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Status Updates posted by yahas

  1. Am I the only one who misspells Alloy of Law as Allow of Law almost every time?

  2. I'm bored.Anyone have a partial differential equation I could try solving? Doing PDEs my new pet project. #INeedALife

  3. Today, I got so bored that I played solitaire. With an actual pack of playing cards, not on the computer. #NewExperiences

    1. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      I used to play all the time, I had a pack sitting on my desk that I shuffled just cause I'm a boring person :D

  4. Today, I used the word "Irony" in the right context. #ThingsPeopleDontNormallyDo

  5. Today, I tried to used the Chinese Remainder Theorem in a serious proof. I failed, but it's the thought that counts. #NewExperiences

    1. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      a serious proof of what?

    2. yahas


      Ever heard of the Canada/USA Mathcamp? I tried using it in one of the questions in their qualifying quiz.

    3. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      ...I was asking for specifics >.>

  6. Only a man like Richard Feynman can construct an analogy between the laws of Physics and the rules of Chess, and actually make it work.

  7. You know the problem with life? It is way too short for someone to study everything they want to.

    1. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      and full of crap that's boring and repetitive that could easily by done by robots, say

  8. There are some really RANDOM people in my "Similar to you" list.

  9. I have a baaaaad feeling about this. #DisturbanceInTheForce

  10. The group of moebius functions under composition is isomorphic to the group of non-singular 2x2 matrices under multiplication. #HowCool

    1. Chaos


      I think it's sweet!

    2. Joe ST

      Joe ST

      Maths wins again :D

  11. Today, I made a reference to a movie I've never watched. #Casablanca #TvTropes

  12. Capitals in twitter hashtags are the difference between #PenIsland and #PenisLand .

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