own, they need something to balance themselves out.

    18 minutes ago, Tglassy said:

    Their Vessels decide what their Intent means, and can direct it to a certain extent, but in the end, the power is just the power.  

    That said, I don't know if I completely agree with how far you're talking about the Vessels affecting the Shard's intent; I think its quite the opposite. Knowing that Ati was a kind and good human being, I think he would have tried to view Ruin as entropy, like you're talking about- and indeed he did, at least in his own limited scope, as seen by his assurances to Vin. And we see Rayse, actively trying to deny Odium and embrace "Passion", failing miserably. I think each of the Shard's Intents are a little more ingrained than that, and the longer the Vessels hold the Shard, the more effected they are.


    3 hours ago, alder24 said:

    I wouldn't call Roshar balanced. You know, dozens of Deslations and near human extinctions that happened there aren't really sign of "balanced" system.

    Fair point, but its a little more balanced than a land of unmitigated rules, evolution, or hatred... though not by the largest margin.

  3. In my personal opinion, Preservation gets way too much credit. Everybody treats him as the good to Ruin's evil, the Savior to Ruin's Devil. But that's just straight up not true.

    What people don't really realize is pure Preservation would have sucked just as much. Nothing would ever change ever. Nothing would progress. That's why Preservation need Ruin to help him create- because just straight up creation is against his Intent. 

    So my whole spiel is that Preservation is unnecessarily glorified by the people of Scadrial, who forget that he was against the emancipation of the Skaa, wanted to have the Lord Ruler rule forever, and was totally down with the tyrannical rule of the Final Empire as long as it kept things the same. Even Sazed falls to this.

    I also feel that Preservation- or more accurately Harmony's preservation- isn't really preserving much at this point. Sazed has his policies on interference and he's more Preservation than Ruin, which is throwing him for a loop and he's worried about it... but is he really as unbalanced as we think? Or rather, is he unbalanced the way we think?

    Anyways, this goes along with one of my personal theories: no Shard is good on its own. The Intents of the Shards are just too overbearing without anything to balance it out. The biggest planets (story wise, not in actual size) all have the influence of two Shards. Honor and Cultivation, Ruin and Preservation, Devotion and Dominion- all balancing each other out and allowing for growth. Look at one of the objectively worst (inhabited) planets to live on in the Cosmere, Threnody. What happened there? There were two Shards, then they got Odiumed and boom, scary ghost people. It's not always bad against good; rarely, if ever, is it so. But you need two Shards to have a working system.

    Partnered with any other Shard but Ruin or Odium and Preservation becomes the bad guy, the one that doesn't allow for change, the one that hampers evolution. There was definitely reason for Ruin and Preservation pairing up, and it wasn't just to mitigate Ruin's power.


  4. 17 minutes ago, alder24 said:

    Ruin and Cultivation, they are both about change. Maybe Devotion and Endowment also. Devotion was said to care and provide for people, and Endowment is about gifting.

    But those are Shards with intents which align, but it doesn't mean that Shards with opposite intent would be as unable to act as Harmony.

    It would be hard though. The whole problem Harmony is having is that every time he tries to act his two sides- Ruin and Preservation- both fight against him for any decision he makes. Sazed is a total Preservation type of guy, but if he goes too far into Preservation without helping his Ruin side, he's going to fall apart.

    Back to the original post, I believe- and I've seen a WoB to confirm this, just can't remember where- that Odium and Ruin would be super powerful together. Hatred and Destruction. That seems like a cosmere-level threat

  5. On 12/10/2022 at 7:17 PM, CMac716 said:

    Assuming they figure out surge fabrials soon, we could get anti grav grenades, healing grenades, maybe you could throw people into shadesmar with transportation grenades.

    This is my favorite. 

    Can you imagine the absolute devestation?

    "Alright men, chaaaaa-"

    *Gets zapped to the cognitive realm*

    I mean, obviously the surge of Division would make the most effective grenade but... that's kind of nasty.

    Wait. Abrasion grenade. Throw that in there and get them slippidy sliding all over the place.


  6. Idea for that Skimmer powered generator: a Terris wheel (haha get it, because Terris?). You've got a series of skimmers standing on an upright wheel with platforms that swing so they can always be able to be stood upon. Timing carefully, the Skimmer at the top right position increases his weight as the other two decrease, swinging the wheel clockwise. As he reaches the bottom he starts storing weight and the Skimmer now in his position starts to tap his metalminds. Dizzying and overcomplicated? Yes. Effective? Also yes.

    Also I've mentioned this before but a Lurcher Cannon- a sort of tube with different metal rings in a column that a lurcher can stand in, and by pulling hard on the sides of the cylinder they can launch themselves up, up and away. 

    Eventually when they have computers, they should be able to make a speed bubble around the cpu's for basically instant processing speed. This would have the negative side effect of, you know, causing the Slider to age faster than everyone else... But sacrifices must be made.

  7. On 11/6/2022 at 7:56 PM, Tglassy said:

    I had a theory way back when that all the Shards were grouped into the same basic sets as the metals on Scadrial.  Preservation, associated with the number 16, would want to keep things relatively the same.  

    So you'd have four Physical, four Mental, four Temporal, and four Enhancement.  Now that we know the names of all sixteen, maybe I can make it fit.  

    This is smart. I like this. I disagree with some of your labelling, but as a whole, this is pretty neat. Good job.

  8. EXCUSE ME good people of the Shard but I am outraged. Positively outraged. Disgusted, incredulous, *pulls out pocket thesaurus*, scandalized.

    I love Adolin. Dude is my second favorite character in all of the Stormlight Archive. I think it's great that he's this dude who is just in the thick of things without any real powers except being charming and an absolute geek when it comes to weaponry.

    There's this delicious disconnect between who Adolin is, who he thinks he is, and who he wants to be. This has been a recurrent theme from the beginning. Adolin is this great guy who wants to be better, to be a leader, and a good older brother. And he tries. He's just so earnest. He as no idea how to help Renarin so he just kind of chills there like "I'm here for you, I'll beat up anyone who calls you names". He has no idea how to help Shallan so he just chills there like "I'm here for you... and you... and you." He has no idea how to help Kaladin so he just chills there like "I'm here for you, even if you're not at the moment".

    He's also not a player, just absurdly bad at talking to girls. He's handsome and rich and has no idea what he's doing, which is just hilarious. And he's so innocent and good.

    Personally, I hope Adolin never becomes a Knight Radiant. Give him something, some special Adolin-Maya thingy, but I just love how he's still there even though he's outclassed. And it's always easier to relate to someone who, y'know, doesn't have godlike powers.

    Edit: Also Sadeas was a total waste of a human being and people kind of have bigger problems at the moment then Adolin causally saving the Kholin household.

  9. On 12/30/2022 at 0:41 PM, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

    If a lurcher were on a shield and duralumin pulled straight up would they fly or would the shield just snap their legs as it tries to pancake their lower half and make it to the midsection?   

    Here's the thing about pulling on something below you: you're pulling yourself down. So no, this wouldn't work. But neither would it be pulled up to your chest. Instead, you would just kind of... collapse. 

    That's the one negative to Lurching. Well, I say one. There are a couple. I find it useful to picture Lurching as Spider-Man. Spider-Man shoot webs and pulls on them to swing around the city just like a Lurcher swings around on their allomantic lines. If Spider-Man pulls up on something below is feet with his webs, does he start to hover? No, because that's not how physics works.

    Instead, this would pull him down. Since Lurching and Conshooting (Coinsooting? Coinshooting.) are opposites, this would have the same effect as a Coinshot Pushing on the ceiling above them- and conversely the opposite effect of a Coinshot pushing on something on the ground. 

    Even with the F-Iron proposed, this wouldn't work (though that is clever). Making yourself lighter would simply make it so you're pulled harder towards the thing beneath you. So as fun as it is to picture a Lurcher just terrifying people by hovering around town like a total boss, it's not really feasible.

    This leads to the sad fact that Lurching is less useful then A-Steel *shakes fist angrily at Shards*. But still, I think swinging around the city- especially with steel skyscrapers- and being able to gain speed whilst cornering is definitely cooler than just flying away from everything.

    My own pet theory for Lurcher flight? Iron Cannon. Dude gets in a series of circles all lined up in a nice cylinder, pulls on them gaining speed and more speed until he goes flying out to wherever the thing is pointing. Off topic? Yes. Potentially awesome? Also yes.



  10. 1)      would like to be friends with most

    • Adolin. Dude's just so easy to get along with, an all around great guy, and a master of like every form of combat. I can see myself getting along with him really well.

    2)      feel is most believable in terms of motivation

    • This is tough because there's so much to chose from (the Sandman's too good for his own good, ya know?). But I'd go with Navani, personally. The duality of her genius and self detriment is just so well written and everything she does makes sense.

    3)      enjoy reading about most

    • Dalinar. Easy. Dalinar is my favorite character in all of the Cosmere. This is why Oathbringer is my favorite Stormlight book, which is apparently an unpopular opinion(?). Second favorite: Teft. Or Adolin. 

    4)      find most confusing/intriguing

    • Ati. I mean the "answer" here is Hoid, because the answer is always Hoid. But when the letter mentions that Ati was such a good guy before taking up Ruin, I started thinking. And his behavior was so kind and paternal (besides, y'know, the murdering and Ruining and such) that it just made for great contrast. Besides, could Ruin take on Odium? Probably, right? Dude's just all around cool. And yes, he is only mentioned like twice as himself and not his Shard.

    5)      find makes you laugh the most

    • The Lopen. It's Lopen. No doubt.
    • Wait I remembered Wayne exists it's definitely Wayne
    • But Rock is so good too
    • And Lift is just hilarious

    6)      would like to punch in the face

    • Well Sadeas is dead now isn't he, so no good in punching him in the face. Actually, you know who else is dead that I'd also like to punch? Leras. Yeah, Leras for sure.

    7)      personally relate to most

    • Axies the collector. If I was in these worlds there's no way on earth that I would be in the world-shaking planet-saving category. I'd be having way too much fun trying to find out all the things.

    8)      feel is emotionally most realistic

    • Also tough, but maybe Ham? He always seems realistically skeptical of the whole situation.

    9)      shamelessly crush on the hardest

    • Can't think of one. 

    10)    is most like someone you know IRL

    • Adolin. I know some pretty nice people that also seem to think they're out of their league.
  11. Man I love Teft. I mean all of bridge four have their virtues, and Lopen and Rock easily win the comic relief, but Teft is the perfect sergeant. He's exactly what Kaladin needs. And his struggles with self hate are so poignant and meaningful and *throws Rhythym of War across the room in fit of rage*.

    Stop being so good at making me connect with characters that are going to die, Sanderson!

  12. They had little to no understanding of it. The first one they come across was after the train hijacking, when they stole it from that one Leecher. I believe they found out by accident, when Marasi accidentally made a speed bubble around them with it. I don't think you really need any intent here; all you need to do is burn your metal and then toss it away.  

  13. A Lurcher could potentially charge the grenade and toss it in-between two opponents carrying metal. The cube would be drawn to one of the people, because of the comparative masses, but the subsequent chaos of all the metal nearby being pulled to a single point seems hilarious.

    On 9/30/2022 at 3:04 PM, StormingTexan said:

    I am trying to come up with situations where it would be useful since you cannot really control the pushes. Hoping we get to see it in the next chapters since it was mentioned. 



    The way it's been used so far, I believe, has been just chucking it into a crowd to throw things around. But if you were to throw the grenade and, at the same time, a group of ball bearings, you could use it offensively.


    On 10/2/2022 at 8:15 AM, Requiem17 said:

    I just started my reread of BoM so my facts may be off, but couldn't Wayne charge the box with healing power and thus let anyone in the area of the bomb be healed? I assume that is how that would work, wonder why they haven't prepared a bomb like that instead, that seems really useful in keeping Marasi safe. 

    I believe that it is Allomantic, instead of Feruchemical, so Wayne wouldn't be able to give it his healing ability... that said, it's interesting that the grenades contain an element of Feruchemy (the charging of the grenade, similar to the filling of a metalmind) but for Allomantic purpouses. There very well could be a Feruchemical form of this somewhere- imagine the effect of a sudden burst of healing or speed in a whole group of people. 

  14. Rule 506. Try to disassociate as much as possible, as your fatality chance is directly proportional to how many people know you.

    Rule 507. If, in the process of following rule 53, someone approaches you wishing to be your apprentice, refuse them (see rule 21).

    Rule 508. Try to have as boring a job as possible- be a cobbler or a cooper. 

    Rule 509. If you find yourself unable to follow rule 55, have a traveling job such as a bard or storyteller.

    Rule 510. Give as many potential protagonists quests as possible to ensure that that protagonist will never see you again.

  15. Generally speaking, when you Steelpush or Ironpull, you're push/pulling on the center of mass of the object. My question is if the inverse is true as well- when an Allomancer Steelpushes, does the push come from their center of mass?

    I've looked it up on the coppermind, and it says that the push originates from the user's "Center of Self", which seems to imply that that's the case, but it also says that that has ties to the user's Cognitive and Spiritual aspects, which basically means it could be anywhere. 

    The reason this has been on my mind is the instances of Allomancers pulling coins into their hand from the ground or grabbing a tool from across the room, which would imply some control over where the objects are pulled to. If a coin is below your hand but above your chest when you pull on it, does it go to your hand? Your chest? Do you decide?

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