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Salmon of Doubt

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Posts posted by Salmon of Doubt

  1. If I were a rithmatist I'd never get anything done because I would just draw chalkings constantly for no particular reason just to watch them move and animate themselves. I mean, I already have constant urges to draw fancy wolves and dragons exclusively and all the time. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

    Ooh, yes!! you should check out the "Puns, Puns, and more Puns" page, if you haven't already. It's beautiful. Until then, did you hear about the Italian chef that died? He pasta way.

    I have. It was truly wonderful.

    Puns are what keep me going in life. Well, puns and the fact that the Stormlight Archive isn't finished yet.

  3. 9 hours ago, Rebecca said:

    Welcome to the Shard! We’re glad to have you here. :D Who’s your favorite Sanderson character?

    And just so you know, you don’t need to be so nervous about sharing your ideas or opinions. Most people on this site are super friendly and respectful, and we love hearing new and interesting ideas. ;) And while Kaladin is my favorite character, I don’t have any problems with him not being yours. This fandom would be a pretty boring place if we all had the same favorite character.

    Well my favourite would have to be Shallan actually. I wasn't a huge fan of her at first (despite that fact that she is pretty much me, but cooler and less mentally healthy) but I think as the series has gone on she's gotten better and better. Not that I dislike Kaladin (but he doesn't like bad puns, which is sort of a deal-breaker).

  4. 3 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

    Don’t worry, many people who RP here have never roleplayed before anywhere else (including me), so not knowing much is perfectly fine.

    Thank you so much for everything you have done to help me. I feel way more welcome already and am really enjoying my time here. I can't emphasize my gratitude enough. I hope we can talk again, but for now my sister calls. 

    I plan on exploring this forum more in future.

  5. On 30/07/2019 at 10:03 PM, Elegy said:

    I intitially thought "It's the Same Guy!" refered to Hoid rather than Brandon as an author. I fear I've reached the point of suspecting him behind every corner.

    Welcome on the Shard!

    Maybe Hoid is secretly the one writing the books.

  6. I would probably just re-create the character template I use for pretty much any role play with magic in it and make someone socially ostracized/loved/both, give them illusions and most of my personality, give them the last name Penumbra (because it's practically a running joke in my friend circle that all of my trickster characters have that name) and then subsequently use them to mess with everyone. Which surely everyone will see through. And I will be humiliated. At least, that's my thought process. Usually people just lose interest first.

  7. Oh right, well I have some experience role playing, but I've always been too timid to even consider joining a Cosmere RP because I'm afraid that my character will be stupid and everyone will judge me for not knowing my favourite series well enough. . .

    Oh, as for a guild, what exactly do you do there, and how do you join?

  8. If I were to get the opportunity to meet the god of fantasy in real life I would probably turn bright red, start hyperventilating, burst a blood vessel, collapse in a heap and fall into a pit of self-loathing. Not necessarily in that order.

    It would admittedly not be awfully productive.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

    You replied just fine! If you want to quote the post that you are replying to, you can click on the quote button (the little plus in a grey box at the bottom of a post). Another helpful thing to know is that posting two or more times in a row is typically frowned upon, so if you would like to add something you can use the edit button, towards the bottom of your post next to the quote button. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions!

    Oathbringer is an amazing book, as is the Stormlight Archive series in general. Your opinion is certainly valid and you don’t talk too much at all. The more words the merrier! (We read Sanderson books here, after all :P)

    Oh, and thank you! It means a lot to me that the people here are so welcoming of new Sanderson worshippers.

  10. I suppose. After finishing Oathbringer, every book felt small in my hands until I got Skyward. I've recovered somewhat by now, but I like a good thousand pages of Sanderson from time to time. 

    I'm mostly nervous because, from what I've picked up, my opinions are somewhat unpopular and I'm somewhat afraid that even admitting that Kaladin isn't my favourite character will get me burned at the stake. Regardless, having someone to talk to has certainly helped my confidence, at least somewhat. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and introducing me to this community!

  11. I do hope this is how to reply. Uh, if so, thank you! I really appreciate that. I'm not entirely sure how this forum really works, so I'm glad to have some support. The Spotlight Archive would have to be my favourite series, but Mistborn is very nostalgic to me. (Mistborn is also the only series familiar to my friend group). 

    I'm frankly terrified to admit in case my opinion is wrong somehow, but Oathbringer is probably my favourite book just out of all books in general. I'm sorry if I talk too much.

  12. I suppose I'm meant to say hi. So uh, the general Brandon Sanderson knowledge of my friends has been insufficient as of late and I have been recommended this forum as to avoid exploding into a pile of awkwardness and bad references to books they haven't read yet.

    Given however, that I have about the social capability of a blobfish that lives in a basement and communicates only in fangirl noises, I have decided to hide behind a reference to a far more talented author than I will ever be to mask my own pitiful inadequacy as I search for a tribe of similarly nerdy people with whom to worship yet another author more talented than I will ever be.

    So, um, 'hi'.

    (Please be nice to me)

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