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Article Comments posted by Nitpicking

  1. Eric has no ego! His favorite secret project isn't the one that namechecks him.

    Sig has found a way to hack the Torment, which Hoid in all his millennia seemingly never has. Will he share the trick?

    So both Tress and Sunlit Man have a climax in a spaceship?

    My favorite moment: Sigzil recreating years of the Scadrian scientists' work in minutes while they keep asking if he read their notes.

    Around 1:25:50, David's talking about the Shades forming a giant mass ... if you put enough Investiture in one place, it develops sapience, says Brandon. Would the Chorus (made of mostly-mindless shades) develop a collective intelligence just by virtue of having so much Investiture gathered together?

    The planetary core is apparently super-dense because of so much Investiture. So wouldn't it become sentient or even sapient? For that matter, why aren't Taldain's and Canticle's stars sentient? Or are they?

    Eric (1:43:29), you don't think Brandon is heavily foreshadowing Cultivation dying? Or at least Koravellium Avast? She has really good futuresight and she's putting a lot of work into making an heir ....

    Least favorite point: the Cinder King is the weakest villain I've seen from Brandon. He's so two-dimensional you should be able to see through him. Compare, "I'm insecure so I need all the power" boy to the Lord Ruler, or Bluefingers, or Torol Sadeas. The 'casters don't think that was important, of course.

  2. I just watched Shardcast on YouTube, and followed the link to this article. I was all ready to correct the biology (I'm a biology teacher by training), but ... well, LadyLameness is actually an expert and there was nothing to correct. Nice job.

    I do feel obligated to point out that since transfused leukocytes are not only useless to the recipient, but actively damaging in some cases (as our esteemed author says), they're generally removed in a process called "leukodepletion." I used to work for the company that invented leukocyte depleting filters for transfused blood.

    Also, consider that Shallan was actually a Radiant when she cut herself open and started to bleed out. She didn't remember it consciously, but she had manifested her Blade years before. Even if the Soulcast blood harmed her, she might have been able to heal herself with Stormlight without realizing it, just as Kaladin and Dalinar both did.

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