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Posts posted by Halleck

  1. I just wanted to share this announcement from crafty games:



    Today through Monday: The Mistborn Adventure Game core book is 80% off, and our friends at DriveThruRPG and their affiliate sites are hosting a discounted bundle of the entire line for the lowest price ever. 




    As it will no longer be possible to purchase these books after the end of the year once Crafty Games' Mistborn license expires, I expect this is likely to be the last time they go on sale. You can pick up the entire line including the brand new nobles supplement used for the new Diceborn mini-series for only $16.35. If you were waiting to buy it, I'd recommend you buy it now.

  2. Thanks for the kind words. The mod project is basically dead but we are continuing development (slowly) using vanilla-compatible server plugins. I've been able to get some of the entities shown above implemented as armorstand models and you can see them in action on our server.

    I'm not checking this thread much so if you are interested in checking out what we have or helping out on the project, please join our Discord server.

  3. Hello, I recently started up a limited-time campaign of MAG set in Era 2. I found it difficult to find resources for GMs and players outside of the books themselves, so I wanted to compile a thread to share resources and tips.

    The first thing I'd like to share is our Era 2 google sheets character sheet. I've found Google Sheets especially valuable for running play-by-post games as they work very well asynchronously.
    One of my players did the initial layout based on the sheet made by redditor u/Chocolatetreetoad.
    I added some validations to help people generate new characters to check their math and auto-calculate some fields. Set the strength of attributes and standings in cells A10 and D10 and it will display some validations on the attributes. These rows can be hidden after character generation. You might need to adjust the min/max validations on the individual fields if a character is koloss-blooded.

    Some other great resources I've found:

    Once my game starts playing I think I will need to create more google sheets such as for NPCs and scheme worksheet. I will post those and any other useful resources I come across here. Feel free to share your own tips and resources for players or "Narrators" here!

  4. I loved this story. I felt like you captured his sorrow in a way that rang true. At least it felt that way to me. In my experience, addiction is about running away, about shutting down your inner voice, one moment at a time.

  5. I made a poster of all the characters from my Stormlight TTRPG I wanted to share. A few caveats:

    • There may be some light spoilers through Oathbringer, and Mistborn era 1 (Just what you'd learn from reading the first chapter of Alloy of Law)

    • The RPG is set in Jah Keved around the beginning of Words of Radiance

    • Most of the art is not mine, I made the avatars using https://reroll.co which is a great tool. I drew some details like the spren myself using aseprite.

    • We are using Fate Core for our RPG. We've published our Stormlight Archive rules supplement if you are interested.

    My character is Keten, the Elsecaller Ardent.




  6. Thanks! I would like to come back to this someday. I really want to experience wandering through roshar with a world packed full of spren, flora, and fauna. If anyone here does 3D modeling or texture art and is interested in working on this project please let me know. I am taking a break from it right now but I'd be down to resume at some point if I can find a few other people who are dedicated to keep pushing it forward.

  7. So I was chatting with some of the people on Worldhopper's Discord about Hamilton, and I thought it would be funny if there was a version of the The Schuyler Sisters song but...


    ... each of the sisters is just one of Shallan's alters. So I made a quick version of it as a joke. It turned out there weren't actually that many verses in the song that made sense to edit, there's a lot of repetition, but I still found the end result amusing: https://gist.github.com/fadookie/8c5a50331a6da1104a6b29a012e5e82c

    I didn't realize someone had already done a Stormlight version of another Hamilton song, I think that one is better than mine! But people thought I should post this here anyway. Hope you get a chuckle out of it.





    So uh, I've been listening to a lot of Shardcast and have been inspired to continue the tendency for making Cosmere dad jokes. Please enjoy this menu I made for the restaurant I would start if Ilived in the Cosmere.

    There may be spoilers for Sixth of the Dusk andHero of Ages but it's pretty oblique so take your chances if you want.

    PDF version here  (I'd reccomend looking at isince it should be easier to read than the image version.)

    Image version here (I guess it's too large to embed on this forum.)

    Apologies for any misspellings, I tried to proofread it but I mostly listen to the audiobooks so a few appear to have slipped througl



  9. Thanks for the, uh... inquisitive welcome, everyone! I will steel myself against future barbs. Sorry if I ruined the mood.

    On 6/3/2019 at 6:08 AM, Wander89 said:

    Great to see you've read so many works, hopefully you can provide some insight/theories/discussion on the forums but feel free to ask any questions you may have and join in!

    Hehe, I think perhaps I miss too many little details to be of much use in theorizing but I do enjoy idle speculation sometimes. I do love cremposting however.


    Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea got me into fantasy at the start. Wizard of Earthsea is such a short book compared to Brandon but the novels are exciting. Way of Kings was also a slow burn but once I got going, I couldn't stop!

    Sweet! I haven't read it yet but it's on my list. So far I've read The Left Hand of Darkness, The Lathe of Heaven, and The Wild Girls anthology. I just found a copy of Rocannon's World at the thrift store which I am excited to read more of, as the Hainish Cycle seems legit so far.

    If you like LeGuin I'd also recommend checking out The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin. It was the first time any series won the Hugo 3 years in a row and I think it was well deserved.

  10. Hello, I have so far only been using mobile Chrome. I was trying to edit some quote blocks to split them up but I am unable to figure out how to move or delete them. The little move box icon doesn't seem to respond to taps or drags. Tapping the quote title makes it blink but seems to have no other effect. Selecting all and hitting delete key, or placing cursor after the quote box and hitting the delete key both seem to have no effect.

    I wanted to try deleting my draft and starting again from scratch but I also cannot find a way to do that. I also looked with "request desktop site" which showed a few more formatting options but no delete button.

    Is there a help page for this forum? I was trying to research this myself but I couldn't find anything or determine which software was being used, so I am guessing it's custom maybe?


  11. Hiya folks! Here's my backstory flashback montage:

    I've been reading branderson since 2016 when a friend recommend I read Mistborn or Steelheart. Months later, I somehow found a copy of final empire at a thrift store and learned how addictive Brandon can be. I devoured era 1 and 2 and then tried Elantris next which was kinda eh (seems to be the consensus.)

    Took a break for a while but resumed w/ Warbreaker last year, then I finally figured out how to get audiobooks from the library and did AU. I had been putting of SA for years as I was intimidated by the length. WoK was kind of a slow burn for me, but I was hooked by the end and devoured WoR & Oathbringer. And finishing up with White Sand vol 1&2 I have finally caught up with all published Cosmere works!

    (I also read snapshot but haven't yet tried any of Brandon's other non-cosmere stuff.)

    Probably like most people before they joined I also used the Coppermind and arcanum a bit, and have recently been finding more podcasts and finally joining some online parts of the fandom. Started w/ SICS and then discovered the delightful PedanticCast which I have been devouring the archives of. Also joined a few Reddit subs.

    I've decided it's time to get my (figurative) bridge 4 tattoo by joining the mothership. Also social media is terrible and I want to go back to forums. It's called the "indie web" now and we are going to make it cool again!

    Wow I am really writing way too much. Before I go I guess I should actually say something about myself. I'm a software engineer and semi-retired game developer living in California. My other hobbies include camping, pedantry, and yolish lightweaving. Other favorite fantasty authors: N.K. Jemisin, Madeline Miller, Neil Gaiman, Ursula K. LeGuin, J.K. Rowling, Terry Pratchett.

    If you've read this far, your fortitude is the stuff of legends. I hope to make your acquaintance!

    Journey before destination.


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