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Posts posted by CatgirlTheCrazy

  1. I agree. The official Knight Radiant quiz specifically says that the Skybreakers weren't always so rigid as they are currently, and I've often thought that Wax is probably our best model for what they used to be like. Sam Vimes, from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, is another example of what I think Skybreakers can be a their best.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    Nightblood was made on Nalthis but it has Ruin's investiture in it.

    I'm not saying he couldn't have done it, I'm saying that it seems difficult enough for Odium to do that I don't think he would have done it just for sh*ts and giggles. I'm curious to what his reasons might have been.

  3. 5 minutes ago, LewsTherinTelescope said:

    Worth noting that depending on how the BAM plot goes, deadeyes might not be a thing after Book 5.

    I'm not convinced Hoid could have known that when he bonded Design, but since we basically otherwise agree, that's a nitpicky point.

    Circling back to Ulim-as-part-Ruinspren, one interesting question is why would Ulim have been made that way? Sure, Odium likes corrupting others investiture, but Ruin's investiture is not exactly abundant in the Rosharan system, so I would assume that he would have had to go out of his way to get enough of it to make a voidspren. Did Odium do it because a spren with Connection to an outside Shard would have an easier time circumventing the Oathpact? Except Nale recognized Ulim, so we know he dates back to before Aharietiam. It seems unlikely that Odium would have known back then that he'd one day need a spren like that- I don't think he foresaw that Taln would be able to keep his Fused and voidspren trapped on Braize for 4000 years all by himself. So why?

  4. We see Hoid on Scadrial multiple times during Mistborn Era 2, which takes place not too long after Stormlight 5, so we know Hoid will find a way around the region locking in the near future. I also don't think he would have agreed to bond Design unless he already had a plan to get around the region locking. I think it's unlikely that his plan is to break the bond when he needs to leave. He's not the sort of person who would hurt a spren like that lightly, and having access to Radiant powers for at most a few years doesn't seem useful enough to justify deadeying a spren.







  5. My favorite Adolin moment is when he's first thrust into Shadesmar and is quietly thinking "oh rust oh crap oh rust oh crap i am useless none of my normal skills apply here." And then immediately starts supporting Kaladin through his mental breakdown.

    It's actually a little sad, because I don't think he recognizes how valuable his ability to help and support others is. He spends so much time in Rhythm of War thinking how he's just a useless lighteyes, good for nothing but duels and fancy parties. I think Alethi values make it hard for him to appreciate the worth of his non-combat related talents.

  6. 21 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

    Can I point out that this, along with fain branch Mraize has, heavily indicates that Kelsier somehow managed to figure out where Yolen is in 300 odd years, while the various Cosmere scholars couldn’t despite searching for much longer? While stuck on Scadrial?!

    I don’t know if I’m more impressed or terrified.

    I don't think we can assume that. It's just as plausible that that fain branch was taken off Yolen before it got cut off, and the Ghostbloods acquired it later from an artifact dealer or something. Remember the spren in Shadesmar selling art from the Court of Gods?

  7. I think the only way Dalinar loses his bond to the Stormfather is if he deliberately breaks it to keep Taravodium from being able to use it when Dalinar loses the contest of champions. But if I were Taravodium the first thing I'd do on getting Dalinar as a servant is order him not to do that, so it seems unlikely Dalinar will get the chance. In fact, now that Ishar has shown us how bat-rust terrifying an unrestrained Bondsmith can be, the odds that the Stormfather will be stuck with fused!Dalinar are really high.

    But more to the point, what you describe feels wrong for Kaladin's character arc. Book 5 is likely to be the last book with him as a main character, and therefore will wrap up his arc. Kaladin's story up to this point has been about grappling with the many difficulties of protecting people. Abruptly shifting his struggle to uniting people at the eleventh hour would be a jarring change.



  8. I think I like the idea of Jasnah and Wit on paper, but the execution left something to be desired. I've always had a weakness for doomed love stories, and I think this one is super doomed. Wit flat out told us he'd let Roshar burn to get want he needs if he has to, and there's no way Jasnah would let that stand. Two lovers, driven apart by their commitment to incompatible goals and principles? That's my jam. Plus they've got the whole "you are the only one who can keep up with me, therefore I respect you above others" thing going on, which I like.

    At the same time, Chapter 99 never made me feel like they were actually in love. Good friends and intellectual partners, yes, but not in love. Some of that is because romance is not Brandon's strongest suit. He's also writing his first overtly asexual romance, which just adds a layer of complication.

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