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Posts posted by Jeh

  1. I am inclined to believe this is significant in some manner, much as rock being able to shoot the shard bow. When I read this I immediately bookmarked it for further review. I wish we could get a verification on the year by the horneater calendar.

  2. Ok so this may be a bit out there but pulling apart the sounds in the words nonsense, balderdash and Figgldygrak and stitching them back together I get: "Sh aw r d b l (long A) d s      g i f n g     R a y s   K n o w l e d g " This is phoneticly close to:


    Shardblades giving Rayse knowledge



    What you guys think? Could this be the hidden message?


    I really like this one.  Could be the reason for Syl not liking Shardblades.


    Also, I haven't seen the idea that it could be Dawnchant.  Do we have any excerpts of Dawnchant and their respective translations?  I think I think I remember Adolin saying Dalinar spoke "gibberish" during his visions, which Navani believes is Dawnchant.

  3. WoR


    But no, the Ring said we should choose you. ‘She has visited the Old Magic,’ they said. ‘Our mother has blessed her,’ they said. ‘She will be young, and we can mold her,’ they said. Well they don’t have to put up with—”


    Could it be possible that Wyndle was referencing two separate events?  1. Visiting the Old Magic (NIghtwatcher). 2. Being blessed by mother (Cultivation).  So far receiving a blessing AND a curse has been associated with visiting the Old Magic, what if Lift received both from the Nightwatcher, then was blessed by Cultivation in another manner?  Possibly by having the curse removed.  Not the best reasoning, I admit, but it would fit the wording.
    This way it could still be a reference to Cultivation losing Honor, and subtly hinting at the two being separate entities entirely. 
    BS sure likes his subtle hints and secrets.

  4. Okay, fortunately none of my espoused theories absolutely require Nightwatcher to be Cultivation, but could you please give us a link to the source of that info? The Nightwatcher=Cultivation is a very popular theory around here, so I'm sure people will appreciate a citation. Thanks!


    Edit: Ninja'd by Weiry.





    Also, why do you say that is has "been confirmed that Cultivation is not the Nightwatcher"?  I have seen nothing like that, any question that tries to ask it has been RAFO'd


    WoR spoilers:

    In fact, given what we have seen from the Lift interlude it is heavily implied they are closely related.



    41. ZenBossanova

    @14 I also found 'awesomeness' a bit jarring, but otherwise, it was highly enjoyable.

    @21 The NightWatcher is NOT Cultivation. I asked Brandon at the Phoenix Comicon and that was all he would tell me. I suspect it is a character from Hoid's old world, but that is just my 2 cents.


    I was a little confused about the mother. It sounded like we were partly talking about the Spren's mother - and I didn't know spren had mothers.


    This is a post from the Lift excerpt at http://www.tor.com/stories/2013/12/words-of-radiance-excerpt-lift.

  5. "May I ask? Gaz hasn't been seen for some days now. Is he well?"
    "No." Kaladin waited for further reply, but [Hashal] didn't give one.


    It has been a while since anyone discussed this topic on this thread, but I think Hashal's response of "No" was to Kaladin's "May I ask?" question and not to the "Is he well?" question.  It is possible that she has no idea where Gaz is and this is why she responded in such a manner. This doesn't provide much, and the only thing I think it might do is possibly removing the theories that Hashal had something to do with his disappearance.

  6. "Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns."


    Chp 11:

    Does anyone else think this is related to the Shards? We know there are 16, and the Everstorm possibly refers to when all the things in the cosmere come to a head.



    Since there are 16 shards, and three of them (Cultivation, Honor, and Odium) resided on Roshar, I think it's a given that this is related to the shards.


    My personal belief on this is that there were three shards ruling on Roshar, NOT including Odium.  This comes from the "Three of sixteen RULED, but NOW the Broken One reigns."  This makes me think that the Broken One was not one of the original 3 shards ruling.  If this is the case, we know of Honor and Cultivation, but not who/what the third shard is.  Since it has been confirmed that Cultivation is not the Nightwatcher, perhaps the Nightwatcher could be this mysterious 3rd shard... 


    Not sure if this theory has been made before or not.

  7. But I loved it, so much, even when it made me sad. And I actually like Egwene again.

    I did a massive re-read in anticipation of AMoL and at the end of that re-read I truly discovered how much I really hated Eqwene.

    However, much like you, I liked Egwene again by the time of her death. Even though Gawyn was misguided and hated Rand throughout most of the series I still liked him. I was expecting him to off Demandred, but no such luck.

    I had to go cry in my girlfriend's shower after finishing the book and I still don't know why. No book has ever left me so emotionally... emotional. It was an amazing ride. Glad I reread the series earlier last year. Truly an amazing ending to an amazing series. And in a way I think I prefer Brandon finishing it... The whole way through I could feel his love for the series in a way I don't think Jordan could have done. This was an homage directly in the conclusion and it made the book something beautiful and unique.

    When I finished reading the last page and I finally closed the back cover of the book I got tears in my eyes. I almost broke down walking to my bookshelf to replace the dust cover. Looking back on these books I realize how much they meant to me and how much looking forward a new one every couple/few years kept me in anticipation. I finished AMoL yesterday and I have teared up/cried a few times as I wrote reviews, thought about them, or talked to my wife about their magnitude.

    I agree with your statement about Brandon finishing the series. These books had as much, if not more, impact on his life as they did for each of us, which I believe made his writing that much more special. Doing honor to Robert Jordan and finishing WoT in an awesome way. Two authors from two different generations worked on the final chapter of this epic journey, and together they created a masterpiece that is unmatched.

    I only began the journey nine years ago, but watching Rand Mat and Perrin go from being irresponsible boys to becoming heroes these last nine years was full of joy and sorrow. I don't know if I will ever discover an epic fantasy series that is an equal to The Wheel of Time, but I will search as the Wheel continues to turn, returning to the Third Age every now and again to re-discover old friends and loved ones that have been immortalized by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson.

    "Life is a dream from which we all must wake before we can dream again."

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