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Status Replies posted by Pagliacci

  1. To all those who have read my prologue I have attached a poll to help me with a specific piece of decision making.

    1. Pagliacci


      Done. I look forward to seeing what comes next!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. I know I shouldn't hate people, so I'm trying my hardest not to hate our president right now.

    1. Pagliacci


      I'm Aussie* so which President would that be and what has she/he done now?

      *Though the role of Prime Minister seems to be a game of musical chairs in our country.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Interesting fact: Your name means 'clown' in Italian. Did you know that? 

    1. Pagliacci


      Indeed I did. The name is inspired by a joke. In some iterations of which a clown is called Pagliacci. The joke is probably most commonly known from the graphic novel Watchmen.

      Here's the joke:

      A man visits a doctor, the man says he's depressed.

      "Doctor, I need help. The world is a dark and uncertain place. Life feels harsh and cruel. I feel completely alone in this unfeeling world."

      "The treatment is simple," says the Doctor, "The circus is in town. Go see the great clown Pagliacci. He'll make you feel better."

      The man bursts into tears. "But doctor," he says, "I am Pagliacci."


      Also your name "Sheo" means death in Aonic.

      ... I have a feeling you already knew that. ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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