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Posts posted by LiftIRL

  1. 11 hours ago, Debarra said:

    People seem to have a pretty negative view of whimsy here. Whimsy to me seems pretty innocent, after talking to them Harmony doesn't seem to think they'll be any help with Odium so it's likely they aren't any use at harming people.

    I'd imagine a while shard as well would just encourage it's users to be whimsical rather than forcing rng into their lives. So like painting or drawing or something.

    I would say rather than a specific thing, a shard of Whimsyness would reward or encourage it's users from acting on their desires and dreams, even or especially if chasing them does not seem entirely realistic (cuz. whimsy is related not just to whims but to being fanciful, imaganitive). you could even, in an extreme move, interpret the elemant of Fancifulness, spontaneous joy or adventure, ETC as a kind of idea of 'Romanticize Your Life!' a-la a Ghibli movies and that feeling they have.
    I do hope we get to see the world they influence... is there a confirmation we will get to see at least a bit of all shardworlds in the run of the cosmere? Cuz. Sanderson likes branching off, but also is obviously focusing on Stormlight and Mistborn a lot.

  2. Just now, Ookla the Rōnin said:

    Oof, that's a little rough. We just finished re-watching the third last night, and I hadn't seen them in years.

    Did you know that if sea otters find a rock they like, they'll carry it around in their armpit?

    And how do you feel about sea otters?

    Wait, I thought they carried them in a pouch... and now that i say this i realize only australian mammels have pouches. I LOVE sea otters they are so cute.... There's a live camera in umm some american aquarium, I'm blacking out on the name, and due to Time Zones i rarely get to watch it but i remember watching it once in feeding time and then Toy Time and it was the best.

  3. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Rōnin said:

    How do you feel about Back to the Future?

    It's a good bunch of movies but I've seen them too many times, man. my mom really wants us to watch them together some time soon cuz my little sister is getting not thatl ittle and she still haven't watched them yet but. I saw them at least 3 times in the last 5 years and. There's a limit, yknow? this is not Pacific Rim. there are only so many times.

  4. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Knight said:

    1) Can I ask you three questions?

    2) I teleported bread

    3) Do you need something from me

    4) Yes?

    Oh I'm still working on the other ones, it got posted prematurely! Congrats on teleporting the bread, but I've just eaten so I dont need anything. Perhaps maybe a toothpick. anyways diving back in!

    @Ookla the Unnamable


    What is your least favorite book?

    Hmm. Anything Nietzsche said. Or Main Kampf i guess. I don't hateread a lot and when books are that good in my opinion i usually just forget.


    Have you watched the MCU?

    Almost all of it, and I regret these wasted hours. at least now i have the context to flip through Young Avengers looking for the cute gay bits.


    Is baby Yoda adorable?

    YESSS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE'S SO BABY I CANT WAIT SEASON 2 WILL BE OVER SO MY FOLKS WILL AGREE TO WATCH IT (they want to wait and binge it, I don't wanna do this without em)


    ¿Hablas español?

    Niet. or Nien. I don't speak either of those either, tho. I have some basic two-weeks of duolingo german, a bit less klingon, and my native languag which I'm shrouding in mystery for now *v signs*


    How many questions have I asked you?

    7 so far, 8 with this one, 20 overall.


    What is your favorite thread on the shard?

    I'm pretty new here, so. The haiku thread I saw today was rly fun, IG!


    How many pets/animals do you have?

    None, and I doubt I want to change that- animals can stress me out sometimes. Love fictional dogs tho. Every book should have some.


    Cats or dogs?

    Yes. (I'm bi don't make me choose things. I said what I said)

    18 minutes ago, Ookla the Unnamable said:

    have you read RoW yet?

    Yup. In a four day binge abandoning all other responsibilities.


    What order of Radiant would you want to be?

    Edgedancer with a historian-activist twist, or, more in accordance to what will be good for my motorics and talents, Truthwatcher.


    If you could ask Brandon one question, what would it be?

    Well. I asked him three this year, but. Currently I just really want to ask if one of the original people involved in the shattering was a horse, just to see the look on hisface and also because i really want to be right.

    21 minutes ago, Ookla the Unnamable said:

    Have you read any of Brandon's unpublished works? if so, which ones?

    I'm less interested in that, honestly. Sometimes I even feel WOBs that reveal too much spoil the experience, So. So.

    22 minutes ago, Ookla the Unnamable said:

    Do you have any friends/family who like Brandon Sanderson?

    Yes! my mother is who got me into this and my Partner In Crime! She is currently reading ROW, just reached the 50% mark. Spending four days in Actual Sanderson Events with her was probably a highlight of my life. She's my great friend and I love her so much y'all


    Do you eat meat? if so, what type of meat is your favorite?

    Yup! and no one can say no to good marinated pork ribs. mmm...

    24 minutes ago, Ookla the Unnamable said:

    What superpower do you want the most?

    Stopping time stopping time stopping time PLEASE i hate moving in the fourth dimension i don't want to anymore please dont make me *curls on the floor*

  5. 8 minutes ago, Ookla the Unnamable said:

    Do you like Minecraft?

    Well, I haven't played in a very, very long time and I'm rarely interested in changing that nowadys, but i have a lot of fond memories and every now and then I plug in my mouse (I use laptop pad usually) and go mine for a bit while I try and mostly fail to focus on a podcast, or play a bit of hypixel for old times sake. tho, so muh has changed (I last Seriously Really Been Part Of Minecraft Gamers in like, 1.8 or 1.9) that I feel like a very old man.


    Do you like Hollow Knight?

    My friend infodumps to me about it a lot, and i think the graphics are cool, and I'm very pro-cute-moths, but its not really my thing and I never watched gameplay, much less considered playing- I have bad motorics and reaction times due to. my brain is like that, so I mostly prefer slower games with less parkouring.


    Do you like Star Wars?

    I like it very casually, not more. I'm much much much more of a trekkie. But I do keep putting of watching that good animated Clone War Era one everyone talks about. If I can just stop procrastinating....


    Which Sanderson character is your favorite?

    >:( I can't choose >:( All Of Them >:( actually I don't care for Mistborn era 1 as much as most people do, but. Can i just choose all of Roshar except Select Few?
    My final answer is Anyone On Roshar Who Isn't a utilitarian.


    What is your favorite book?

    In normal ontext I would say "so you haven't herd of it but there's this great series called the Stormlight Archive-" but here I guess I'll have to be more specific. I mean. They're all amazing but I feel humanity peaked in that One Duel In WoR right?

  6. I think eventually, with all the worldhopping going on and the techno-magical developments on various worlds, as long as humans and other sapient beings (Parsh, Dragons, Whatever, honestly) will reach peace between themselves and stop competeing against each other, they won't have to worry about the shards anymore. They're starting to come up with things shards can't even expect, and if they continue transferring information, they would become very powerful- Imagine designs and giant organizations that combine fabrials and radiants, soulstamps (Tho im not sure they can be taken off sel), Feruchemical madellions and awakening combined with just, engineering and modern (or futuristic) technology- cuz sanderson says mistborn era 3 will basically be in the 80s.

    What im trying to say is, when i imagine a future to the cosmere, I think of a combination of Star Trek and Lovecraftian mythos. ure, there are some ancient powerful things out here in space, but we're a collection of cultures together ready to brave that and do cool, good things. 

    If 16 ancient individuals managed to destroy one giant god, why shouldnt the entirety of several human civilizations  just. end up overpowering a few small gods?

    I know it may no happen because. "We outgrow God" isnt really an end narrative I would expect from a religious writer (yes he has a whole lot of diverse themes for and agaisnt religion but, theyre part of a Bigger Thing, yknow) but I think. what if there wont be a need to destroy them anymore, because they're Old News. and dont forget they can be trapped in one place too.

  7. hmm. Don't forget Hoid also has a notable interest in Magic; Endowment can easily make what seem to be some of the most stable cognitive shadows in the cosmere, and the only explicit ones we've seen so far who can Worldhop. And generally with the way endowment's magic works by definition, it is great for making and sending agents in your name, and that whole side of, Secret Dealings Stuff.

    I'm really curious about how Whimsy's magic will work. Is it like Wild Magic in DND, where you can't know or control what will be the exact outcome? Sanderon isn't really the type for soft magic, but how can a power that comes from a pure manifestation of Whimsy operate scientifically, where every actiong should have the same dependable result?

  8. 6 minutes ago, The Worldookler said:

    Only madman sleep with socks! Though I do, in occasions. You may now question my sanity.

    TPBM truly believes he is completely sane, and is disappointed he won't be able to bond a spren.

    PFTT, not even distantly. Not only is my ADHD very severe and as such I am prone to Mental Instability, I'm generally pretty Neurotic personality wise, and. Yeah, never really had the illusion of being Mentally Normal. IDK if my issues are big enough to bond a spren, at least not if the Mental Crack has to be specfically in the realm of Trauma , but. I don't Identify as Sane. 
    also, Cracking in mistborn is a similar process to the cracks required to bond a spren, right? I had more then some neard death experiences (almost drowned thrice, and once got caught holding on to someone's hand danglnig after slipping near the edge od a cliff on a school hike).

    TPBM can ride a bike.

  9. 6 minutes ago, The Worldookler said:

    Does my name counts? I think it does, and thus, I am an Ookla.

    TPBM listens to Clamavi De Profundis' composings of Tolkien's songs.

    Nope. I like LOTR, but I've never been any kind of active fan (As much as it may dissapoint my mom).

    TPBM sleeps with socks.

  10. oh, I have some really good old ones! 

    English isn't my first language and I kind of struggle with counting syllables in it, so corrections are welcome


    he stole himself, it's
    what thieves do; jester, drifter,
    smoke after fire

    a man in the crowd
    many faces, many names
    he saw God’s demise

    the one abandoned
    tragically late, stumbles
    next to city's gate

    a journey must have
    a beginning, so walk on
    from thorns life will rise


    Edit: thought about some new ones



    spirit stands uncrushed
    with more time to create, she
    sings and brings the light

    Warbreaker spoilers


    fur and feather torn
    our foolish trust misplaced, they
    told us all along



    (seriously that part of warbreaker gave me fictional-trust issues gfdsgfs)

    born unto pure light
    a man that we can trust, he
    only stabs the jerks

  11. I just really want to see Adolin and Laral interact. Like, can you imagine how eager Adolin will be to hear stories about what Kaladin was like as a kid and young teen, not just from a parent perspective, but, as a friend and from a vaugely-similar-age-as-him (adolin) perspective? the gossip potential... the teasing of Kaladin opportunities for both of the... and Laral would be like "HOW THE HELL DID YOU MAKE HIM CARE EVEN VAUGELY ABOUT FASHION. I SAW HIM THE OTHER DAY TALKING ABOUT THE TERRIBLE SUIT CUT THE HEADARSHAL OF ROION'S ARCHERS WORE IN THE LAST BALL. HOW DID YOU *DO* THAT"

  12. OK but they're representations of different eras in time. Mistborn, with the european architecture, heavy fog, paved streets and general feel, is like a gothic dystopia- don't forget it's technically a postpocalyptic story, with Alendi being killed by the Lord Ruler. so the class dynamic there is one of a Postapocalyptic dystopia of enslavment with a Touch of goth (people being taken in the mists) and the class-rebels are partially tied to sanderson's love of Les Miserables. The nobels there are nobles in the Old-timey (regency?) England kind of way.

    Roshar, however, is a feudalistic-age fantasy. The "nobles" are Nobles in the full medival way of the word, with suporting the aries of the nobles about them in exchange for power over land, with supporting monastries in exchange for divine support, and with a lot of toher aspects of Feudal politics an culture- down right to the Fancy Noble Warriors dueling instead of Jousting. So obviously, the class tension there comes not from "A Dark Lord Enslaved The World And Barely Any Of Us Even Know It Can Be Different", but form normal frictions of the unfair life under Feudalism. 

    The "having it better" is relative to genre- OF COURSE being opressed by nobles is better than living under a post apocalyptic dark god, but being branded a slave for winning a shard and sent to be used as canon fodder for a pay that is basically symbolic- you will never ever really gather the amount to free yourself- when youare like, basically 17, is aa pretty [redacted] life to have in a non-dystopic world.

    If your rights get violated, even in a seemingly Medium-or-less way, a non life-or-death subject- it's not much compared to the conditions of those living in communist china or North Korea right now, but you're still pissed and you're still going to be annoyed at your neighbour who breaks federal law and gets away scot free cuz he's rich. It's all relative.

  13. As someone who had the whole I-Dont-Want-To-Grow-Up emotional turmoil in my preteen and THEN as a teen Got Transed TM (/J) I felt Lift's interlude resonated so much with both of these. there is definitely a line between them but it felt to me like Lift was dangling about it Mission Impossible style xD

    I wanted to make a post about this and got Very Nervous so I'm glad you did and i'm here to go Same Hat!

    Also just because she uses the term girl doesn't mean she's entirely cis. for instance I am an AFAB nonbinary and I refer to myself, my gender preception and my presentation goals sometimes as various types of "Boy"s, but the same thought replaced with "Man" or "Young Man" fills me with unease, even tho I can sometimes, depending oncontext, refer to myself and my aesthetic goals as Young Woman, and sometimes I will reject gendered language entirely.
    I'm not saying she's canonically nonbinary or even implied or whatever, I'm saying I can view her as NB if i want (honestly, I can always do that, even if this interlude wasn't a thing- basis for headcanons is nice but it is not ever truly Required as long as you acknowledge them as HEADcanons- personal interpertations without auhority over anyone else.)

  14. @the winter system @atarynnosaurus after seeing this post and generally reading about Shallan, i got interested and started learning more about Plural folks and what you go to- websites with definitions, some #Ownvoices youtube channels, and the likes. one of my tumblr mutuals has DID, so I already felt somewhat vugely connected tto it- it wasn't as distant as some people who can't imagine people around them being like That, but still, watching it physically was new and kind of opened my mind to new thoughts about it. It made me wonder- how does it feel to read about some-many like Shallan that can change their appearance to match their current alters? Do you find it cool, do you feel like you would like to be able to do that, or do you feel like it's a shortcut or a sugarcoat from representing a real part of the Plural existence and making it more palatable? or a mix of all of these?


    You don't have to answer if you don't feel like it, obviously, and multiple opinions are obviously ok and expected, I was just wondering in general and also because. I know my usual answer to "What superpower would you want the most" is very affected by my neurotype (ADHD and Time Stopping) and I wondered if the idea of changing one's body and appearance would similarly appeal to people who have multiple perceptions in one body.

  15. On 11/25/2020 at 2:42 AM, Use the Falchion said:


    Jeff Winger - Lightweaver and Bondsmith. Jeff is a man made up of lies and facades, but he's undoubtedly the leader of the Study Group. He cares, and he cares deeply, but he's not always able to voice that care well or in a selfless way. Jeff finally coming to terms with himself, his feelings, and his life is a main arc. 

    Troy Barnes - Windrunner (and Bondsmith?). Troy is the heart of the show, and he's one of the more altruistic members. A dumb jock with a heart of solid gold, but one who is always looking out for his friends. 

    Abed Nadir - Truthwatcher/Dustbringer combo. Abed is all about the meta-nature of the show and Greendale, and struggles to connect to most humans outside of a screen. But he has a great heart and tries to apply what he knows to help people. 

    Britta Perry - Willshaper, easily. Britta would probably rather be an Edgedancer, but she Britta'd that and became a Willshaper instead. 

    Annie Edison - Bondsmith/Elsecaller combo. Jeff might be the leader, and Troy the heart, but Annie is the soul. She's innocent, community(heh)-oriented, and VERY driven. Annie is idealistic yet VERY conniving at times, so don't turn your back on her for too long. She'll take you down (in the name of the Study Group...and her GPA.) 

    Shirley Bennet - Lightweaver/Elsecaller combo. Shirley would LOVE to be a Bondsmith, but alas, that's not what the Almighty called her to be. Shirley is a person who believes in the best in a person, but can and will easily manipulate people for her greater good. She likes control and refuses to let it go. But Shirley can be quite artistic and is always thinking of her friends...except when it comes to her GPA...

    I was about to say, I think Abed would definitely be a truthwatcher, both because he has the whole Observer thing going on for him, always v attentive to what's going around but not always partcipiating, and because his tendency for bluntness. I was worried if, yknow, i "can" say hta because. Renarin is autistic and Would That Be A Stereotype, but i think it's just good specifically for Abed as a person, generally. 

    I think Annie would be an Elsecaller (achiving her potential is important for her. always looking for the highest grade) or a Stoneward- because in my head she's often the one trying to convince the group to stick together, coming to jeff when he's acting wrong to moralize to him, and generally Being There to take care of peole, with a touch of strong ideals- because as the stoneward entry from th quiz says, ". They put the interests of others before their own, and will not bend their Ideals for the sake of convenience."

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