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Posts posted by Flamespren

  1. I think the gems that are used in the fabrials, are used for the essence they represent.

    In the case of spanreeds, the ruby is cut in half then but into two separate pens. The ruby represents the soul, so think of the ruby as having a soul, so the two halves share a soul, and so are connected. so when one pen moves, so does the other. Think of sympathy from Kingkiller chronicles.

    This also makes sense for the regrowth fabrial used by the stoneward in Dalinar's vision. The fabrial has a topaz and a heliodor. The two represent bone and flesh, which is what the body is made of, so it regrows flesh and bone.

    The alerter fabrial uses a heliodor as a focus. Since heliodor represents flesh, then it most likely detects flesh like a "life-sense" which was mentioned in the above comments.

    Regrowth could be a surge, if the gems in fabrials use some part of a surge. Which would make Regrowth/regeneration a possible shared surge between orders 9 and 10, since it requires a topaz and a heliodor in the fabrial.

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