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Posts posted by Rubix

  1. Hey Yamato,

    Believe it or not, there are some angry liberal Mormons, and I'm one of them. I don't think that the LDS church had any business getting involved in politics as they did at all. Yes, I think that sex outside of marriage is wrong, but if I'm not the one doing it, I honestly don't think that it's any of my business at all. I understand that you disagree with it being considered morally wrong, but to say that it's any one institution is to ignore all those with no faith who still think that sharing themselves in that way should be saved until they're married.

    As for the main point, I definitely think that gays should be allowed to marry. I have no issues with that because once again, it doesn't affect me at all, and gays being able to marry isn't going to destroy my marriage, so it's none of my business.

    I guess my point is just: please don't generalize groups of people, because not everyone in a given group of people will feel the same way. Just as not all atheists hate everyone who is religious, not all people who are religious think that gays should have no rights.

  2. I'd like to serve in the position of Radiant, if I might offer myself here. I've moderated specific areas on other forums and General Discussion seems a natural fit for me. I know I'm still low in post count, but I'm one of few women amongst many men on-site who are serious fans of Brandon Sanderson's work. If considered for the position, I can promise more active participation. If honored with the position, I can guarantee it. Thanks for your response guys!

    Sorry, Tamzin, but we're working on restructuring our staff right now, in hopes that we won't need to promote anyone new. I'm glad to see that you're interested in the position, and previous experience is always a plus. If we do end up deciding to promote new staff members, we will consider many aspects of everyone we're looking at, but we never look at gender when we do our promoting.

    Thanks for your interest, though!

  3. The admins will definitely have a meeting in the near future titled "making sure that people aren't afraid of us, Reactions to PETA's Pokemon spoof, and other such Admin-y business". In all seriousness, though, anyone who gets the feeling that we're not welcoming to newcomers is a terrible failing on my part, and I'll be going out of my way to find new ways to help everyone feel welcome (I'm totally open to ideas here).

    As a side note, Brandon typically refers to people who are from 17thShard as "Sharders", so I'd suggest steering clear of that one, just to help reduce confusion. Other than that, all of the names sound good.

  4. This topic has been closed because of the ridiculous amount of dissent it's causing. I'm all for healthy debate, but its been taken too far this time. We obviously don't have enough information to determine either way which is the truth, and so until we do, this topic will remain closed.

    Edit: I'm sorry if I came across as harsh, or brash with my post. I saw a healthy discussion that was corroding to a point where it was little more than arguing. This was happening not only in this topic, but in the chatroom as well. I closed it because there was a lot of anger rising up in the chat about this, and I decided that it would just be better to close the topic for time being to let tempers cool. More than anything, I don't want to have anger over something so trivial end up having a negative effect on the forums.

    Also, if there's something that you want to ask me about, shoot me a PM

  5. Hey everyone, so today we got news that FilmEngine has acquired rights for the Steelheart movie!

    FilmEngine has produced many films, including The Rum Diary which starred Johnny Depp, and The Butterfly Effect starring Ashton Kutcher. Joining them will be Donald Mustard of ChAIR entertainment, who has worked with Brandon before with the Infinity Blade franchise.

    We don't have any more details at this time, but keep checking in, and we'll update you as soon as we know more.

    Steelheart is scheduled to be published by Delacorte Press in August 2013.

    Deadline article is here.

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