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Posts posted by conn

  1. I wouldn't want her to be too much older. It'd be nice if she kept the same personality, but had some more responsibility. I wouldn't want her to be battle hardened or something...at least not too much.

  2. I like the idea of letting go.  He still feels that he should be able to protect everyone.  That feeling could be amplified with new powers and the responsibility of being a KR.


    It'd be great if he could find it without all the self-doubt that has plagued him in the first two books.  Something different would be refreshing.


    His issues with Roshone could be related to what he almost did with the king.  Since he realized that he has to protect even those he hates, then that would include Roshone...though more difficult.

  3. Solid book.  My first reaction was that I'm glad we won't have too long of a wait for the next book.  I think there were flaws, but going back over some of them, I can appreciate them a little more.  For example:


    Interludes: In general I find them annoying since I want to get back to the main story.  I like Eshonai and Taravangian's however.  Lift's was too long, but going back, I liked her more.  She was funny, especially calling her spren a voidbringer and breaking in to places to eat their dinner.  I'm glad she will have a larger role.  I like Rysn, and I assume we'll see more of her, but it was a little too long.


    Cosmere - I don't mind there being Easter Eggs, but I think people who knew more from the other books may have enjoyed parts of this book more.  I had forgotten the parts from WB since I read it so long ago.  However, I've pretty much caught up on all of it after reading these posts, so maybe it won't matter in the future.


    Kaladin - I liked his fight in the duel and the ending.  His hating light-eyes was very annoying at times.  It may be understandable, but I thought it slowed the story.  Did he consider that killing the king when Dalinar was away at a dangerous battle could/would lead to Sadeas taking control?


    Adolin - I think his journey will be similar to his father's, but will just be shorter.  Dalinar would have killed Sadeas when he was younger, but matured as he grew up.  I'm also very glad Sadeas is gone because that political intrigue plot would have been annoying if it continued into book 3.


    Shallan - Always liked her.  The relationship with Adolin/Kaladin could be troubling.  Could she have been a little more persistent in getting Dalinar's or Navani's attention, especially since the fate of the world was pretty much at stake?


    Jasnah -  I'm glad she was gone because Shallan needed to be on her own.  I don't really mind if nice characters don't die or comeback, but I'm a little tired of Szeth and his revival cheapens Kaladin's victory.


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