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Everything posted by potato_in_a_minefield

  1. Cyna nodded. "Yes. That's better. It makes it easier to draw my attention to the nearby sounds- I think when I burn tin, faraway sounds are what grab my attention first, and then nearby, faster or louder than usual sounds. Potentially survival instinct?" She then closed her eyes and tried to tune out faraway sounds and pay attention to nearby sounds for a change. She focused on Aln's words and tried to expand her sphere of attention from there. She heard voices, and although she couldn't figure out what they were saying, at least she heard them. Several seconds ago, she hadn't realized they were even there. She told Aln this.
  2. Cyna looked away for a second, then looked back at Aln. "I'm rather reluctant to open my mind to nearby sounds any more than I have to...I'm fairly sure I can, I just don't want my senses to be overwhelmed."
  3. Cyna could hear Aln's question, although it was extremely faint, drowned out by the faraway sounds of footsteps and voices. She said, "It's not exclusively far away sounds. It's just much easier to hear things that are far away. I can still hear nearby things, like your question, but they're faint."
  4. Cyna raised an eyebrow. "What would the experiment entail? How would I go about hearing all sounds at once? I'm not sure how I could override my self-preservation instinct. Maybe it would be safer and easier to try it with smells?"
  5. "I suppose. Tapping hearing causes nearby sounds to fade into the background- if I heard everything near me, it would be deafening and I'd never be able to hear anything far away. Same goes for tapping smell," Cyna said.
  6. "Around..." Cyna thought for a moment. "Ten times as far as I usually can? It's great, but the problem is that while I'm doing this, I kind of have tunnel vision. It's easy to focus on one thing, but not an entire landscape."
  7. Cyna nodded, wide eyed, staring at the Shattered Plains and the Stormlight. "I...I'm a Twinborn- a Tineye and a Windwhisperer. I can burn tin to enhance my senses and I can store one sense in my tinmind. I can also compound, or Allomantically burn from my tinmind."
  8. Cyna slowly nodded, trying to take all of this information in. "Which planet are you from? What magic do you have?"
  9. Cyna looked at Aln, then the map she was holding, then at Aln again. Her curiosity got the better of her. "A pocket universe? Which worlds are you referring to?"
  10. Cyna took a tiny step back and offered Aln a small smile in return. "Thank you. I have a couple of questions- where am I? Do you know how I can get back to Luthadel?"
  11. Cyna shuffled in through the front door, glancing around warily before asking, "Is Alanis Sheneth here?"
  12. I have revised my character Name: Cyna Jing Physical Characteristics: About 5’2, scrawny, pretty weak. She has short black hair and often wears a beat-up brown jacket with little rocks or slips of paper in the pockets that she rubs when nervous. Investiture: Twinborn- can burn tin, store and tap from tin, and compound Skills: She’s flexible, can run really fast and really far, and good at climbing. Has an excellent memory and can remember and apply concepts easily. Equipment: Vials of tin, tin metalmind Weakness: She’s physically weak. She can’t cope with change very well- she adheres to a specific routine, and any changes in it can lead to her thoughts spiraling rapidly. She’s easily overwhelmed. Family: A mother, a father, a younger sister Home Planet: Scadrial Backstory: When she was a child, her family fled Luthadel after the assassination of the Lord Ruler, when the instability started. She was raised in a quiet forest, trained to burn tin, and stumbled upon an entrance to the Alleyverse one day. Guild: Unaffiliated Psyche: Paranoid, guarded, curious Personality: Always analyzing a situation before jumping into it, cautious, loves to learn (on a related note, she wants to find the answers but she’s too afraid to actually go out there and find them), methodical Appearance: [The artistically inclined are welcome to include an illustration of their character.] Theme Song: ??? Fighting Style: She’d prefer not to engage in a fight. Usually, she bolts at the first sign of a threat, but if she must fight, she’s on the defense, evading attacks and trying to find an opening to get out.
  13. Hello! This is my first character Name: Cyna Jing Physical Characteristics: About 5’2, scrawny, pretty weak. She has short black hair and often wears a beat-up brown jacket with little rocks or slips of paper in the pockets that she rubs when nervous. Investiture: Misting, can burn tin Skills: She’s flexible, can run really fast and really far, and good at climbing. Has an excellent memory and can remember and apply concepts easily. Equipment: Vials of tin Weakness: She’s physically weak. She can’t cope with change very well- she adheres to a specific routine, and any changes in it can lead to her thoughts spiraling rapidly. She’s easily overwhelmed. Family: A mother, a father, a younger sister Home Planet: Scadrial Backstory: When she was a child, her family fled Luthadel after the assassination of the Lord Ruler, when the instability started. She was raised in a quiet forest, trained to burn tin, and stumbled upon an entrance to the Alleyverse one day. Guild: Unaffiliated Psyche: Paranoid, guarded, curious Personality: Always analyzing a situation before jumping into it, cautious, loves to learn (on a related note, she wants to find the answers but she’s too afraid to actually go out there and find them), methodical Appearance: [The artistically inclined are welcome to include an illustration of their character.] Theme Song: ??? Fighting Style: She’d prefer not to engage in a fight. Usually, she bolts at the first sign of a threat, but if she must fight, she’s on the defense, evading attacks and trying to find an opening to get out.
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