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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Posts posted by Zephrun’s Imperium

  1. 1 hour ago, Tin said:

    Ahhhh I'm afraid I don't get the TUBA joke yet, but I'm excited to eventually! xD And I'll definitely check out the Longest Thread then!!

    As for my favorite character, I'm definitely gonna have to go with Kelsier -- I know a lot of people don't seem to like him that much, including his own author (or so it kinda seemed from the annotations), but he's one of my favorite characters of all time. Honestly, I think his character has really impacted the way I view the world. Which sounds scary, but... well. It helped wake me up a bit more, let's say. ;) 

    I've had a similar experience. Kell's close to my heart. I'm a lot happier 'cause of that man. Welcome to the Shard!

    And hey, you've read Secret History right? If you like Kelsier that much then it's worth worlds.

  2. If you liked the first trilogy a lot, you probably should. And if you liked Kelsier a lot, then read Secret History (you can read it before or after Era 2. Most people will tell ya to do so after, but I say it doesn't matter.) I can't say very much about it because that would be spoilery, but it's my favorite thing by Brandon Sanderson so... yeah. Have you read any of the other Cosmere books?

  3. 9 minutes ago, Singer said:

    This is just too fun to not join in! Has anyone starting working on a "This is Hoid"? If not I'll take a crack at a first draft.

    Dude, I literally thought of "This is Hoid" earlier. How awesome is that?! But no, no one's taken a crack at it. Go for it!

    Also, update on Come Alive, this week has been crazy, but I'll probably finish it this weekend. 

  4. Granted, but it becomes so popular that no one wants to watch anything else. They canceled Endgame for it. Thanks a lot, @hoiditthroughthegrapevine.

    I wish for the ability to hear other peoples' thoughts at will. 

    Storms, that was on the other page. Ha, ha, I'm an idiot.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Reckless Reader said:

    How... How do...

    Never mind. I never have figured out how the grammar structure works.


    I don't think there is a grammar system. The point is to be wonky, right? And in my experience, most of the meaning is derived from the way you say phrases; where the emphasis is and what not. As for how I do it, well... See, when I talk in it for a while (either to annoy people, impress people, or have fun) my brain will automatically think what I should say next in it. It's kinda fun, but it makes it hard to switch from one dialect to the other. 


    17 minutes ago, SarcasticRavens said:

    When you try to teach yourself to cuss more like the various characters throughout Sanderson's books. I am currently calling everyone a "Scudding Cremling" because to me it's pretty great. (If anyone has any suggestions for the phrase "For goodness' sake" I would love to hear them, I've been pondering it for a couple days now)


    Ah, I do this way too much. I really like Kelsier so most of my curses circle around him, but I'm not above a "storms" (or a "What on Braize?") every once in a while. As for your "for goodness' sake" stand-in, I would suggest using a favorite character, but really you could do anything. 

  6. 2 hours ago, EddieB said:

    Im a good chunk threw WoR, where Szeth just attempted to kill Dalinar during the highstorm, but Kaladin threw Szeth and himself out the hole in the wall, but id day its easily Kaladin, although i also like Dalinar, you?

    Kelsier! But as far as SA goes, its Renarin, Szeth as a close second. 

  7. Oh, I could go on and on and on and on and... you get it. I love Marsh so storming much. He is amazing. He and Kell are my favorite characters in Mistborn and while Kelsier does just barely edge his brother out for the place of favorite character, Marsh still has a special place in my heart. Seriously, I met him and I shoved Kell aside for the moment and was just like, "Why, hello there, I will now devote my full attention to you." But then.... he was gone. He just wasn't in TFE enough. And then Kell died (I can say that here 'cause this is a spoiler thread, right?) so that kinda chiseled him into my brain for good. I was really excited for Marsh to be around in WoA and really interested about how he would deal with being an Inquisitor but then, same problem. He left and when he came back he was not himself. In HoA you get stuff from Marsh's perspective which is awesome and it makes you appreciate him a lot more. If Marsh was your favorite character in TFE then you will not be disappointed. Marsh deserves better. 'Nough said.

  8. 1 minute ago, Pagliacci said:

    Alright so Vin can use Allomancy to control the minds of the koloss and force them to do her bidding. But that's okay, that's acceptable because the Koloss are lesser beings, right? Kinda sounds like the noble class's justification for subjugating the Skaa doesn't it?



    That... that's a really good point. 

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