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Posts posted by TPG

  1. I looked at the source code of the Radiant Quiz and extracted the way an archetypal KR of each order would answer the questions.



    Alley cat - Guard dog    100
    Indecisive - Decisive    100
    Rogue - Paladin    100
    Firebrand - Peacemaker    91
    Library - Dojo    90
    Lone Wolf - Wolf Pack    90
    Dispassionate - Compassionate    90
    Flexible - Dependable    88
    Facilitator - Leader    85
    End Justifies the Means - Honorable Actions    85
    Bends the Truth - Tells the Truth    85
    Book Smart - Street Smart    78
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    75
    Rebellious - Obedient    75
    Relaxed - Tense    75
    Likes Change - Likes Stability    75
    Spontaneous - Planner    75
    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it    75
    Boxing - Fencing    75
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    75
    Down to Earth - Head in the Clouds    70
    Creative - Conventional    69
    Poker Face - Heart on Sleeve    65
    Head - Heart    65
    Colors Inside the Lines - Thinks Outside the Box    65
    Hotel - Camping    65
    Cautious - Daring    60
    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law    60
    Scientific - Artistic    58
    Competitive - Casual    58
    Skeptical - Spiritual    55
    Disciplined - Free-spirited    55
    Playful - Serious    55
    Reserved - Flamboyant    52


    Needs Reassurance - Confident    100
    Lone Wolf - Wolf Pack    100
    Compassionate - Dispassionate    100
    Spirit of the Law - Letter of the Law    100
    Thinks Outside the Box - Colors Inside the Lines    100
    Heart - Head    90
    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it    90
    Rogue - Paladin    90
    Relaxed - Tense    89
    Creative - Conventional    88
    Alley cat - Guard dog    85
    Rebellious - Obedient    85
    Flexible - Dependable    85
    Likes Change - Likes Stability    85
    Spontaneous - Planner    85
    End Justifies the Means - Honorable Actions    85
    Playful - Serious    81
    Casual - Competitive    80
    Spiritual - Skeptical    79
    Heart on Sleeve - Poker Face    75
    Facilitator - Leader    75
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    75
    Down to Earth - Head in the Clouds    75
    Indecisive - Decisive    75
    Artistic - Scientific    75
    Book Smart - Street Smart    70
    Camping - Hotel    69
    Daring - Cautious    60
    Flamboyant - Reserved    60
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    60
    Library - Dojo    55
    Tells the Truth - Bends the Truth    55
    Boxing - Fencing    55
    Peacemaker - Firebrand    52


    Cautious - Daring    100
    Peacemaker - Firebrand    100
    Rebellious - Obedient    100
    Dependable - Flexible    100
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it - Likes to take things apart    100
    Fencing - Boxing    100
    Paladin - Rogue    100
    Library - Dojo    95
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    90
    Reserved - Flamboyant    88
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    87
    Head - Heart    85
    Planner - Spontaneous    85
    Poker Face - Heart on Sleeve    80
    Guard dog - Alley cat    80
    Book Smart - Street Smart    80
    Casual - Competitive    80
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    80
    Indecisive - Decisive    78
    Spirit of the Law - Letter of the Law    77
    Likes Stability - Likes Change    77
    Leader - Facilitator    70
    Thinks Outside the Box - Colors Inside the Lines    65
    Wolf Pack - Lone Wolf    61
    Camping - Hotel    60
    Scientific - Artistic    60
    Compassionate - Dispassionate    55
    Conventional - Creative    55
    Head in the Clouds - Down to Earth    55
    Tense - Relaxed    55
    Serious - Playful    55
    Tells the Truth - Bends the Truth    55
    Honorable Actions - End Justifies the Means    53
    Spiritual - Skeptical    52


    Dispassionate - Compassionate    100
    Head - Heart    100
    Head in the Clouds - Down to Earth    100
    Bends the Truth - Tells the Truth    100
    Camping - Hotel    100
    Boxing - Fencing    100
    Competitive - Casual    100
    Firebrand - Peacemaker    93
    Rebellious - Obedient    92
    Skeptical - Spiritual    90
    Alley cat - Guard dog    90
    End Justifies the Means - Honorable Actions    90
    Rogue - Paladin    90
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    90
    Poker Face - Heart on Sleeve    85
    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law    85
    Flexible - Dependable    85
    Daring - Cautious    80
    Conventional - Creative    80
    Spontaneous - Planner    80
    Scientific - Artistic    78
    Lone Wolf - Wolf Pack    75
    Tense - Relaxed    69
    Facilitator - Leader    65
    Flamboyant - Reserved    61
    Confident - Needs Reassurance    60
    Playful - Serious    60
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it - Likes to take things apart    60
    Likes Change - Likes Stability    59
    Decisive - Indecisive    55
    Dojo - Library    53
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    50
    Thinks Outside the Box - Colors Inside the Lines    50
    Book Smart - Street Smart    50


    Confident - Needs Reassurance    100
    Leader - Facilitator    100
    Heart - Head    100
    Flamboyant - Reserved    100
    Down to Earth - Head in the Clouds    100
    Street Smart - Book Smart    100
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    100
    Dojo - Library    90
    Wolf Pack - Lone Wolf    89
    Playful - Serious    89
    Daring - Cautious    85
    Spiritual - Skeptical    85
    Decisive - Indecisive    85
    Likes Change - Likes Stability    85
    Bends the Truth - Tells the Truth    85
    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it    85
    Competitive - Casual    84
    Heart on Sleeve - Poker Face    80
    Dispassionate - Compassionate    80
    Spontaneous - Planner    80
    Artistic - Scientific    80
    Relaxed - Tense    78
    Thinks Outside the Box - Colors Inside the Lines    60
    Camping - Hotel    60
    Boxing - Fencing    59
    Rogue - Paladin    59
    Spirit of the Law - Letter of the Law    55
    Rebellious - Obedient    55
    Firebrand - Peacemaker    53
    Creative - Conventional    53
    Honorable Actions - End Justifies the Means    51
    Guard dog - Alley cat    50
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    50
    Dependable - Flexible    50


    Poker Face - Heart on Sleeve    100
    Conventional - Creative    100
    Decisive - Indecisive    100
    Tells the Truth - Bends the Truth    100
    Scientific - Artistic    100
    Guard dog - Alley cat    90
    Head - Heart    90
    Disciplined - Free-spirited    87
    Cautious - Daring    85
    Obedient - Rebellious    85
    Down to Earth - Head in the Clouds    85
    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law    81
    Colors Inside the Lines - Thinks Outside the Box    80
    Dependable - Flexible    78
    Dispassionate - Compassionate    75
    Likes Stability - Likes Change    75
    Planner - Spontaneous    75
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it - Likes to take things apart    75
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    70
    Transparency - Need-to-Know    70
    Relaxed - Tense    69
    Serious - Playful    69
    Paladin - Rogue    69
    Honorable Actions - End Justifies the Means    65
    Boxing - Fencing    65
    Reserved - Flamboyant    61
    Book Smart - Street Smart    60
    Skeptical - Spiritual    59
    Competitive - Casual    59
    Facilitator - Leader    57
    Wolf Pack - Lone Wolf    55
    Camping - Hotel    55
    Peacemaker - Firebrand    53
    Library - Dojo    50


    Heart on Sleeve - Poker Face    100
    Daring - Cautious    100
    Wolf Pack - Lone Wolf    100
    Spontaneous - Planner    100
    Honorable Actions - End Justifies the Means    100
    Artistic - Scientific    100
    Head in the Clouds - Down to Earth    90
    Boxing - Fencing    90
    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it    88
    Dojo - Library    87
    Flexible - Dependable    87
    Heart - Head    85
    Flamboyant - Reserved    85
    Colors Inside the Lines - Thinks Outside the Box    85
    Indecisive - Decisive    85
    Playful - Serious    85
    Camping - Hotel    85
    Casual - Competitive    84
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    80
    Spiritual - Skeptical    80
    Facilitator - Leader    80
    Compassionate - Dispassionate    79
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    79
    Paladin - Rogue    79
    Likes Stability - Likes Change    78
    Tells the Truth - Bends the Truth    76
    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law    75
    Conventional - Creative    75
    Alley cat - Guard dog    70
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    70
    Firebrand - Peacemaker    59
    Obedient - Rebellious    57
    Relaxed - Tense    56
    Book Smart - Street Smart    50


    Reserved - Flamboyant    100
    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law    100
    Obedient - Rebellious    100
    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it    100
    Down to Earth - Head in the Clouds    90
    Facilitator - Leader    89
    Disciplined - Free-spirited    85
    Likes Stability - Likes Change    85
    Hotel - Camping    85
    Paladin - Rogue    85
    Head - Heart    80
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    80
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    75
    Colors Inside the Lines - Thinks Outside the Box    75
    Tense - Relaxed    75
    Decisive - Indecisive    75
    Fencing - Boxing    75
    Casual - Competitive    75
    Guard dog - Alley cat    70
    Conventional - Creative    70
    Planner - Spontaneous    70
    Honorable Actions - End Justifies the Means    70
    Serious - Playful    70
    Poker Face - Heart on Sleeve    65
    Cautious - Daring    65
    Artistic - Scientific    64
    Dependable - Flexible    60
    Peacemaker - Firebrand    59
    Dispassionate - Compassionate    58
    Library - Dojo    57
    Lone Wolf - Wolf Pack    55
    Spiritual - Skeptical    53
    Tells the Truth - Bends the Truth    53
    Book Smart - Street Smart    50


    Creative - Conventional    100
    Flexible - Dependable    100
    Colors Inside the Lines - Thinks Outside the Box    100
    Hotel - Camping    100
    Book Smart - Street Smart    100
    Casual - Competitive    100
    Library - Dojo    93
    Head in the Clouds - Down to Earth    90
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    85
    Alley cat - Guard dog    85
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    85
    Rebellious - Obedient    85
    Indecisive - Decisive    85
    Spontaneous - Planner    80
    Artistic - Scientific    80
    Lone Wolf - Wolf Pack    77
    Fencing - Boxing    76
    Cautious - Daring    75
    Spirit of the Law - Letter of the Law    70
    Relaxed - Tense    70
    Likes Stability - Likes Change    70
    End Justifies the Means - Honorable Actions    70
    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it    70
    Transparency - Need-to-Know    70
    Peacemaker - Firebrand    65
    Skeptical - Spiritual    63
    Head - Heart    60
    Facilitator - Leader    58
    Bends the Truth - Tells the Truth    55
    Serious - Playful    53
    Heart on Sleeve - Poker Face    50
    Compassionate - Dispassionate    50
    Flamboyant - Reserved    50
    Paladin - Rogue    50


    Firebrand - Peacemaker    100
    Skeptical - Spiritual    100
    Facilitator - Leader    100
    End Justifies the Means - Honorable Actions    100
    Need-to-Know - Transparency    100
    Flexible - Dependable    90
    Likes Change - Likes Stability    90
    Bends the Truth - Tells the Truth    90
    Rebellious - Obedient    89
    Head - Heart    85
    Indecisive - Decisive    85
    Scientific - Artistic    85
    Cautious - Daring    80
    Lone Wolf - Wolf Pack    80
    Alley cat - Guard dog    80
    Conventional - Creative    80
    Colors Inside the Lines - Thinks Outside the Box    80
    Spontaneous - Planner    80
    Playful - Serious    80
    Camping - Hotel    80
    Rogue - Paladin    80
    Dispassionate - Compassionate    75
    Flamboyant - Reserved    75
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it - Likes to take things apart    75
    Boxing - Fencing    75
    Book Smart - Street Smart    75
    Heart on Sleeve - Poker Face    70
    Needs Reassurance - Confident    70
    Dojo - Library    70
    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law    70
    Free-spirited - Disciplined    70
    Head in the Clouds - Down to Earth    70
    Tense - Relaxed    70
    Competitive - Casual    70


    (e.g.Obedient - Rebellious   90 means that a KR of a given order would put Obedient - Rebellious slider on 90% rebellious)


    And same data sorted  by prompt:


    Heart on Sleeve - Poker Face

    Elsecaller - 100
    Truthwatcher - 80
    Skybreaker - 75
    Bondsmith - 70
    Stoneward - 50
    Windrunner - 35
    Willshaper - 35
    Dustbringer - 20
    Edgedancer - 15
    Lightweaver - 0

    Confident - Needs Reassurance

    Truthwatcher - 100
    Edgedancer - 60
    Lightweaver - 30
    Bondsmith - 30
    Windrunner - 25
    Willshaper - 25
    Elsecaller - 20
    Stoneward - 15
    Dustbringer - 10
    Skybreaker - 0

    Cautious - Daring

    Dustbringer - 100
    Lightweaver - 85
    Bondsmith - 80
    Stoneward - 75
    Willshaper - 65
    Windrunner - 60
    Skybreaker - 40
    Edgedancer - 20
    Truthwatcher - 15
    Elsecaller - 0

    Library - Dojo

    Dustbringer - 95
    Stoneward - 93
    Windrunner - 90
    Willshaper - 57
    Skybreaker - 55
    Lightweaver - 50
    Edgedancer - 47
    Bondsmith - 30
    Elsecaller - 13
    Truthwatcher - 10

    Wolf Pack - Lone Wolf

    Elsecaller - 100
    Truthwatcher - 89
    Dustbringer - 61
    Lightweaver - 55
    Willshaper - 45
    Edgedancer - 25
    Stoneward - 23
    Bondsmith - 20
    Windrunner - 10
    Skybreaker - 0

    Peacemaker - Firebrand

    Dustbringer - 100
    Stoneward - 65
    Willshaper - 59
    Lightweaver - 53
    Skybreaker - 52
    Truthwatcher - 47
    Elsecaller - 41
    Windrunner - 9
    Edgedancer - 7
    Bondsmith - 0

    Spiritual - Skeptical

    Truthwatcher - 85
    Elsecaller - 80
    Skybreaker - 79
    Willshaper - 53
    Dustbringer - 52
    Windrunner - 45
    Lightweaver - 41
    Stoneward - 37
    Edgedancer - 10
    Bondsmith - 0

    Leader - Facilitator

    Truthwatcher - 100
    Dustbringer - 70
    Lightweaver - 43
    Stoneward - 42
    Edgedancer - 35
    Skybreaker - 25
    Elsecaller - 20
    Windrunner - 15
    Willshaper - 11
    Bondsmith - 0

    Guard dog - Alley cat

    Lightweaver - 90
    Dustbringer - 80
    Willshaper - 70
    Truthwatcher - 50
    Elsecaller - 30
    Bondsmith - 20
    Skybreaker - 15
    Stoneward - 15
    Edgedancer - 10
    Windrunner - 0

    Compassionate - Dispassionate

    Skybreaker - 100
    Elsecaller - 79
    Dustbringer - 55
    Stoneward - 50
    Willshaper - 42
    Lightweaver - 25
    Bondsmith - 25
    Truthwatcher - 20
    Windrunner - 10
    Edgedancer - 0

    Heart - Head

    Truthwatcher - 100
    Skybreaker - 90
    Elsecaller - 85
    Stoneward - 40
    Windrunner - 35
    Willshaper - 20
    Dustbringer - 15
    Bondsmith - 15
    Lightweaver - 10
    Edgedancer - 0

    Flamboyant - Reserved

    Truthwatcher - 100
    Elsecaller - 85
    Bondsmith - 75
    Edgedancer - 61
    Skybreaker - 60
    Stoneward - 50
    Windrunner - 48
    Lightweaver - 39
    Dustbringer - 12
    Willshaper - 0

    Letter of the Law - Spirit of the Law

    Willshaper - 100
    Edgedancer - 85
    Lightweaver - 81
    Elsecaller - 75
    Bondsmith - 70
    Windrunner - 60
    Truthwatcher - 45
    Stoneward - 30
    Dustbringer - 23
    Skybreaker - 0

    Free-spirited - Disciplined

    Dustbringer - 87
    Stoneward - 85
    Elsecaller - 79
    Skybreaker - 75
    Bondsmith - 70
    Edgedancer - 50
    Truthwatcher - 50
    Windrunner - 45
    Willshaper - 15
    Lightweaver - 13

    Obedient - Rebellious

    Willshaper - 100
    Lightweaver - 85
    Elsecaller - 57
    Truthwatcher - 45
    Windrunner - 25
    Skybreaker - 15
    Stoneward - 15
    Bondsmith - 11
    Edgedancer - 8
    Dustbringer - 0

    Creative - Conventional

    Stoneward - 100
    Skybreaker - 88
    Windrunner - 69
    Truthwatcher - 53
    Dustbringer - 45
    Willshaper - 30
    Elsecaller - 25
    Edgedancer - 20
    Bondsmith - 20
    Lightweaver - 0

    Dependable - Flexible

    Dustbringer - 100
    Lightweaver - 78
    Willshaper - 60
    Truthwatcher - 50
    Skybreaker - 15
    Edgedancer - 15
    Elsecaller - 13
    Windrunner - 12
    Bondsmith - 10
    Stoneward - 0

    Down to Earth - Head in the Clouds

    Truthwatcher - 100
    Willshaper - 90
    Lightweaver - 85
    Skybreaker - 75
    Windrunner - 70
    Dustbringer - 45
    Bondsmith - 30
    Elsecaller - 10
    Stoneward - 10
    Edgedancer - 0

    Thinks Outside the Box - Colors Inside the Lines

    Skybreaker - 100
    Dustbringer - 65
    Truthwatcher - 60
    Edgedancer - 50
    Windrunner - 35
    Willshaper - 25
    Lightweaver - 20
    Bondsmith - 20
    Elsecaller - 15
    Stoneward - 0

    Tense - Relaxed

    Willshaper - 75
    Bondsmith - 70
    Edgedancer - 69
    Dustbringer - 55
    Elsecaller - 44
    Lightweaver - 31
    Stoneward - 30
    Windrunner - 25
    Truthwatcher - 22
    Skybreaker - 11

    Decisive - Indecisive

    Lightweaver - 100
    Truthwatcher - 85
    Willshaper - 75
    Edgedancer - 55
    Skybreaker - 25
    Dustbringer - 22
    Elsecaller - 15
    Stoneward - 15
    Bondsmith - 15
    Windrunner - 0

    Likes Change - Likes Stability

    Bondsmith - 90
    Skybreaker - 85
    Truthwatcher - 85
    Windrunner - 75
    Edgedancer - 59
    Stoneward - 30
    Lightweaver - 25
    Dustbringer - 23
    Elsecaller - 22
    Willshaper - 15

    Planner - Spontaneous

    Dustbringer - 85
    Lightweaver - 75
    Willshaper - 70
    Windrunner - 25
    Edgedancer - 20
    Truthwatcher - 20
    Stoneward - 20
    Bondsmith - 20
    Skybreaker - 15
    Elsecaller - 0

    End Justifies the Means - Honorable Actions

    Bondsmith - 100
    Edgedancer - 90
    Windrunner - 85
    Skybreaker - 85
    Stoneward - 70
    Truthwatcher - 49
    Dustbringer - 47
    Lightweaver - 35
    Willshaper - 30
    Elsecaller - 0

    Playful - Serious

    Truthwatcher - 89
    Elsecaller - 85
    Skybreaker - 81
    Bondsmith - 80
    Edgedancer - 60
    Windrunner - 55
    Stoneward - 47
    Dustbringer - 45
    Lightweaver - 31
    Willshaper - 30

    Tells the Truth - Bends the Truth

    Lightweaver - 100
    Elsecaller - 76
    Skybreaker - 55
    Dustbringer - 55
    Willshaper - 53
    Stoneward - 45
    Windrunner - 15
    Truthwatcher - 15
    Bondsmith - 10
    Edgedancer - 0

    Likes to take things apart - If it ain't broke, don't fix it

    Willshaper - 100
    Skybreaker - 90
    Elsecaller - 88
    Truthwatcher - 85
    Windrunner - 75
    Stoneward - 70
    Edgedancer - 40
    Lightweaver - 25
    Bondsmith - 25
    Dustbringer - 0

    Hotel - Camping

    Stoneward - 100
    Willshaper - 85
    Windrunner - 65
    Lightweaver - 45
    Dustbringer - 40
    Truthwatcher - 40
    Skybreaker - 31
    Bondsmith - 20
    Elsecaller - 15
    Edgedancer - 0

    Fencing - Boxing

    Dustbringer - 100
    Stoneward - 76
    Willshaper - 75
    Skybreaker - 45
    Truthwatcher - 41
    Lightweaver - 35
    Windrunner - 25
    Bondsmith - 25
    Elsecaller - 10
    Edgedancer - 0

    Artistic - Scientific

    Elsecaller - 100
    Truthwatcher - 80
    Stoneward - 80
    Skybreaker - 75
    Willshaper - 64
    Windrunner - 42
    Dustbringer - 40
    Edgedancer - 22
    Bondsmith - 15
    Lightweaver - 0

    Book Smart - Street Smart

    Stoneward - 100
    Dustbringer - 80
    Windrunner - 78
    Bondsmith - 75
    Skybreaker - 70
    Lightweaver - 60
    Edgedancer - 50
    Elsecaller - 50
    Willshaper - 50
    Truthwatcher - 0

    Paladin - Rogue

    Dustbringer - 100
    Willshaper - 85
    Elsecaller - 79
    Lightweaver - 69
    Stoneward - 50
    Truthwatcher - 41
    Bondsmith - 20
    Skybreaker - 10
    Edgedancer - 10
    Windrunner - 0

    Competitive - Casual

    Edgedancer - 100
    Truthwatcher - 84
    Bondsmith - 70
    Lightweaver - 59
    Windrunner - 58
    Willshaper - 25
    Skybreaker - 20
    Dustbringer - 20
    Elsecaller - 16
    Stoneward - 0

    Transparency - Need-to-Know

    Lightweaver - 70
    Stoneward - 70
    Skybreaker - 40
    Elsecaller - 30
    Windrunner - 25
    Dustbringer - 20
    Willshaper - 20
    Edgedancer - 10
    Truthwatcher - 0
    Bondsmith - 0


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