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Posts posted by AbroadKew

  1. I am finishing Voices of Chernobyl and Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. They're both amazing books. Voices is the second Chernobyl book I read after watching the HBO mini-series and I have been stuck on 75% for a while because it's actually super depressing. I started Genghis Khan in the mean time and am at 75% of that now as well. I plan to finish both here in the next few days and move on to why I joined this forum... to read Sanderson for the first time!

    Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World completely changed everything I thought of Genghis Khan and Mongols in history. I definitely recommend it. It is actually kind of crazy how progressive he was with how bad his reputation is these days.

    Edit, 40 minutes later: After posting this, I decided to go relax and read a bit more of Genghis Khan and I have finished it! I highly recommend this book.

    Edit, 11 hours later: I have now also finished Voices of Chernobyl... another great book but SUPER intense. Elantris time!

  2. The Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley

    I went in completely blind and just assumed that because I loved Brave New World that I would love this. I don't have a problem with non-fiction and read quite a bit of it but I didn't realize it was based on his true life experiences with of a drug until like a quarter of the way through some how. I just wasn't connecting with it at all. It's the only book that I made a conscious decision to stop reading.

    I might go back to it some day though.

  3. 14 hours ago, Honorless said:

    Welcome to the Shard!

    Elantris is a good entry point into the shared universe created by Sanderson.

    It is, however, not a great entry point into Sanderson's body of work. It's not bad but his style has evolved a lot since then, in my opinion, for the better. If the book turns out to be not for you, don't let it stop you from reading his other works!

    Oh, no worries there. If for some reason, I am not totally convinced then I won't give up on Elantris. Sanderson checks many boxes for things I might like and has too much of a good reputation in places that I generally trust for me to give up on his first novel.

    Thank you! :)

    11 hours ago, Wander89 said:

    Welcome! Elantris is a great starting point. Many will say it's Sanderson's worst Cosmere as it's his first published however I found myself completely enthralled by the story. I'd recommend at least reading Mistborn before making judgement. Hope you keep us updated :D

    I don't know anything about Mistborn but when I first heard of Stormlight yesterday and realized it was connected, I knew it might have been meant to be. I will definitely be getting myself to at least the end of Mistborn!

    Thank you!


    No matter how it is sliced, I am very confident that I am going to enjoy this journey overall.

  4. Morning,

    I was looking for a new fantasy series to read after I finish Voices From Chernobyl and Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World as I'm reading them both concurrently and am 75% finished with both. I like to sprinkle in some non-fiction into my life every so often but I always come back to Fantasy and all the series I am reading either are finished, or the author is still writing. I went to Google and typed "good fantasy reddit" and The Stormlight Archives won /r/Fantasy 2019 Top Novels. 

    I recongnized the name Brandon Sanderson and he is an author that I have been meaning to read for years (I always read how amazing a job he did with Wheel of Time which is another series on my bucket list) but just haven't gotten around to yet for some reason and decided to investigate a little further. I am going in completely blind and decided to start with Elantris. As of right now, I am thinking about publication order but we will see how that evolves. 

    I actually found the Discord for this forum before I realized there was a forum but now I am here too. It has been about 16 years since I have really been a member of a legitimate message board. I miss this style of community, to be completely honest. IRC and a message board, those were the days.

    Anyways, hello! :)


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