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Posts posted by Mat

  1. 18 hours ago, Stick. said:

    @Mat do u remember why u had aeo and aeternum as unpaired?

    Vibes based on their interactions, the strongest being this post. It wasn’t as confident a read as my you/Aet unpaired read and at this point I’m fine ignoring it.

    5 hours ago, Kasimir said:

    Notable since we now know E!Aet - this suggests high confidence but also little perceived threat from Aeo. I re-read Mat's link but don't actually see what he's referring to btw - @Mat, can you sort of walk me through your thinking? Also why you just went on Aet first thing today, please.

    Sure— earlier in the turn Aet made an offhand comment about village reading Araris (I think I mentioned this in that Aet post). Later after Aeo ripped into Araris, Aet specifically called them out for it, which I only noted because Aet was already sorta going against consensus regarding Araris and I liked that they stuck to their guns. If Aet/Aeo are e/e that interaction changes and as Aet is e this is kind of a moot point but there you go.

    A mix of e!Aes Sedai making sense in the distro plus them being most likely forsaken plus the state of the thread and the discussion happening when I logged on to read it yesterday

    Edit: (I know that's a lame response-- don't have time for anything better.  But basically just a continuation from the night turn and then Aet's play early this turn looked bad to me)

  2. 18 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    So just to clarify, if Aet flips E, from your perspective, Aet's partner has to be in <Stick, Bee, me>?

    Edited to add:

    Tbh that commits you to Aet's partner in <Bee, me> I think — Aet's D1 read slippage on Stick isn't E/E.

    I guess yeah. I’d go Aeo over you though. Araris was my leading theory and my Stick not-e/e read was much stronger than my Aeo not-e/e read.

    Read wise I v read Aeo more than Bee, but I’m not sure if TKN would risk a two person elim team that has a chance of both dying at once to RNG so I might put Aeo as the most likely teammate anyway.


    1 minute ago, Aeternum said:

    But somehow a 0 in WiM

    You keep saying this as if you expect it to do something for you :P 

    Just now, Kasimir said:

    Fair. I'll want to look in the morning. I recall Mat had a post casing Aet but also felt it arrived late after Aet looked sus as a result of D1. Feeling lazy is normal as this was me for the first chunk of the game + law class but I'd also done the work highlighting the meta difference for him but he sort of didn't want to touch it D1. Need to re-read.

    It was yesterday, yeah, and mostly done as a result of your Forsaken case as I wanted to actually look at Aet beyond the mech thing. I tried to look for Aet connections and I at least remember thinking Aet/Aeo was not e/e.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Aeternum said:

    Mat claimed what?

    Thread was moving fast lol

    40 minutes ago, Mat said:

    Sort of lost in the discussion at this point (read it quick, doing other things, can thoroughly think about it in an hour or so) but I'm a Blademaster. Not exactly sure the distro implication there-- I feel like it works pretty well with e!AesSedai w/ Warder so I'll throw my vote on Aeternum for the moment.


    Just now, Stick. said:

    As in there’s either 1 between them or it’s you

    Oh sure yeah that makes sense

    Works with my Aet theory

  5. 10 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

    Wow the thread is so happening right now.

    I honestly wasn't sure my posts were going through until now 😛 

    4 minutes ago, Stick. said:

    I mean IDK mats claim is a little sus objectively and it makes me wanna put him in a difference check with the warder bros but that’s kind of where I’m at reads-wise anyway 

    Tbh I wish I didn't need to claim cause I wanted to draw a kill but whatever I'd rather be transparent

    Difference check in what way?

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