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Posts posted by BooksBeforeDeath

  1. I was rereading Way of Kings, and I came across one of those Blank Seconds Before Death messages. It said something like "Where is the Almighty, why has he forsaken us," etc. There was one line that spoke out to me. "Shard of my Soul, where have you gone?" I saw the word Shard, and started thinking, but I couldn't think of any theories that worked, so I took to the forums. Any theories? I'll edit this post soon to include the paragraph; I don't have my book right now.

  2. Alright, so Midge will have maxed out scholarship and intelligence levels. The whole purpose of this character was to be the Tia of the team, so her being under powered is kind of what I was going for. 


  3. How's this?


    Name: Zoe (Epic name: Midge)

    Gender: Female

    Physical attributes: 5" normally, 80 pounds normally, brown eyes, short, black hair.

    Equipment: Will be updated as she gets things, but she starts with nothing.

    Epic Powers: Can change size to anywhere between 5" and the size of a penny. Does not retain mass and strength, which decreases with size. Can't re-grow(?) to a size larger than the confines she's in. For example, if Midge was in a purse, the largest she could be would be about the height of the purse. Anything solid counts as a barrier to stop re-growth(?)

    Epic Weakness: Rodents. Seeing or touching any kind of rodent, including pictures, paintings, and drawings, will negate Midge's power, and will cause her to enlarge to maximum height instantly, and be unable to shrink for awhile. 

    Non-Epic weakness. Refuses to fight, and won't use a weapon of any kind. She can carry weapons, like transporting a weapon between two people, but refuses to use it. Traps and indirect ways of injuring people, however, are fine.

    Personality: Skittish and shy, Midge prefers not talking to people, as she can get very stressed when overwhelmed. Midge is kind and caring, but would plan traps with the intent to kill if it were the only option.  

    Backstory: When Zoe was young she lived on a ranch with her mother. Zoe loved taking care of animals and living with only her mother, as she was very shy, even back then. One day, an epic with a grey mask and cloak came riding on a wave of every rodent imaginable, and lay waste to the farm. Zoe's mother didn't make it out alive. Zoe, in a surge of power, increased to the size of a building*, squashed the epic, and then collapsed unconscious, reverting back to her normal form. When she awoke, the farm was a wasteland, and Zoe decided to never again invest her life in something so easily destroyed by epics, and she took on the Epic name Midge. Midge made a grand miniature city buried underneath the ground, spending all her time devoted to beauty and vanity. Eventually. when Calamity was undone, she came to her senses, and realized she needed to get as far away from her city as possible. She began asking around, and eventually struck a deal with two shady people who said they could bring her to universes untold. When Midge said yes, gas poured into the room, and Midge fell unconscious. Upon waking up, Midge found herself in the middle of the Alleyverse. Midge decided to take a look around, and was taken in by the Ghostbloods.

    *Note, this is a one time power surge upon becoming an epic, kind of like when you swear a new oath in SA. This is no longer a thing Midge can do, no matter how hard she practices and trains.      





  4. In Warbreaker, we see Nightblood killing people when they open his sheath, which happens often, usually foreshadowed by a greedy glint in their eye, and than them stealing it. My question was, is this need to have Nightblood magical, or just a side effect of poor people, and a sword that looks like it could turn a profit? We see Vasher saying...



    "'And... Two ran away from me. That's not right.'

    'You cannot tempt the hearts of men who are pure, Nightblood.'"-Warbreaker, by Brandon Sanderson.


    Which could go either way. It could imply that he amplifies greed, to some extent, or that people who don't believe in stealing won't steal. We also see Szeth on Roshar who doesn't feel a need to unsheathe it, but that might have to do with something about his life experiences, or the fact that he's a Truthless. I have no idea, because any evidence I've seen could go two ways.

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