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Ander Stormwindrunner

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Posts posted by Ander Stormwindrunner

  1. Yo, I just saw a link to this in the RoW memes channel (idk how to attach a link to that). I will gladly join the hazekillers in defeating the vile Mistborn. I've got a wooden shield for blocking coins and a pole with a rock on the end. Why a pole with a rock on the end? I shall break the kneecaps of any Allomancer who dares use their power for evil. I will gladly wear the aluminum foil hat of the hazekillers and bring justice to our enemies!

  2. Just now, Shard of Reading said:

    It's from Taln's rant.

    "I am Taln'enel (Whatever I spelled it wrong) Herald of war, the time of the desolation is near at hand, yada yada, you will have forgotten much, yada yada, Ishar will teach you something, Other heralds will teach you stuff, Kalak will teach you bronze... yada yada, repeat"

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes, because Kalak/Kelek is associated with metals and crafting. I forgot that line. Thank you for reminding me.

  3. I have realized the error of my ways and been converted to Austrism. I am now an Idrian Monk in service to Austre, God of Colors. However, you Diagram-serving Silent Gatherers are still unholy heretics, but instead of setting Inquisitors on you I will go off into the mountains and hide.

  4. 4 hours ago, Bejardin1250 said:

    Why would a Silent Gatherer help the LR? 

    I want a Utopia, a perfect society, free from its chains...

    What chains you ask?

    The chains of freedom


    Do I detect...HERESY!!!!!!!!????

    Prepare to be hung by a hook through your neck. 

  5. On 3/26/2019 at 9:04 PM, RoadWalker said:

    *Riiiiiiiide intooooooooooo the danger zone*



    Yo, that's a Destiny ship. Other than that and the obvious references to How to Train Your Dragon and Skyward, I don't get this.

    I am also well aware that this post is two years old, but I just finished Skyward and I don't care.

  6. On 1/23/2021 at 10:29 AM, yulyulk said:

    He literally tells Venli how to kill Gavilar. And I think this takes place after Nale & Kalak meet with the king, too. RoW ch. 77:

    I'm unsure what exactly turned Nale against Gavilar, because Venli was just stabbing in the dark when she said that voidspren returned to Roshar because of Nale's failure. Nale says (again ch 77):

    In Navani's prologue, she overhears Gavilar and the two Heralds discuss transporting items (Voidlight spheres?) back and forth from Braize. Does Nale perhaps assume Gavilar was transporting voidspren as well?

    Nale likely tried to kill Gavilar upon realizing that he was trying to bring back the Desolations, or at least because of the Voidspren thing. Given that we know Nale tried to kill all potential Radiants because he thought they would return the Desolations, what would he do if he encountered someone actually attempting to do so. Of course, we don't know for certain if Nale knew what Dalinar was doing, but it seems likely, at least to me.

  7. On 5/13/2021 at 1:12 PM, Bluth said:

    I have not quite finished the book, but just finished this chapter. I was so scared to come to this part of the forum, but I have to say.


    Wow, just a beautifully written and chill bump- inducing story.  It might be my favorite chapter in the entire series so far, and that is saying a lot. I will not check back here until I finish, but had to post this now,. 

    Oh yes, I loved that chapter, especially with Design. In fact, I loved it so much that I read the best parts to my mom and brother. My brother got close to injuring me as he was waiting for me to finish RoW so he could read it too, so my mom suggested that I find a forum to discuss the series with people who have read it. So you could say that this chapter is the reason why I have a 17th Shard account.

    Also, that chapter has the best lines. 

    "I get annoyed easily. It's endearing!"

    "You can't understand any of this, because you live on a ball of rock covered in slime where it's wet and cold all the time."

    That's all I got off the top of my head but still...

  8. Now for some non-Stormlight ones!

    Spensa (for those who know Fire Emblem Awakening): if Owain and Cynthia had a child.

    Spensa (for those who do not): overzealous teen who bullies her friend into becoming a pilot and her flightleader into having a stupid name.

    M-Bot: Pattern, but a robot. You know it's true.

    Vin: Shallan's Veil personality as a real person, but with Allomancy.

    Doomslug the Destroyer: shouldn't this name be self-evident? Sadly not...

    Vivenna: "Oh no I must protect Siri"

    Siri: "Wow, Hallandren is amazing!"

    EDIT: M-Bot is Pattern, but a robot that is obsessed with mushrooms. That is an important detail that I left out.

  9. Yes, like that part where Hoid manifests his spren as a hemalurgic spike. I wasn't aware you could do hemalurgy outside of Scadrial. Hopefully he'll do something cool with the warform armor he spiked from that singer.

  10. On 5/13/2021 at 6:23 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    I did it and it made zero sense until I read mistborn, now it makes perfect sense though, also remember when Rayse turned out to kill Taravangian, and how Rayse ascended to the shard of harmony and Dalinar became Honor?

    Oh yes, I forgot that. Thank you for reminding me. I'm glad that we get all of these Mistborn crossovers, though they can be pretty confusing if you only know Stormlight.

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