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Everything posted by Talitha5

  1. Agree with so many things stated here! Kaladin. He is and has always been my favorite character, and to see him fighting through all his pain and bearing such burdens while continuing to persevere for those relying on him, and putting on the mantle of Stormblessed even though he was breaking inside...I was so worried for him this book. I didn’t know what was going to happen, and then with Teft... That hit me hard. And realizing Teft has been there since the very beginning of WoK and has always been there for Kaladin...AhHhH. But then the ending—I was reading late at night and ended up staying up until almost 3 am cause I had to know what happened! Dalinar stopping a storm to give his highmarshal more time—Syl unable to remember the words—Tien, the one who’d always been Kaladin’s light —the Words. Finally Kaladin being able to say them, after struggling with this for his entire arc thus far—and saving his father (who was wearing the painted brands!), and Kal’s scars FINALLY healing (talk about symbolism!), and the shard plate forming (and of course he finds a way to use it to protect other people)....too much haha! I think this book really marks a turning point for Kaladin. He won’t ever fully be rid of his burdens, but he has finally accepted that he doesn’t always have to be strong. I think he has taken one of his first true steps toward healing. I thought it was subtly significant that Kaladin admits to Dalinar that he wouldn’t be able to fight Odium in 10 days. Instead of gritting his teeth, pushing through, and ignoring his own needs, Kaladin actually realizes that he needs to take care of himself and he can’t be everything for everyone. Wow—that was a rant! There was so much else I loved about this book, but you guys have named it already. Maya’s “WE CHOSE,” the Testament revelation, Raboniel, all the science with Navani, Eshonai’s ride with the Stormfather, Zahel using Awakening to spar with Kaladin, all the Cosmere references....now I just can’t wait for Book 5!! Why is it that I can’t help speeding through each book, when there’s such a long wait between them?
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