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Posts posted by Lunamor

  1. 18 minutes ago, Sorana said:

    Shana laughed, grabbed a basket and loaded their groceries in there. Easier to have them there while they waited.

    "We should stop that."

    She told him and leaned over a bit, lowered her voice.

    "You make me happy Ben, incredibly happy. And I don't want you to be uncomfortable, so just tell me, and don't feel bad about telling me. I want to know? Sometimes I'm impulsive and over the top, and I don't know how much you are alright with, and when you're uncomfortable. So please?"

    Ben nodded.

    ”I will.”

    After a moment something occurred to him. His smiled widened into a grin.

    ”I just realized something.”

    He said, turning to Shana.

    ”Our ship name is Benana!”


    I just had to. :P


  2. 13 hours ago, Sorana said:

    "I'm sorry."

    Shana felt awful when he turned a bright red. He was still smiling, but she knew she had made him uncomfortable. Quickly she stepped back, searched for something to talk about while waiting.

    “It’s fine.”

    He responded quickly.

    ”I just got a little startled.”

    He felt terrible that he had made her feel the need to apologize.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Sorana said:

    Shana smiled when she saw Ben walked towards her, moving slowly and carefully to not drop anything. He looked tired, but despite that he still look glorious. Leaning over she kissed him quickly on the cheek and blushed slightly. They were in a supermarket, not at home. Hopefully Ben wasn't uncomfortable with that.


    Ben blushed, not knowing how to react. Was this normal behavior for a new couple? Were they taking things too fast? They had only been together for a day and a half, although it felt much longer. Not that he was complaining. She made him the happiest person in the world. He fiddled with the jelly beans and stared at his feet, his face getting redder. After a moment he glanced back upwards, smiling shyly at Shana.

  4. The Bondsmith, Elsecaller, Willshaper, and Lightweavers all raised their hands. The Lightweaver raised their hand because they were impersonating the Bondsmith. The Elsecaller raised their hand because they believed that they, logically, were the most worthy of being the leader. The Willshaper raised their hand because they hadn’t been a leader before and why not start now. The Bondsmith raised their hand because they were actually the leader.

  5. Harry Potter Spoilers:


    349b. Disregard this rule if you have a godfather whom everyone thinks is a crazy criminal. Chances are that he is friendly and just wants to make sure that you are ok.

    349c. Note that sometimes the eyes will literally be on the back of your head, depending on if you have been associating with any evil wizards recently.


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