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Status Updates posted by Pagliacci

  1. An Announcement:

    I will be leaving the 17th Shard. Thank you all for being such a wonderful, enthusiastic community. I wish all you writers out there the best.

    Journey before destination.

  2. The guy who got me into Sanderson has become a historical consultant for Stormlight 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What's you Endgame theory?

    1. Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper


      Basically that all the characters surviving have connections to Thanos which will allow them to convince him to reverse the snap. Examples of the connections I'm talking about are things like Tony being "cursed with knowledge" like Thanos, Clint & Scott both being fathers (if you could call Thanos Gamora & Nebula's father), and Nebula being his daughter. Its probably more likely that time travel or the soul stone will be involved, though. 

  4. OB Spoilers

    Adolin never gave his sword a name did he? Not like how Dalinar's Blade was given the name Oathbringer.

  5. Dalinar is a My Little Pony character..... Blackthorn

    1. BitBitio



      I don't know whether to applaud you or unfollow you.









      *applauds wildly*

  6. Man walks into Azish clinic, says he's disillusioned with the world.

    He says the world is an empty place, with no interesting or original stories.

    Azish doctor says "Treatment is simple. Go see the great Worldsinger Pagliacci. He will make you feel better."

    The man bursts into tears. "But, doctor" He says, "I am Pagliacci."

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