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Posts posted by Krox

  1. Hei alle nordmenn!

    I shamelessly plugged in Discord, and figured I'd do the same here!
    We (two who have read most of Cosmere, and one who has never really read fantasy) have started a Norwegian Cosmere readalong podcast called Mer Kos Med Cosmere. We're reading the books in English and talk in Norwegian (Trøndersk and Bergensk, might be hard enough to listen to even for some of our fellow countrymen) and hope at least some want to listen!
    We should be on any podcast platform you like, or at https://anchor.fm/mkmc

    Mistborn: The Last Empire parts 1 through 3 is out with the rest of the book on their heels!

    Feel free to listen, or contact us!

  2. I was trying to rein in the conversation and going back to the basics!
    Killing by electrocution is a hard subject, I find it hard giving you any good answer @Aspiring Writer

    If your killer can make a high voltage difference between their hands, and touch the skin (or something say a very thin cloth) on each side of the head it would probably cause a quick brain death. The ampere doesn't necessarily need to be that high.
    Someone could correct me though..!

  3. On 1.12.2020 at 9:42 PM, Aspiring Writer said:

    Kinda, yeah.

    That means that most the (if correct and quite interesting to read) comments regarding lightning and armour and stuff is negated.
    You could have someone be able to form a potential different between their hands, then touch people on either side of the heart and even a small current would be able to give a heart attack.

    But, the second question sort of forms: Do you want the victim to die insantly from this?

  4. On 11/29/2020 at 8:36 AM, Aspiring Writer said:

    I said tasers because it's not lightning that's traveling several miles to the surface, which might change how this works. The mechanics are that people can charge their hands with electricity, no shooting for manipulating or anything, just electricity hands, with varying voltage with the max being whatever is enough to kill a person in a second.

    Sorry for having stepped out of this thread and now stepping in disturbing @Ookla of Truthshapers's explanation.
    But isn't what you are describing here more like this: https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Shocking Grasp#content

    But with the ability to decide the amount of shock you want?

  5. This is a tough nut to crack as it isn't really a straight forward answer.

    46 minutes ago, Frustration said:

    The human body is not very conductive, but it only takes like(I forget the exact number) 0.1 amps to stop the heart. if it only happened to the hand? I don't know.

    If you get the current through the heart and interrupt the cardiac rythm you'll cause cardiac arrest and potentially death - but that is a very unreliable way to kill someone!
    You got the number right it seems!

    If you went high voltage high amps you would fry someone, as @Frustration says; the body isn't very conductive and will soak up alot of the energy.

    People survive having been struck by lightning at insane amp and voltage, but you will die sticking two cables into the socket in your home (holding both parts) which is only a few hundret amps and usually around 240V.

    To be honest, I don't have any answer here and request someone with more knowledge of physiology to answer!
    This page seemed fairly alright however: https://www.asc.ohio-state.edu/physics/p616/safety/fatal_current.html

  6. 14 hours ago, Weltall said:

    Scadrial has symbols for its metals that also form the in-universe alphabet across multiple cultures and time periods (hence why there's different versions of characters for the same metal) and Roshar's glyphs are also an in-universe writing system. Sel's magics are all form-based so of course they have significant symbols and the Aonic language is built around incorporating them, there seems to be something similar going on with the Dakhor bone shapes and writing, etc.

    Nalthis' magic system doesn't lend itself to that kind of synthesis of writing and symbolism and the most interesting in-universe writing we know of is based on color, which doesn't translate well to a black and white printed page. If you're looking for an equivalent to the Steel Alphabet or the glyphs for Warbreaker, you won't find it.

    You do have Artisan's Script on Nalthis though!

  7. Yes hollow bones will have an impact but also remember that for a human the bones are only 10-15% of your total weight - assuming the same (without any basis in science) for something weighing 900 pounds (I hate working in these units, but I'll deal...) and hollowing bone to weigh half of original you still only get 45 pounds reduction in weight!

    I think that I would go for dinosaur references instead of the crocodile:
    Example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatlus


    And science does think these ones did fly!


  8. 12 hours ago, Weltall said:

    If the metal isn't in direct contact, you can't burn it. It's why you can't coat one viable metal with another and burn both at once. Coating the metal with a shell of something unburnable would presumably work the exact same way, with the added fun factor that you won't be able to sense when that shell dissolves to the point the metal is burnable until it's too late and you end up with a literal case of explosive indigestion.

    Coating harmonium in a burnable metal and making a thin patch that reduces as much as possible its surface area (and thus exposure to water) might buy you a bit of time to get access to the metal to try and burn it before it explodes in your stomach if you can burn away that thin bit first, with the benefit of being more controllable. I think you'd want an unsealed goldmind handy before even thinking about testing it, though.

    Pop in some duraluminium and burn through it all in one insane burst of whatever will happen. I do second your goldmind-thought though..!

  9. 11 minutes ago, officiallyaninja said:

    i know enough about how exactly the magic of the aviars works to be able to say, but i think that depending on the individual's aviar's intent, their powers will manifest in slightly different ways. and it's also possible that aviars themselves do not have enough sapience to be able to actually influence their intent in any meaningful way. because all the aviar powers (from what we've seen) only manifest in certain specific ways.

    We do know very little, and it's a little while since I read it - what would the commands be? "Show future" perhaps, and the birds Intent to help their owners survive?

  10. 15 hours ago, Aspiring Writer said:

    Thank you, this is very helpful. (Also, in this idea, they can be harmed by anything, but silver is very toxic for them, and therefore a better alternative.)

    Good you fixed that, I never think a beer alternative is better than actual beer..!

    This makes sense though, shoutout if you need more input.
    I think digging a level deeper than what you explain to the reader will make for a more convincing lore. You don't need to go all Sanderson, but if there is a level beneath what you show us (ie. you know it is bacterial/viral infection that causes the transformation, but you tell us only that it happens to be contagious) it makes you write it better.

    Don't know if that came out making any sense, but hey!

  11. On 9.11.2020 at 7:56 AM, Aspiring Writer said:

     Now I will be doing some research on lead poisoning, but besides the fact I'm somewhat crap at researching things still, I was wondering what information and tidbits could provide on the nature of lead poisoning and if Silver can do something similar somehow (I know Silver is not toxic, as I have eaten sweets that have a thin layer of silver; what I'm asking is how to make silver poisonous to another being.

    Most things are toxic, but the dosage is often the clue: 

    If you want a really cheap solution (which I assume you don't) you could go with allergies. What is causing the transformation into a Werewolf? Virus, chemical, bacteria, magical mumbo-jumbo? Any of these could change the physiology to make the body susceptible to anything you wish. If bacteria, you could also call it anti-bacterial, but that's a stretch :P
    If not you could do the same reasoning, but say that the silver reacts with whatever compund and turns into fluroride or nitrate (see the wiki for Silver)

    Also, ask yourself: "Why can they only be harmed by Silver?"
    If you shoot it with a ballistic missile, will it still blow into pieces or just feel nothing and stand there in the middle of a crater?
    Say the setting isn't where you can blow things up (TNT is quite old now though), is the skin impenetrable for anything else than Silver?

    So many questions for you to answer, and I supply no answer - sorry -_-


  12. 14 minutes ago, The Awakened Salad said:

    That would explain why Pattern goes “mmmm” all the time! He’s trying to get Shallan to tap into her inner microwave!

    This made me giggle!

    The theory is sound though (pun thoroughly intended), as light is also just another wave and she can make them have mass. The wave/particle nature of a photon can even be maintained!

  13. 5 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    As someone born in the cold north, and not naturally proficient in the english language, would someone kindly explain the meaning of "flex" in this thread?


    Scandinavian, Russian, Viking (Iceland), Canadian or Danish slave (Greenland)?
    I can translate to at least one of these!

    But "flexing" means to boast, to be very assure of yourself and know how strong/smart/*insert attribute here* you are compared to another person.
    If you know you are much stronger than someone you could flex by armwrestling them with your off-hand instead of your main hand.

    Am I making any sense?

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