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Posts posted by Trentolio

  1. @honorless Yeah I've thought about a lot of different ideas haha. Unfortunately I don't have too much time these days and I really like to agonize over these when I do them but I'm gonna try to get some more stuff together.

    @Shardsplinter Thank you so much for the compliment! Szeth's one of my favorites as well. It's nice to have someone appreciate something I put a lot of work into. 

  2. I was struck during a reread of oathbringer by a burning question. During the infiltration of corrupt Kholinar, sgallans takes a crossbow bolt to the head. This eventually heals from stormlight, but I found myself wondering:

    Didnt this completely ruin shallans hair? 

    The text implies that it didn't (she never mentions covering it with illusion, adolin mentions her hair a few times).


    If not, did the stormlight heal her damaged hair? How did it know when to stop hair growth to match the rest of her haircut?



    I've been up countless nights with this burning question. What about kaladin? He has surely healed his fair share of head injuries. Is his hair a wreck? 

  3. Hello friends!

    Here’s my cosmere artwork.

     I’m new to the 17th shard, hopefully there are others here who can appreciate what I’ve done here. I love TSA, these songs are sort of Pop/electro Music I made while rereading tWoK. All original lyrics and music.  I put a lot of work into them, what’s your favorite of the three? If people like em I wanna do more let me know.



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