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Everything posted by Kennards

  1. That's part of why this idea interested me so much,as far as I know there is nothing like it. And I would really love to see something like that get explored in one of the later cosmere books. And in the end if nothing like that happens I will definitely milk that idea to death in every ttrpg I dm lol.
  2. Hi,I'm not exactly a cosmere expert so what I might have overlook an important piece of information but I was thinking about implementing fabrials directly into a human body the other day. Basically my idea was to implement the design of the emotion bracelet unto the back of some guy but using brass as an encasing. So it would let him control his different emotions. But to do that the system would need to connect to his neural system,so I thought that it was impossible. Then I remembered a specific aspect of the emperor's soul, resealing. Resealer's are described as highly knowledgeable of the human body,and we also know that it extend to the brain because they manage to fix the head of a guy who got a shot in the head. So here's my question,could a resealer with the right fabrials create fabrial enhanced humans without having to take oaths? (PS:I'm sorry if some parts aren't clear,while I can read English I still have trouble with actually writing it ^^)
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