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Status Updates posted by MusicalReader

  1. Hola! It's been a while. Bet you guys hardly remember me, but I'm back and I'm going to be checking in every once in a while. Hope you guys have been doing well!

  2. Hey guys, I don't think I've asked this before: would anyone like to be one of my shardbuddies?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Condensation
    3. Experience


      Is there any reason to tag her? She gets the notif anyways...

    4. Condensation


      Yes. I told her I would.

  3. I'm heading to bed now. Thanks to you all for your thought-provoking questions and posts. Until tomorrow! ;)

    1. Condensation


      Good night! See you tomorrow!

    2. Experience
  4. All right, I'm heading to bed (Eastern time, am I right?). Can't wait to work on Crystellation and other projects more in the future! Catch you guys later!

    1. Condensation


      Bye! See you tomorrow, I hope!

    2. Experience


      Good night! See you tomorrow!

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