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Posts posted by Kazset

  1. For me, when Vin and Kelsier enter into Kredik Shaw, it is a good option for adaptation, Although I think it is better when Vin rescuing Elend close to tries assassinate.

    When the team met the first time, they did all plans on the board about what to do for that the final empire to fall. It seems to be a moment that talks a lot about how is all world is and takes different pathways.

  2. 1 hour ago, Karger said:

    She does admit several times that she does not really know what she is doing. 

    Sorry for the mistake, I was referring to She (No You) , I correct now.
    Well, in the end OB, she comes to the resolution that Veil and Randiant are different people, she has to admit that they are the same person, at least I think so.

  3. On 16/6/2020 at 9:10 AM, Use the Falchion said:

    Welcome to the 17th Shard!


    Thanks for the welcome comment.

    On 16/6/2020 at 9:48 AM, CosmereanAntelope said:

    But I’m hoping this would happen when Kaladin has got his marbles all in place because judging from what happened in OB, he might not be too confident in himself for that huge a position. Oh, and him and Jasnah have probably yet to have a civil conversation...?

    The truth is that I also share the idea that there is very little to take in order to have a clear position. The truth is that my comment is only my personal judgment, it is not that I hate Shallan, it is just that I think that this woman has to hit the wall to understand when she is wrong.


    On 16/6/2020 at 0:12 PM, Frustration said:

    Please no, I'm tired enough as is of the romantic sub-plot.

    The truth is that it happened to me that when I read SA for the first time, it already seemed incredible to me without the need for any romantic plot and if WoR had ended with Shallan and Kaladin simply knowing each other as friends, he would have had no problem. The point is that rereading all the books is heavy for me exactly because of the love triangle between Adolin - Shallan - Kaladin. After part 4 of WoR a good part of OB is invested to analyze and compare Adolin and Kaladin, I find it hard to reread the chapters where that Triangle is delved into.
    It is not that with Adolin and Shallan I cannot accept that they are together, it is that in the end everything is very confusing, everything is resolved in a very bizarre way. In Mistborn something similar happens in the second era with the Marasi - Wax - Steris triangle, but it seems to me that everything is much more spun, at first I wanted a Marasi - Wax to happen but with the running of the pages the Final resolution seemed more than acceptable with Wax-Steris.


    On 16/6/2020 at 0:22 PM, Use the Falchion said:

    I could see a variation on that: Shallan and Adolin find out they're expecting. They get back to Urithiru (or wherever their new base is if one is needed) and are ready to share the news, and either walk in on Kaladin and Jasnah in a romantic moment (nothing more than a kiss, but still unexpected) or she finds out through the Cultivationspren-vine that they are courting (because both are too busy to tell her and they don't think it's a big deal...or it's a secret). Shallan has a slight freak out and a tad bit of "grass is greener" syndrome, and is forced to admit that she and Kaladin could have been a thing. Then she quickly self-corrects her train of thought and focuses on making her relationship with Adolin the best possible thing she can. 

    Drama, acceptance, closure, and improvement, and all of it possible within a chapter or two. Now I'm not sure it should happen. but it might be possible. 

    Regarding that, I already read the prologue of the Fourth novel that was published, in a fragment of the text Navani thinks exactly the same things as Shallan from Kaladin but with Dalinar, I think something similar will happen to her, she will be longing for Kaladin Your good time and possibly in the future can be put together. But there are things that do not fit me of this theory, SA are 10 books divided into 2 epochs, so quite possibly many main characters that are now no longer there or disappear that may include Shallan or Kaladin, so the fact that they may come together in the future I do not see the truth very clearly.
    The truth is that, if Shallan admits that it was a mistake not to accept that if he liked Kaladin, it is enough for me to get a smile.



    On 16/6/2020 at 3:45 PM, Karger said:

    I take it you are a proponent of this thread?

    I think it would be healthy for her to admit that she was attracted to him(she has but attributed it to Veil) but I would not characterize her dismal of those feelings as foolish.  She does not actually know much about him as a person nor has she spent a large amount of time with him.

    I am not sure I understand the rest of this.  Also welcome to the shard.

    Excuse me if I imply that I hate the character of Shallan, but the truth is that no, I just want she to admit that She were wrong, I don't care who I end up with.

    Thanks for the welcome.


    On 17/6/2020 at 3:05 PM, agrabes said:


    I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I think there should be "revenge" on Shallan.  But, I do think you're right that something felt off about Shallan's sudden marriage to Adolin at the end of OB.  It felt like she decided she wasn't interested in figuring things out anymore and just wanted to take action so she didn't have to think about it anymore, or something.  Not that Adolin isn't worthy of her love, just that something felt rushed or off about the marriage.  The romance plot is not the only place this pops up - she does it in pretty much all aspects of her life.  I think there will be a pay off for this in RoW or SA5.  We will have a scene where she realizes that she's lost out by not being real and sort of bypassing the tough parts of her decision making process and it teaches her to stop doing it.

    That said, in terms of Kaladin and Jasnah - I don't really care much about Shallan's relationship to them.  I don't think Kaladin and Jasnah go together, personally.  They're just too different and not really compatible as friends or lovers.  I think one of them would have to change significantly, or maybe Jasnah would show a side of herself we haven't seen yet since we don't know a ton about her yet as a character.  If you ask me, they'll remain respected colleagues but not interested in hanging out with each other "outside work."

    Though I will say that if Kaladin and Jasnah did get together, I do think it would definitely cause a reaction from Shallan.  The guy she kinda/sorta had feelings for and the mentor she admires and it's implied she might have some subconscious attraction for getting together would be a tough one for her I think.  I think if Kaladin and Jasnah were together, their relationship would distract and diminish Shallan's importance.  Just like when Shallan was upset that Jasnah came back and suddenly Shallan was no longer top dog in terms of Radiants and intelligence/research, if Jasnah and Kaladin become a super couple I think it does the same thing to Shallan again.  I don't think this will happen, but it could be fun to read about if it did.

    I think the same, I think that not everything has been said in relation to Shallan and Kaladin, it seems to me that the topic will be taken up later.

    Concerning Jasnah, I thought the same but reading this thread it made me realize that the Kaladin - Jasnah can work and it is exactly because they are opposite what makes it work, their approaches are so different, that a term can be reached Middle, that would make Kaladin not so noble and doubt so much about what actions to take, in Jasnah it would cause her not to be so Machiavellian and cold when it comes to making decisions.

    16 hours ago, Wax said:

    Frankly, I thought Jasnah was either bi or a lesbian.  There's no single scene of her showing even a shred of interest in a man.  Just makes me wonder....

    The very fact that I have shown no interest in any man also seems very curious to me, the only man I have read who smiled at him was Kaladin, we will have to wait if it is confirmed in the end how Jasnah identifies herself.

    10 hours ago, USS bridge four said:

    Personally all I want from any ship with Kaladin involved is Kaladin to just became a Father. Just think it would be funny. I'm suspecting we get some of this with Gavinor(did spell that right). I suspect we will see more interaction of Kaladin and Jasnah in the next book because of Gavinor and we will therefore see more of their dynamic and can make better assumptions with whether they fit or even if either would be interested at all.

    I also think the same, Kaladin at the end of OB is a character who reaches a quite high degree of maturity, seeing him as a father figure of Gavinor does not seem bad to me.

  4. Reliving an old thread, hello I want to contribute my grain of sand, the truth is that this thread is fascinating in the portrait you are making of Jasnah.
    I personally don't care that Kaladin / Jasnah happens, but I really want this to happen for a reason, revenge on Shallan, the reason is simple the end of OB ends up disappointing the truth. Shallan takes a step forward and another back, does not recognize his real emotions.
     If Shallan's arc in the books to come is one of self-discovery in which she accepts all her other parts as being herself, then she always likes Kaladin and foolishly dismisses it. I don't care if Shallan ends up with Kaladin or Adolin in the end, I just want to see her reaction to accepting that she's lying to herself. In addition to where Shallan is afraid of being queen, Jasnah is more than worthy for the position and takes Kaladin by making him king, this route is too sweet. In the end, Shallan is how Navani is going to be longing for someone else ("And the same may happen to Kaladin"), in the case of Navani his decision is justified, in Shallan's it is simply emotional clumsiness.

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