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Posts posted by Squirrelwatcher

  1. 5 hours ago, Frustration said:

    Extra abilities: With Division they can shape the ground to some extent, creating barriers, or pits to limit their opponent's mobility.

    Adding onto this point - I think the ability to reshape the battlefield via division is very important against most opponents. With the exception of Skybreakers, Windrunners, the Heavenly Ones, and Coinshots (possibly Lurchers, depending on environment), most enemies are limited to the ground (though Elsecallers, Willshapers, and the Husked Ones also can teleport). Being able to keep enemies away from you whilst picking them off from range (e.g. with a Shardbow) is a fairly strong strategy, and having Abrasion to escape from other enemies who manage to get past the pits/uneven terrain makes it even stronger.

  2. It's certainly possible, though they'd have to undergo significant terraforming in order to get it to be habitable. One thing that does support your theory is that somewhere in Skyward (I don't recall where) Spensa mentions that Detritus is smaller than Earth, which would make sense if it's a moon.

    That said, my pet theory is that something happened in Evershore that involved teleportation on a massive scale that resulted in all of Detritus being relocated near another planet.

  3. 9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    I feel a bit weird about Squirrel's @ing Drought that late in the cycle. I feel like an earlier response might have been better and I'm curious about what exactly set @Squirrelwatcher off about Az.

    I saw that drought had appeared in the 'recently browsing' section and I was hoping to get something more from them (reads, defense, etc) before they got exed.

    I also wanted a relatively close vote so that way we could look for associatives if an elim flipped.

    With regards to Az, I found it odd that they voted TUO for not answering the question about night actions, despite TUO's opening post that cycle very clearly having some sort of night action.


    4 hours ago, Archer said:

    Working assumption: Kas and TUO are village. 

    So far, Mat has been okay killing Tani, Xino, me, and Az. That leaves Squirrel and Elandera as possible teammates, with Squirrel as the probable Sja who missed a conversion while still busy!Mint. Squirrel being willing to kill Tani and Mat not wanting to kill Squirrel feeds into this theory. But the key takeaway is Elandera and Squirrel have to be evil if you suspect Mat, so look there first if you're aiming your coinshot rifle.

    There's another underlying assumption here; that e!Mat doesn't want to bus. I'm not sure about Mat's meta, but I think eliminating all of Tani, Xino, you, and Az is a bit of a stretch. 

    4 hours ago, Archer said:

    If you instead view Mat as village, along with TUO, and Kas, we're looking at Elandera, Xino, Squirrel, Az, because I saw Squirrel asking the thread what Tani was in a not e-e way. That config works because it keeps not e-e TUO and Az apart, but I think Az is village from their interaction. Which drops us to a three person team.

    Fair enough, I suppose. Though I think Tani should still be included in here, just not as an option for a team with me.

    Including Tani would still result in a three person team, assuming Az is still village - Elan, Xino, me/Tani. In which case, I'd feel better exing Xino because they have yet to claim and can still be Sja.

    5 hours ago, Archer said:

    Squirrel tripped my radar with their vote movement based on 'I read the thread and changed my mind' which felt a little easy to me. I think I'm okay with exing them today. Friendly reminder that that vote will count as double, because I have magic powers.

    I'm assuming this was today? I backread myself and the only thing I could find that even remotely matched what you were saying was in regards to Tani. Which is fair, but I was tired and figured sheeping someone early on in the cycle probably wouldn't matter too much. I would much rather see Xino or Elan voted out over myself as they haven't even claimed. 


  4. 4 hours ago, Kasimir said:


    • <Squirrel, Elan, Tani, xino> -> <D-G, envoyspren, smokespren, Sja>
    • <Squirrel, Elan, Tani, xino> -> <D-G, ?, smokespren, Sja>

    It has to be the second one.

    I'm a nightspren - I no actioned c1, targeted araris c2 (saw illwei), and targeted TUO c3 (saw no one)

    4 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    This was my initial thought, but both Moelach claims have denied this. Moreover, near the end of last cycle, Drought came on at your ping and voted for TUO, who had claimed Moelach. He was genuinely surprised and retracted instantly when you warned him TUO was our Moelach claim. This was two minutes before rollover. Would Drought have time to change a death rattle?

    (I guess it's not impossible. But it's odd.)

    Oh hmm

    It could be a nightspren, then since they watch players - in that case, it would be illwei since I don't have a pm

  5. 2 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    Edited to add #3: ...Squirrel. It's with Squirrel isn't it. He who claims to watch. Squirrelwatcher. Drought had a PM with Squirrel.

    This is incorrect - and before you ask, no, this isn't a lg80 gambit

    I'm guessing drought meant a PM with a moelach claim, since they watch a player to see who targeted them

    I like your thought progression though

    Edit: did a bit of rereading and I like the case on Tani. As of right now the biggest concern I have is the lack of resistance on such a push - you'd expect elims to try to keep their partner alive, especially if they're close to majority like we think they are. But that's not really much of a defense in itself and I'd at least like to know Tani's claim.

  6. Me: uh oh if we start low activity crusades then I'm gonna get killed sooner or later

    Also me: hey I'd be fine with killing all these low activity people


    Though in all honesty I'd prefer for chantara to get a chance to get a pinch hitter in - we can kill them later if they show the same level of unengagement as chantara

    Az's vote on TUO doesn't make much sense

    I'm fine with drought but I want another option in addition

  7. 1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

    If you're reading this analysis longpost, I'm sorry for you as it feels like I've gone in circles without too much progress, but I'm going to throw it here in the hopes someone can bounce something off it and give me something to chew on and make more sense with. :P

    Don't worry- if anything it made me feel better now that I know people who have been in the whole game are just as lost as I am. ;)

    1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

    That is a lot of end-cycle activity and volatility, and mostly Village-directed. (Again, I'm just going to assume I'm Village in my analysis because I'm tired and CBA to go figure out the alternatives, someone else can do the 'what if Evil Kas' reasoning.) I feel like it is true that Sja is not in too much danger here. If Sja was, the last flurry of votes should not have come from Villagers, and I at least had no existing PMs with anyone not TJ, who was another Villager.

    I generally agree - I think an elim team would prioritize protecting Sja, since that's their strongest role.

    That said, I think the C1 convert could be in there - obviously Sja wouldn't risk her life to save her convert, but she would at least try to get someone else out.

    If we assume the convert is under threat, Sja would probably be one of the more opportunistic votes from people who themselves weren't under threat.

    If we assume the convert and Sja weren't in trouble, then the end of cycle voters were probably vil because elims wouldn't care about which one got voted out.

  8. 1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

    Well, reading C1 could help get an idea of who Sja might think would be a good convert.

    Well yes

    But ere's the thing - I'm terrible at conversion games (well, technically I've never played any, but being honest I'm pretty sure inexperience is equivalent being terrible)

    Add that to the fact that I haven't even been around for most of the game means that I'm going to be pretty bad at conversion theorizing, since it's rough noticing inconsistencies in play if you havent been around them pre conversion 

    But Im better at looking for pairings in a more conventional SE game with a fixed team of elims. So I'll do what I'm more experienced at (looking for e-e pairings), while you guys can look for inconsistencies and the like


    Basically I'm bad at conversion games and want to make up for it somehow

  9. 1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

    I legit just thought you felt she was a convert rather than Sja.


    See that would have made sense if the posts I was looking at weren't from c1 lol


    Wait I just realized something

    I can skip reading C1 and just read C2+ and look for associatives



    8 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    This seems to boil down to: cannot afford mislynch, and also, if we think Araris is still Village, Re-Shepir should duplicate his scan. Figuring out if Araris is Village matters in that we don't want to duplicate a kill instead. If uncertain, Re-Shepir should hold fire. 


    It may be beneficial for araris to claim the scan publicly so R-S doesn't duplicate the scan on the same player, but that could run into issues if there's rebel roleblockers.

    Ideally the Black Fisher can set up PMs for araris and R-S so they can coordinate privately, but that requires more role coordination than I think is feasible.

  11. Rastan looked at Stuart and the other skaa. What remained of them, anyways. The ministry agents hadn't wiped them out entirely, but there were far fewer people standing here than before.

    "It's a long story, but I'll do my best to explain." He took a deep breath. "It all began three and a half days ago..."


    Three and a half days ago. [night 2]

    "...if any of you are a Tineye, I want to talk to you. I have an idea." Eron said, shortly before dawn

    Rastan's eyes narrowed. This smelled of a trap. Tineyes, if the tenements had any, were one of the most important Mistings out there.

    And if it was a trap, who would be better to investigate than a Thug?

    He wrote a message to Eron.


    What did you have in mind?


    Tineye claim explanation: 


    As you now know, I've been lying this entire time - I'm not a tineye; I was actually a thug the whole game. When I contacted Archer on behalf of an alignment scanner, I was making that up because I wanted to know what he was up to and I figured that if he was elim fishing for tineyes I could tank the kill.

    Archer eventually 'figured out' that I was the alignment scanner (I didn't want to make up a fakecheck on esooa because that's a risk that I'm not willing to take, and he realized that nobody in thread came out with a redcheck on esooa, the supposed scan target). I decided to go along with it because backing out then would have made the situation even more confusing and half the people I was explaining the roleblock situation to didn't even understand it anyways.

    Even after the esooa/archer situation ended, I still decided to keep pretending to be an alignment scanner because I could potentially attract nightkills and it would allow me to be confirmed enough that I could focus on solving the game instead of defending myself. Also, Archer had told Mat my claim, which would have made it even more awkward to back out, since Mat didn't even have the full context of the Archer-me PMs.

    I didn't want to make up any fakechecks, though, which is why I claimed (to Mat) that I missed on Illwei. Unfortunately, Chantara roleblocked Illwei in Urbain, which is the location I pretended to check Illwei in. Which should have blown my cover, but thankfully nobody noticed that. The roleblock stuff was true, though - I legitimately thought there was an elim in Archer-Esooa. Towards the end, I also wanted to make sure Condensation didn't get away free by being a tineye claim (I figured there was a decent chance Araris had an elim tineye, because that's what I would do if I were a GM for this setup).

    Hopefully this clears stuff up - sorry for lying to pretty much everybody, but I thought it would actually help town in this case.

    Well played all! This was a fun first game :)

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