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Article Comments posted by basement_boi

  1. So with the genetic stuff, I think Venli’s orange hair is a regular genetic expression. It is just a certain gene that codes for orange. There also appears to be some Parshendi where there is co-dominance, where both traits are expressed separately, but simultaneously. This is opposed to incomplete dominance, where the trait expressed is a combination of the two traits (eg, red and white flowers mix, children are pink.) This also seems to be what is happening with Adolin and Renarin’s hair as well.

  2. Even if our perception of Moash changed in Oathbringer, another issue I have is that Moash murdered Elhokar while he was carrying his own child. Right in front of him!

    Edit: My thoughts on Moash haven’t changed much, but I now know the mistakes you can make when commenting before finishing the video 

  3. 18 hours ago, exilarchy said:

    So, I'm brand new to the website (although I'm a longtime Cosmere reader and have listened to the podcast for a few months now) and am not sure if this is the place where I should post thoughts I had during the episode or if I should start a new thread in the forums. I'll go ahead and post my thoughts here, but I'd be happy to copy them over to the forums if that's where they're supposed to be!


    There was some discussion in this episode about what exactly distinguishes augmenters/diminishers from attractors/repellers and how they interact with zinc and brass. I think I have a good grasp on how each of them function when used in creating altering fabrials (i.e. those that alter some physical or cognitive property in the world around them, such as heatrials or painrials). Let's assume that flamespren trapped in rubies are always related to the concept of heat and use them as an example. Here are the effects (and a brief discussion) of the effects of a fabrial built around a flamespren/ruby using pewter (augmenter), tin (diminisher), iron (attractor), and steel (repeller) as the primary metal.

    • Using pewter creates a heat augmenter, also called a heatrial.  This type of fabrial consumes Investiture in order to create heat, violating the law of conservation of energy. Think of it like a furnace, except it doesn't consume physical fuel and doesn't emit physical exhaust. Modifying the fabrial with zinc or brass will alter the fabrial so that it emits more heat or less heat (and presumably drain more/less Stormlight), respectively. It always emits some amount of heat, though. The fact that this is an energy-positive interaction explains why these types of fabrials drain Stormlight more quickly than other fabrials.
    • Using tin creates a heat diminisher, which I might call a "coldrial". This type of fabrial uses Investiture to destroy heat, violating the law of conservation of energy. Think of it sort of like the cold side of a Peltier device, except it uses Investiture instead of electricity and can operate without a hot side. Modifying the fabrial with zinc or brass will alter the fabrial so that it absorbs more or less heat, respectively. I don't know where the absorbed heat goes, but I'd guess that it's converted to Investiture and released in the spiritual realm. It might be possible to use some quirk of these fabrials to measure changes in physical properties. I could easily see modified "coldrials" acting sort of like thermistors in Stormlight-powered temperature sensors/digital thermometers.
    • Using iron creates a heat attractor (I can't think of a catchy name). This type of fabrial uses Investiture to attract heat in the surrounding environment. While it's similar to a heatrial in that using it heats the area around it, it differs in the source of this heat. Using a heat attractor only moves around existing heat, heating one place in exchange for cooling some other place. This doesn't violate the law of conservation of energy. Think of it like a heat pump. Modifying the fabrial with zinc or brass will alter the way the fabrial works, but I'm not exactly sure how. I think it'll either increase/decrease how quickly heat flows towards the fabrial, increase/decrease the size of the area that the fabrial effects, increase/decrease how large the temperature difference is between the hot and cold zones, or some combination of the three.
    • Using steel creates a heat repeller (No name for this, either...). This type of fabrial uses Investiture to repel heat in the surrounding environment. While it's similar to a "coldrial" in that using it reduces the heat of the area around it, it differs in where the excess heat goes. Using a heat repeller only moves around existing heat, cooling one place in exchange for cooling some other place. This doesn't violate the law of conservation fo energy. Think of it like a heat pump. I'm also not quite sure how zinc or brass will modify the output of this fabrial, but have similar thoughts as I did for the heat attractor.

    Let's extend this to another example that deals with mass, not energy. An unknown spren trapped in smokestone can be placed in an iron cage to create a smoke attractor, like the Ghostbloods have. Using a steel cage (and presumably some technique that hasn't yet been developed yet) would create a smoke repeller (Before anyone says anything, you'd almost certainly want to use a smoke attractor, not repeller, to handle ventilation from a fire, assuming that it can be made directional using some aluminum foil). Using pewter and tin would get more interesting. I hypothesize that using this gem in a pewter fabrial would create smoke out of thin air and using it in a tin fabrial would literally destroy smoke that it came in to contact with. Yes, this would violate the law of conservation of mass, but it wouldn't be the first time that we've seen Investiture do that. Using a smoke augmenter (a literal smoke machine) probably uses a ton of Stormlight, though, so I doubt it'd be practical to do so.


    I'm not quite sure how painrials and other fabrials that manipulate thoughts/feelings fit into this equation. We know that a painrial that reduces the amount of pain a person feels is made of a ruby with an unknown spren set in a brass cage. Pain is a cognitive phenomenon, not a physical one. Per the Allomantic table, brass is a mental, external, pushing metal. Its counterpart in the physical quadrant of the chart is steel. It's possible that brass is to mental concepts things as steel is to physical things. Still, that brings up another question. What's the difference between repelling pain and destroying pain? Where does repelled pain go? Could you use pain attractors/repellers to have one person take on the pain of another? I dunno... I'm curious to see what we learn in future books, though! I'd appreciate hearing y'all's thoughts on my theorizing.

    What you said about heat fabrials: Brandon had said that matter, energy, and Investiture are all the same just in different states, like with real physics. The heat fabrials take Investiture (Stormlight) and convert it into heat energy.

  4. I think, as far as Dawnshard Commands go, one of them, the one referenced in Oathbringer, could be Endure or Remain. Similar to their stasis idea. That is why it would fit into bind, because you're causing something, whether the prison or the prisoner, to remain or endure in one place.

  5. I think that the "we" could be Autonomy or even Mercy. If Mercy, Odium, and Ambition all fought, there are two possibilities of this fight: either it was a 3-way fight, or there were two sides to the war. If we accept the latter, I believe that Mercy had to be on Odium's side to kill Ambition. Obviously Mercy is still around, since Sazed could somewhat communicate with her. While many people believe that Odium could fight 2 Shards on his own, I believe that to be extremely unlikely due to the fact that their power levels are all exactly equal. So I think that because Mercy wasn't targeted by Odium soon after the combat with Ambition, Mercy was allied with Odium in the battle against Ambition.

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