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Mystic Syn

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Posts posted by Mystic Syn

  1. Nobody’s up on the Shard, except for me and like,, 5-6 other people lolll. Anyways, “When Marnie Was There” is really heccn’ good.


    Concept art for a character a friend and I came up with


    I honestly can’t remember her name for the life of me right now (might be bc it’s 2am for me rn)



    An obligatory “Avatar: The Last Airbender” tribute


    Was trying out a new style, and I like it :))



    An obligatory “Twisted Wonderland” tribute


    Yeah, I have problems the guy on the bottom right looks funky tho, so ignore him



    Some random doodles because I felt like it


    Top Left: Dazai Osamu from “Bungou Stray Dogs”; Top Right: Random doodle; Bottom Left: Also random doodle; Bottom Right: Atsushi Nakajima from “Bungou Stray Dogs”



    A lil doodle when I was waiting for my mother to be done with a doctor’s appointment


    He gives me “all-14-year-old-girls-have-a-crush-on-him” vibe



    Plague doctor/crow thing??


    I dunno, bro. I was tired one night, and wanted to draw



    Anatomy practice


    Not my best, but eh; at least I got practice in



    Clark Kent from “My Adventures with Superman”


    Anime himbo Clark has grown on me so much. I usually don’t like Superman, but this one is a likable character and has been having a relatively good character arc?? Madness


    Note: This was when I had gotten new pens (Sakura pens, if you’re wondering), but I didn’t realize that they were brown till I opened them and tested them, so now I have those lollll


    Lois Lane from “My Adventures with Superman”


    Heh. This version of Lois looks like Luz from “The Owl House”



    Me as a Water type Pokémon Gym Leader


    Took a quiz and it said water type, which tracks since I always choose water and am more inclined to liking water type Pokémon. I decided that my Gym would be in an underwater café cos I am a sucker for cafés


    This was when I got the black Sakura markers lollll


    Lil doodle of Miguel O’Hara from “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse”


    Nothing too special :3



    Some anime boi


    He do be a lad



    My OC: Adrastos from a lone dead rp from eons ago on this website


    .. yeah, it turned out to be studying on perspectives and anatomy



    Spider-Man India from “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse”


    I literally love him sm. He’s so precious



    I think this is Miguel O’Hara???


    I didn’t know what I was going for, but I guess it was Miguel vibes?????



    Silver from “Twisted Wonderland”


    Such a soft and precious boi



    Jade Leech from “Twisted Wonderland”


    *sigh* I do have an obsession with drawing him, huh? This is Qrow Branwen all over again



    And some character creation from the other night


    I dunno his name or really his personality, but I love him




    This will most definitely be the last time I post my art before my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I literally get set apart and become a full-time proselytizing missionary tomorrow (or, if you’re one of those people, later today), and then start my home missionary training this upcoming Monday. Can’t say that I will miss this website, but I will miss the community and creativity.

    Know that I won’t be gone forever maybe, and that no matter what happens – whether or not I will come back in the next 18 months – never stop being creative. Don’t let my departure taint the creativity not that it has in the first place. Keep creating new things and share them here; I have learned that people love to see creativity, no matter if you think that the stuff you create is “bad.”

    God be with all of you till we meet again <3

  2. Only like,, most of the month has passed. Just been busy preparing for the mission and all that.

    I watched the new Spiderverse movie (because one of my best friends forced me to see it lolll), and it’s SO HECKN’ GOOD. Go watch it if you can :))


    There are some that are from last month that I completely forgot to post at least, I’m pretty sure about that

    This one was sketched before I got my hair cut


    So imagine me, but with long hair when I sketched this



    Dazai Osamu from “Bungou Stray Dogs”


    I drew this while listening/watching the President Oaks’ devotional lolll



    Heh, emotional damage


    This one was also done during the President Oaks’ devotional



    Gau Jiemba from a world that me and a friend are creating


    Naw, won’t make an rp on it lolll



    Lil sketchy of Gau


    I did this one during church lollll, I was listening I swear



    Isra Tarek, also from that world me and a friend are creating


    Coulda done better, I feel, but what’s done is done and I’ll improve as time goes on



    Ace Trappola from “Twisted Wonderland”


    Yep, still love drawing side-profiles. I dunno why people give it a bad rep; it’s literally so much fun



    Wuxian from “The Legend of Xiaohei”


    Didn’t really do Xiaohei (the little kitty thing) all that great, but I like the hair lolll



    Fengxi from “The Legend of Xiaohei”


    I love myself some side-profiles lolll



    Some anatomy practice


    Pretty sure I referenced Wuxian for this one also, male bodies from the side-profile are a  p a i n  to do



    I dunno, some prince dude


    I’m beginning to think that I like long hair on guys,,



    Luozhu from “The Legend of Xiaohei”


    If you’re just now wondering, yes I liked the movie, and yes I had a teeny-tiny hyperfixation on it for a bit



    Heh, b l u e


    I dunno why I put a lot of blue on him, and I would’ve liked if his hair was a bit darker of a blue, but oh well lolll



    One of my brother’s D&D characters: Xiaoli


    He do be a cleric and do be a bit sassy



    Rando doodles I did


    I was running out of steam by the bottom right, so ignore that



    Lil sketchy with the help from a pen


    Just feel free to ignore how lazy I was with the hand lollll



    And another lil sketchy I had help from a pen


    I think I referenced a character from “Yuri on Ice,” but I could be wrong. I dunno, I don’t watch the anime




  3. Pro tip for anyone who’s preparing to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints right now: Watch the SafetyZone videos BEFORE you go out on your mission while you’re able to do things, such as play video games.


    Charlie from “Tress of the Emerald Sea,” but attempted in a Ghibli style


    This is better than my attempt at Tress, which y’all won’t see since it still needs some work lolll



    Some anatomy study


    Trying some perspectives



    Late night doodles


    It was like, 1am so I was just doodling anything and everything that came to mind



    A sketchy when I was watching those SafetyZone videos for mission preparation


    Some floofy hair



    Haruh Arcangelo (mah gorl)


    If only that rp didn’t die.. would have loved to see how she would’ve developed there.



    And last sketchy I did


    Might do more with this character. Like how he’s turning out




  4. Haha, headache and mission papers go brrrrr


    Not many this time around


    Ulaam from “Tress of the Emerald Sea”


    Yes, I imagined him as an anime man. Don’t see why any of you should be surprised by this



    Mountains done with watercolor :))


    Had a Family Home Evening activity in my YSA Ward where we did watercoloring, which was fun :)) We were supposed to draw/paint mountains, but I didn’t want to draw/paint mountains–– *cough* I mean, these are my mountains


    It was my first time dabbling with watercolor, so please  f o r g i v e


    PocketZuko :DD


    My friend and I played Mad Libs over the phone last night and naturally got PocketZuko, and then I drew it on that same call; that’s all the context you need




  5. I got “Baby” by Justin Bieber stuck in my head and I have no clue how to get it out.


    Sokka (that’s with an “-okka,” and he will rock ya) from Avatar: The Last Airbender


    At least, a half-hearted attempt at him



    Yulong Qianshe (or Q) from.. my stoofs


    She in a dress for.. reasons that’s totally not because I had/have been writing her going to a ball/party or something stupid like that pffffffffff



    Kalter Junge also from my stoofs


    Still working on his character and whatnot, but I still love my boi. And yes, his hair was inspired by Sokka



    And just some random doodles I made


    Don’t ask who any of them are, cos I don’t know either




  6. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    The angry nameless dude looks like Rengoku's dad

    Since I have no idea who that is and also no idea who I referenced, might as well be.


    33 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    a number of them are very partial to murder

    Only a few of them are partial to murder, pffft.

    33 minutes ago, Edema Ruh said:

    Just kidding now I want to meet them more because I'm curious.

    Although, if you’re referring to the drawing of the six peeps I drew, I’ll give you the skinny on how meeting them would be like:

    Yulong: Would not murder on the spot most likely. Will only take you a few.. years or so to break down her walls to actually see that she’s a nice person, although very very traumatized

    Sage: Very nice; very wholesome dude. If you like wholesome people, you and him will be besties

    Kasha: mmMmMmmMMmMMm, might murder because she feels like it

    Ji: Also might murder, depending on if you side with the government

    Haruh: Can and will murder, but probably won’t unless told to

    And Khusa: Also can and will murder, but he would emotionally damage and manipulate you first

  7. I accidentally leave for like,, a month or two and people are freaking out now that I decided to be a bit more active lolll. Love you guys <3




    I had been listening to a song this one if you’re wondering https://youtu.be/BBPsnjyZAuU, and I wanted to try out a slightly different art style



    And individually, of course:

    Yulong Qianshe


    Finally got her colors down to where I am happy with them lollll



    Sage Wang


    I don’t think I’ve really written about him much where y’all have formally met him,,



    Kasha Nallei


    Yeah, I just like her lolll. Hopefully that rp doesn’t completely die out



    Ji Naito


    It’s your Zvso sexyman himself



    Haruh Arcangelo


    I literally forgot how excited I was to explore her character and what arc she would go through, but  n o p e  the rp had to die and now I’m left with her to make her character and her arc all on my own



    And Khusa Asou


    I love him and I remember loving to write him. If only that rp didn’t die,,






    This is a dude with hair


    I know that I drew him, but I wanna know what kind of conditioner he uses cos it looks floofy and soft for literally no reason



    And this one I did yesterday


    There’s a story behind this one lollll

    I had a dream a couple nights ago where I was in the POV of a person playing a princess in a tabletop RPG (like D&D or something, idk); so it was like I was a completely different person, but I still could be me and make my own decisions.

    Anyways, this princess had been betrothed to this prince of a neighboring kingdom or something, so I went over to that kingdom to meet the princess’s (or, my) husband-to-be. He was a nice dude and I’d say we got along pretty well, but here comes the Hallmark movie twist: There’s this other guy of the royal court who just walks up to me and strikes up conversation, and we just instantly hit it off and become best friends. And before anyone says that’s dream logic and will never happen, I have meet people where we just instantly hit it off and now we’re best friends, so lolll.

    But yeah. I think my POV went from the princess to the RPG table where the players (whom none of which I have ever seen before in my life) were just vibing and laughing. The players were all shipping the princess and the guy of the court, which is to be expected cos yeah loll. My POV goes back to the princess, and me and the court guy just keep vibing and hanging out as best friends but we know what’s up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Pretty sure me and court guy danced a bit, and just mainly hung out. Also pretty sure that the prince just called the betrothal off, completely fine with whatever me and court guy were doing. Literally, the court guy was just my best friend and that was okay; if I hadn’t woken up tho, probably would’ve gone the normal Hallmark movie route and just got married, but ya know lolll


    Honestly, I don’t know lolll; I ain’t even a hopeless romantic or anything like that. But it was the most wholesome and cutest dream I have ever had. My dreams usually never makes sense, but this one did and I’m appreciative of that lolll.



  8. 21 minutes ago, Morningtide said:

    How..how did you get better?!?!? I thought you were at the height of artistic ability but these are even better!!! :P The first one's probably my favorite but the Bill Cipher one and the side profile ones and all of them are also so cool!

    It’s called practice and listening to music.. and also banana bread. Banana bread helps out a lot.

  9. K, when I said that I would disappear for a month or so, I didn’t think I would actually mean it, but here we are.

    Anyways, uh yeah. I’ve been doing really good! :)) I just came back from lifting a buncho beeg rocks, so I’m buff now. Working on getting through The Lost Metal, and it’s heccn’ good so far. I have over 170 notifications on here that I’m just not going to look at. So yeah. I dunno how many people look at my stuff anymore since my activity is fairly.. inconsistent.

    Uh.. on to the arts! there’s quite a few so sit back and relax


    This one was made during a painting activity, cos I am not the best at painting and I just wanted to sketch :>


    He be a dude



    I feel like I referenced someone from “My Hero Academia” for this one, but I can’t remember at this point.


    I like drawing  h a i r



    This is Silver from “Twisted Wonderland”


    I love coloring in his eyes; he’s literally so pretty and I dunno why



    I dunno, some random dude.


    I like his smile :>



    My cousin said that this one looks like the one above, but from a different angle. I had no plan with this one, so I’m going to say that my cousin was right


    This is gonna sound weird, but I love drawing side profiles; not because I don’t have to draw the other eye, but because.. I dunno. I just love how it looks lolll



    I drew this one during one of my church meetings


    He do be a guy



    I dunno why, but this guy reminds me of that Omori game that I’ve never played


    Probably unknowingly referenced from the game, ngl lolll



    This is Jade Leech from “Twisted Wonderland”


    I had trouble with drawing his hair for some reason, and it still looks off to me, but I tried everything I could so here we are. I just have to deal with it loll



    What would Jade be without his brother: Floyd Leech from “Twisted Wonderland”


    The hand turned out better than I thought it would



    This is Malleus Draconia from “Twisted Wonderland”


    Yes, I know I fell down that hole hard, and yes I know that it can be a problem at times



    We got more side profiles >:))


    From the other side this time



    I had gotten a new brush pen and I just wanted to try it out


    Don’t ask me what gender they are, cos I have no clue



    This is a human version of Bill Cipher from “Gravity Falls”


    I dunno if anyone remembers the first drawing I made, but I looked back on it with Star and I said I could do better so here we are



    Unfinished sketchy of Kalim Al-Asim from “Twisted Wonderland”


    I dunno why I wanted to show this one, but here we are lolll



    And this is Shuren Yoqu from the Zvso world I made; he was originally named Adrian, but I decided to change it for reasons


    Heh, smexy lines


    for legal reasons, that was a joke


    And also this one


    Was trying something out




  10. Been dealing with a migraine for the past two days or so (which has been thankfully been getting better), but it’s been an adventure where my brain and eyes wanted to stab themselves :))

    But I figure that I should share some of le thingys I made over the past almost month before I disappear again


    Sakunosuke Oda (or Odasaku) from Bungou Stray Dogs


    I can’t tell you how much I love this character :))



    A lil drawing of the race from the Huyat rp: Kelijahian




    A lil drawing of the race from the Huyat rp: Western Ikuyoian




    Ji Naito concept because why not



    idk why I spelled his last name wrong in the drawing here, but i’m too lazy to change it


    And an actual drawing of Ji Naito






  11. On 11/3/2022 at 7:02 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Do you have hope for the future?

    Generally speaking, yeah.

    If we allow ourselves to wallow in self-pity or being in the pits of the pits, that’s where we’re going to stay for the next however long; however, it is never too late to look up and forward to the future. Little steps to achieving that brighter future are everything; you may make a huge step every once in a while, but it’s the little decisions that lead up to those big and grand life-changing steps.

    There basically one direction you can go when you’ve stopped, and that’s forward. You can try to go back or move off to the side, but you won’t achieve that brighter future and hope if you do that.

  12. 5 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    Can you give me an overview of the city government?


    Yeye, here's the basic rundown. All in the Google doc.


    They have a democratic-republican government––a government that is run by a random individual that has been elected by the people. Their leader is called the High Autarch, voted in by the majority of the people. They have a small Council of Mentors, which is also voted in by the people that are given the responsibility to help the High Autarch fulfill their duties as leader of the country. They follow and add on (if necessary) to their own set of laws called the Ideals of Harmony, which details how to rule the City Region with the people in mind and how to make peace between all the people in the City Region.

    ... in other words, it's basically like the USA, except a wee bit more competent



  13. "I dunno, Ranfast. I think the name suits you," she commented as she tapped her cane a few times. "Although, I guess we'll see as time goes on."

    Kasha leaned forward on her cane, watching the Honqip man disappear, then looking around the small lobby area. Definitely was the person she thought it was. Vague memories of seeing this building when she was in this part of town last crossed her mind, and also memories of not giving it much attention came as well. Kasha never had motivation or intention to ever come in, and it was about what she expected... not that she was expecting something grand and elegant from this part of the City Region. Obtaining a building––of three stories, no less––in this sketchy part of Validus must have been a miracle from Vrual and Knali Themselves.

    She must have gotten on good terms with the High Autarch. Kasha looked towards Alyxa, tilting her head ever so slightly. Hmm... relatively good terms.

    "Sounds wonderful, Miss Tantel!" she said, smiling as she took a step forward. "And I hope that you will address Iduno's question when we get there..?"

  14. 7 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    "Might as well head off," Alyxa said. "If we're really working together on this, we have no reason to wait. And besides...something tells me he won't be able to let this rest."

    "That's fair," she said with a shrug, tailing after them. "How far is your office, by the way? If you don't mind me asking."

  15. 8 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    “And perhaps you really ought to stop acting like you have the moral right-of-way when you’re the one beating people to unconsciousness and pulling guns on anything that moves.

    "I never said I did any of those options; I was only freely suggesting." Kasha tilted her head at the man. "Perhaps if you been around these alleys as long as I have, you would understand."

    7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    "I think there's the confirmation I need on how suspicious you are," Alyxa said to Kasha.

    "I never said I wasn't an anomaly," Alyxa said with a smirk. "I'm perfectly and fully aware that I'm acting very strangely for my ethnicity. It's funny how you'd pounce on my supposed hypocrisy so quickly, though...

    "And I won't judge you too hard. Based on the knife close to that man's hand, I suppose he may have been attempting to rob you, in which case you were acting in self defense. And perhaps you assumed that he'll be in a better place then the streets once law enforcement comes and gets him. I can see your reasoning, and appreciate it."

    She folded her arms. "I don't appreciate dishonesty, though. I need cold, hard facts to do what I do. And what I do is see things. Connections. Which means...I have the skills to help you find this rogue Talented. And I've been looking for an excuse to do so for a while, now."

    Kasha clicked her tongue a couple times, winking as she pointed at Alyxa. "There you go; I like you. Finally someone who can at least try to see. I wasn't telling a fib, though; just providing more perspectives on the situation. With more perspectives, you have more understanding... or you're just more confused; no in between, unfortunately, from my experience, at least.

    "Now––" Kasha set her cane down "––I'm not the leader of this band of misfits, and I know this has been mentioned before and I think I should emphasize on it, but we should probably get going before someone assumes the wrong of us: That we all helped our dear friend on the ground take a nap."

  16. 8 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    Alyxa raised an eyebrow. "I don't think there is an average for an alleyway conversation. And if there is, it's between much shadier people than your bunch. And besides," she said, gesturing to the unconscious man, "this isn't the ideal place to take a nap. Facedown. Next to someone holding a cane. You might not be shady, but you are suspicious. So I'd like answers."

    "My own. It's true that I occasionally work with the government or police. They find my skills highly useful. But I still work for myself." Alyxa shrugged. "I mean, it's true I have no hold over you. You don't have to tell me anything, if you don't want to. But," she walked a little closer to the group, "Anomalies fascinate me. When something doesn't fit the data, it means a story is there. And with you all gathered here? You clearly have a story. Perhaps only the start of one, but a story nonetheless. I just take the chance that you're nice enough to tell me."

    "Maybe I have a limp and I need the cane. Maybe I just happened to walk in on him lying facedown, trying to get some shut-eye and haven't decided to leave him yet. Maybe he happened to be a robber that tried to take my valuables and I merely defended myself. Maybe he just needed a place to sleep for a bit, what with the working conditions nowadays." Kasha then shrugged, pursing her lips a bit. "Perhaps I'm not the one suspicious; after all, the one calling me and/or us the 'anomaly' happens to be the Xefic that's not following... well, their own cultural traditions, but I probably shouldn't pry into that. Might be personal, and we wouldn't want to get personal in an alleyway with our dear friend over here that's just trying to take a nap."

    Kasha leaned in a little bit, tilting her head at the odd Xefic. "Probably for the best to keep that hush-hush for now, Alyxa Tantel––" She looked up at Alyxa's pixie cut, then down at her clothing "––well, as hush-hush as we can get," Kasha said, giving her a small wink.


    4 hours ago, Tani said:

    Warrior with a cane


    Also, *Acrobat, not Warrior. She very much cannot enhance her mental stoofs; only physical stoofs.


  17. 18 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    He looked confused at this. "So, what should I do?"

    "Well, if you are Exhilarated like me, you would have to move around; can't activate your Talent just by sitting down and doing nothing. I honestly can't remember what the other do, but I know that the Imaginative have to do something creative or blah blah blah, something sneaky and probably illegal for the Deceptive, thinking something good or want peace and love and whatever for the Counselors, and something smart thingy for the Scholars."

    1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    "I'm very curious, now," she said loudly. "What exactly is happening here?"

    Without hesitation, Kasha whipped out her side-pistol, aiming down the silver sights at the new Xefic. Short hair, like Iduno or whatever his actual name is or was. Apparently... interesting. She quickly looked the newcomer up and down, tapping her cane a few times before smiling and sliding the pistol in her holster.

    "Just your average alley conversation," Kasha replied cheerfully. Her gaze then flicked to the unconscious robber. "Don't mind him. He's just taking a nap right now."

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