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Everything posted by Diora

  1. I don't think that Unity is necessarily another Shard, because if the whole idea that (perhaps) Honor and Odium (or Cultivation) killed Unity, then Dalinar could not become Unity through bonding the Stormfather, whom we definitely know is from Honor. And the Surge that Dalinar gains by bonding with the Stormfather is unity, is it not? Where he lifts and mends the temple in Thaylen City it is quite confirmed by the whole conversation between him and the Stormfather that his ability is to unite (and the whole understanding foreign languages etc.). And here I am sort of going a different direction, but when Shallan, Kaladin, Adolin and the spren were in Shadesmar, the Honorspren on the ship mentioned that Honor was preparing a heir before Odium killed him.....so maybe Dalinar is becoming a piece of Honor...? And perhaps Honor's heir...? I think that is what Odium meant at the end of Oathbringer when he said that "WE KILLED YOU". Because he killed Honor and now it seems that Honor is returning. But the question still remains; who is the "WE" that he is referring to?
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