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Posts posted by Doomstick

  1. 2 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

    Kay. I'm out of posts and keteks are relatively boring. So I think I'll just tell you a story. (I'm planning on actually writing this as a book one day)

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Crimson. Now, Crimson was the Scarlet Queen's servant. She wasn't terribly high in rank, but she and the queen were close and she was privy to many secrets. The Writer of Prophecies had foretold of a hero who could dethrone the Queen. The Queen knew of this prophecy and captured The Black Knight - an upriser in a nearby town who she was certain must be the prophesied hero. Crimson got the duty of caring for this man and slowly, she came to love him. She decided that she would kill the Queen and take up the throne. And when she was queen, she would release her love. But as the queen choked on her blood, she told Crimson that she had done exactly as was needed. The Prophecy had been darkened. Having learned about the Prophecy, Crimson decided that The Black Knight would never know of his true potential. After ascending to the throne, she made the Knight her servant. 

    This is not a happy tale. It does not end well for anyone. Crimson grows prideful and power-hungry, becoming an even more feared ruler than the one before her. The Black Knight slowly begins to realize his true potential and in her fear, Crimson murders him, trapping him inside of a mirror. He comes to her every night in her dreams. He won't let her sleep. And so, she shatters the mirror, cutting his soul's ties to this realm. And the kingdom shook in her anguish. 

    As her fury subsides, she takes his blade - Starscraper - and plunges it into the earth, creating a shrine for him. She places his helm atop it and our story comes to a close as the wind takes away her tears.

    The End

    the Scarlet Queen, by Butt Venture

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