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Posts posted by Tien

  1. Ok so when i read TWOK i just assumed that the Radiants just had some knowledge unknown to Szeth or Kaladin of how to use storm light, this is how they could "Fly". However thinking about it, could it just be reducing the earths' pull on you to negative, (so it pushes you away) then lashing yourself to a distant object? so instead of "flying" it is more like falling... with style...


  2. I think you might also be underestimating the mathematics involved in actually launching yourself from one planet and hitting another. As Adams puts it, "space is big".

    In order for us to actually send something off to Mars, for instance, we've got to launch during just the right windows of opportunity and follow a mass of complex calculations involving our orbit, our velocity, the orbit and velocity of the target planet, and the effect all of that has on the trajectory of the launched object.

    I don't buy steering through mass effects. You'd need to adjust your mass HUGELY to be affected over interplanetary distances (much less interstellar), and even my grade-school physics remembers that you're equally going to affect anything that affects you. Increase your mass sufficiently to be pulled into planetary orbit, and you're pulling on the planet with your own mass.

    Plus... that's a lot of mass. Where is it coming from? How long does it take a human storing all their mass to equal enough mass when tapped to affect gravity over a bajillion miles of space?

    Re: Gold and it's ability to keep you from dying; just because you survive the damage through gold feruchemy doesn't mean that it isn't incredibly painful. In fact, Wayne illustrates that it very much is. Imagine experiencing the effects of deadly temperatures and pressures over and over again, constantly, for however long it takes to get there. And it would take a LONG time to get ANYWHERE.

    I'm quite sure that there is a way to work out interstellar travel using the combined powers of Scadrial, but I don't think it's as easy as flinging yourself into space.

    Pfff... kill joy, you do realize that we are talking about a fictional universe and magical powers that are at the mercy of Brandon's imagination, right?

    screw physics and reality, we have magic!

  3. Right, but I'm saying, when the amount of brass you need to survive the trip exceeds your entire weight, this may not be the most efficient means of space travel.

    .. but still, freak'n space travel. :D)

    Speaking of space if you greatly increased your mass, you would suddenly have a gravitational pull, right?

    so if - hypothetically- some crazy situation requires an allomancer feruchemest to release extraordinary abounts of compounded mass, would the whole universe, or at least a few planets, be wrenched off of theier orbital patterns and begin orbiting around the allomancer? or would the universe simply explode?

    so many questions, not enough mistborn books...

    this is where i get all of my information about gravity: :ph34r:

  4. Of course there are other problems - assuming distances between star systems are similar to our galaxy's you are talking at minimum a 20-30 year trip -probably longer. Compounding nutrition and breath would work to keep you alive but most people would have serious mental issues after 20 years of isolation. This is why some method of FTL is usually considered necessarily for anything other than colony ships.

    Edit: The method would work for intra-system exploration though.

    yeah you would most likely go crazy from being isolated for that long...

    ... unless you knew exactly who you were...

    ... storing identity?

  5. I had an idea that you could use Feruchemy to manipulate your mass until certain planets had different gravitational pulls on you. this could be a possible way for a traveler to 'steer' through space even though it would be slightly in accurate. kind of like how Lurchers control their 'flight'.

    also, assuming investiture means other magical powers, you could compound steel to get enough power until just pushing on the earth would be enough to launch yourself out of the atmosphere. the speed should be enough to get into space then that speed should be maintained due to zero gravity. It might not take 300 years to travel to another planet, assuming the Allomancer could gain enough speed by pushing off of planets. they would be super old by the time they arrived...

    but compounding age...

    does anyone have any thought on using cadmium or bendalloy in space? i haven't thought this through entirely yet.

  6. Honestly? how have we not seen this before!? a full feruchemest and mistborn (hemalurgy or natural) could totally travel through space.

    Back story: I was sitting in my AP Psychology class and we were talking about memory. I started to daydream about being a feruchemest who could simply store memories. this led to me fantasizing about real world applications for feruchemests and mistborn. then i mentally played out a story in which i, a full mistborn/ feruchemest, travels the world being epic, then traveling to other worlds and.... then my mind exploded and i was forced to wait a nearly unendurable 8 1/2 minuets till the next bell rang so i could share my insights with Finallity.

    so here it is: why cant we survive in space? there is no air and it is freezing (or roasting). however, if we didn't need to breathe and we could magically maintain body heat... however, through the power of compounding Feruchemical powers, we could totes travel through space!


    so basically after launching ourselves out of the atmosphere, by pushing on the metals in the earth, one could fly through the cosmos traveling to other worlds at ridiculous speeds while staying warm and not needing to breathe. EDIT: also one could use the Feruchemical power of storing nutrition to stay... nutrient-full...uh... not hungry.

    this also caused me to wonder if marsh has already traveled to other worlds...

  7. As with many of Brandon's magic systems, Awakening is most likely more like a reflex than anything else, so when arrows are flying toward the enhightened individual, they most likely aren't thinking about what language they should awaken in, in fact they may not even know what language they are speaking. after the action someone might point out to the awakened that they were speaking the Warbreaker equivalent of Spanish with out even knowing it.

    So basically, the language that you are most familiar with is the one used to awaken.


  8. I have a feeling that if Hoid were to be in Alloy of Law, I don't think he would be mentioned by name. We're on to him, so he'll probably be extra sneaky.

    I am rather sad about there not being epigraphs. I really enjoyed them because we got to see a good chunk of Scadrial's history. I hope we get some good info on the intervening 300 years.

    Ahum:"The bride and groom arrived, and people rose to clap. Lord Joshin and Lady Mi’chelle; Waxillium didn’t know them, though he did wonder why they were speaking with a scruffy man who looked like a beggar, dressed all in black."

    this cetainly sounds like hoid.

  9. After reading Warbreaker and discussing it with my friend, i decided that language seemed to be more important than Brandon makes it. or rather, Brandon purposely withholds emphasis on the importance of language. one time when language is mentioned is when Vasher is indirectly explaining how to awaken things, and explains how the Commands must be in the Awakeners' native tongue. I feel like this may be more important that most readers assume.

    Another interesting thing about language is the briefly mentioned "Hallandren artisan’s script", the language written in colors. I think that this is a brilliant application of the powers of Heightenings. however i noticed there is another way to create a language that can only be learned after an individual reaches a certain Heightening: a Musical language.

    I am sure that Brandon has already thought of this (since he is awesome that way) but i decided to see if i could come up with a language like this of my own. Effectively i assigned the most common letters of the English alphabet to the easiest to hit notes on a piano and moved out from there so that the least used letters would be the hardest to hit notes. basically each sound or note has a specific letter. so a song could have a poem or a message hidden inside the notes, and only individuals who have reached the second heightening or above could understand what was being said.

    Another aspect of the perfect pitch recognition that i feel may have been unintentionally overlooked is its possible use in interrogating. For instance if someone with perfect pitch was interrogating someone and the individual being interrogated lied, the interrogator would be able to detect tiny fluctuations in the speech that may signal the telling of a lie. (also all credit of this theory goes to Finallity)

    I feel like Brandon will one day announce that he has secretly finished a Warbreaker sequel and some of these ideas will be in there, but until that happens i will continue to wonder and theorize.

  10. I'll be there probably around six or so, day of. Also, I'm bringing some non 17S friends to aid me in my quest to dominate Chaos' trivia. I really hope someone brings the RPG, I've been wanting to get a look at that for sometime now.

    we can buy the rpg there correct? if not, i may just need to make up my own to pass the time...

    but really, the rpg is scheduled to come out the same night as Aol, so i was planning on buying it then.

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