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Posts posted by TheKingofCrimsonesia

  1. Apologies for the necro - this thread was just so interesting I had to make a font for this script: WarbreakerFont.otf

    I had a great time working through the IPA categorizations to take my best guess at the missing letters! Here's the theory table I made:


    What I see is that within each column, there are often two closely related pairs of sounds. 

    G/Q seemed to fit well in the H/K column, since all those sounds are from the back of the throat.

    Either F or P seemed like it would fit equally well in the B/V/M column - I ended up putting P with O/U since those both involve similar lip shapes.

    If X exists anywhere, maybe it's in the C column?

    Z seemed like a great fit in the S/N column, rounded out with J.

    Single letters for SH, CH, and TH appear in other Cosmere scripts, and none of those letter combinations exist in the available text, so who knows if they exist in this alphabet? If they do, the D/T column is a natural fit for TH (both voiced and unvoiced), while SH and CH could conceivably round out the C/X column.

    I really have no idea what might fit in the A/Y and O/U/W categories - I'm likely waaay off! But I had fun :)

    If you want some more details about the font, I posted some in my gallery here.

  2. Thanks!

    Fave Cosmere book? Either Elantris or Mistborn: The Final Empire, I think.

    My favorite character is, without contest, Navani (I'm an engineer lol, we have a lot in common).

    I'd probably pin my favorite non-cosmere book as Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, though I have been eagerly devouring Terry Pratchett's Discworld books recently. I love sci-fi in general!

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