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Status Updates posted by Ripheus23

  1. Supposing that there is not just an interpolation from the spheration to the tessellation grids, but the other way around as well, I think there would be cymatic reciprocals (AKA "acoustic reciprocals") encoded into the units of the spheration grid.


  2. Well, at any rate, my model now appears, to me, to involve a phenomenon I will call "Venn-Wheeler condensate" specifically (not Kleinert-Wheeler condensate). The idea is that the universe can transcompute the manifold of tessellation from spheration. But now the 4- and 5-dimensional kissing-number tessellations are not the simplectic ones. The spheration wave has "nowhere to go" in actuated 5-space, so the collapsing 5-dimensional crystal transverts its energy into the 4-dimensional space. This gravitationally condenses into a tessellation, that of the 16-cell, that does not fit onto the already-given tessellation of 4-space. So the 4-dimensional realm is wildly distorted. However, when the wave transverts upon the 3-dimensional realm, it harmonically enfolds the already-given tetrahedral-octahedral manifold, i.e. this manifold is now the Wheeler condensate production of the quarks, leptons, antiquarks, antileptons, gluons, vectrons, and vectrinos as such.

    The gluonic crystal, moreover, can be produced at this stage as a Venn condensate (this being a more specific variation on the geon-theme picked up from Wheeler, here). That is, a Venn 3-circle space is transcomputed (via stereographic retrojection) into the gluonic octahedron; the Venn 3-circle is assumed from spheration per se (as a form of the effect in general). So the gluons have a lot of "reality" to them, at this stage of the axioplex [axiomatic metroplex], and it seems, so far, that all the pieces of the axioplexity thence assembled, add up the degrees of their intrinsic virtual or actual reality, and give, more or less, the particles that have been discovered, if not yet an explanation of how they now interact (I need to learn A LOT more about QED and QCD to figure THIS out!).

    1. Ripheus23


      *assumed from spheration per se and from triangulation per se, I think I should specify.


      There is a difference between (Simplicity + Tessellation) and (Simplicity + Enclosure + Tessellation). The former gives a triangle in 2-space but a cube in 3-space, whereas the latter gives a 2-space triangle and a 3-space tetrahedra-octahedron. This is because as a pure factor, simplicity would qualify tessellation such that the minimal tessellation involving one kind of shape is invoked. But enclosure qualifies simplicity insofar as the tetrahedron (for example) is simpler enclosure-wise compared to the cube.

    2. Ripheus23


      Also it appears I stumbled upon background-independence as a condition of my system, i.e. I do not seem to presuppose that space has a specific form but deduce space's form from other principles. I wonder if that means I'm at all on the right track :P I don't want to end up with something like the CTMU that sounds fancy but is too difficult or empty to reliably apply (although I do want to emphasize that Langan's theory tipped me off to the notion of Venn condensate in particular, so to speak)...

  3. Image result for amplituhedron

    I wish I knew more about this. It's a representation of an "amplituhedron," which is presumably a complement, supplement, or replacement for my representation of the equivalent process, I suppose...

  4. When the spheration of the 5-dimensional crystal is effected, this results in the code for the kissing number in the fifth dimension due to the attempted tessellation of space using the 5-sphere. Since exotic virtual particles corresponding to the implicit manifold of tessellation from the dimensionalized net of the 5-cell, have already been admitted, it does not seem entirely amiss to introduce, here, particles corresponding to a tessellation of space that is a deduction from the spheration grid.

    These are, in a way, thoroughly gravitational objects. Let us provisionally refer to them as Kleinert-Wheeler condensate, after a form. Are they dark matter or dark energy? They exist in a virtual continuation of a dimensional realm that has otherwise collapsed wherever else it is not virtual. Now, there are also two virtual gluonic crystals at this stage, and one more crystal shape entirely also, computed purely from the manifold of tessellation for the dimensionalized net of the 5-simplex (after all!). This last shape would correspond to a set of force and matter particles. Indeed, it would correspond to 12 new forces and 45 new kinds of matter. So maybe there's some dark matter or energy in there somewhere, without the K-W condensate.

  5. Hmm, it seems as if my deontic-crystal theory implies that after the tetrahedral-octahedral stage of dimensionalization, in the 4-dimensional state the number of vectrons would reduce from 8 to 5, and the number of gluons would increase to 10, with 30 quarks and 10 leptons. This isn't correct, then...

    1. Ripheus23



      At the three-dimensional stage, there are 24 matter particles and 16 force (gluon/vectron/vectrino) particles (and the graviton and Higgs fields are computed separately). The second tetrahedron, and hence the vectrinos and antileptons, is directly computed by both the Moretti and the tessellation parameters. However, a second pentachoron is not computed at the four-dimensional stage, for the sake of tessellation, but it is only added in due to the Moretti parameter, here (the "logical di-simplexes of dimension n"). Accordingly, the 4-dimensional level of reality is "less real" than the 3-dimensional one. At the next, five-dimensional, stage, the principle of enclosure is violated due to the geometric degeneracy of the deontic graph that would appear, here. So, the spheration of the degenerate enclosure (which regenerates it) cascades throughout the entire pentadimensional crystal of geodesic potential, bringing about the dynamical phenomenon of knotical-graphical correspondence.

      But the information reduction/collapse at this stage, and the 4-dimensional one, both contribute to the reduction of the equilibrium model, i.e. by the time the universe has entered its post-inflatonic phase, the model seems to imply that most of the primary list of particles will be mapped from the 3-dimensional deontic crystal. [The 3-dimensional level of reality is the "most" real, then, due to a joint satisfaction of the parameters in question?]

    2. Ripheus23


      The triangular tiling does not require multiple simplices at the origin, so the 2-dimensional level of reality would also be "less real" than the 3-dimensional one. So far, then, it seems that if all these descriptions fit together coherently, that the 3-dimensional level of reality is where the energy flux of kairogenesis would stabilize.

  6. Gluon star story idea(ish)

    So, I was imagining how a gluon star might exist. You'd apparently need a lot of gluons. I don't know if talk of boson stars usually has much to do with this option, though since gluons can form glueballs (which I will for the rest of this post refer to as gluonium) which have mass, it seems possible to me for enough gluons to be massed together to form a gravitationally self-bound star-structure (or whatever).

    Now, if this is so, as such, it does mean it's gluonium, technically, that's making up the star. So, how does that work? The base is the fact (or assumed fact) that gluons, because they have and carry color charge, unlike light which carries but does not have an electric charge, can be charge-bound together as long as the whole unitary structure is color-neutral. So, for the sake of my story idea, so to say, let's say that there is an ascending series of gluonium types (gluon complexes) that corresponds masswise somehow to the ascending order of quarks and leptons or whatever, so that gluonium can form into atom- and chemical-like structures. For the sake of simplicity, let's work with hypothetical gluonic hydrogen (let's call it "strong hydrogen," on an analogy with the term "heavy water"). Granted the required gravitational pressures, then, a gluon star consisting primarily of strong hydrogen should (hypothetically...?) undergo an analogical regime of stellar nucleosynthesis.

    The articles I've read on these subjects include one that talked about something called "gluon fusion" that is used in Higgs-boson runs. I think the temperatures I saw listed as required for this were like 1 trillion to 4 trillion (I think 7 trillion is the maximum they've gotten?). Now gluonium is supposed to be unstable, I believe, like it collapses/decays/cools down/w/e really fast (like fractions of fractions of fractions of seconds fast), so let's suppose the star needs a constant temperature of about 1 trillion degrees, to stabilize the gluonium overall, so the core of the star puts off the required heat and keeps the rest of the gluonium in a plasma-like state (or whatever state is analogous to what the sun's heat keeps itself in). Now, at the edge of the gluonium plasma (glagma!), maybe the exotic mass cools down and decays into other particles. One decay product of gluon fusion itself is apparently Higgs bosons, so if it were possible to detect either a Higgs boson wave as coming off a star or not, or if a star was internally being altered by the presence of a large enough number of Higgs bosons, or whatever, we might have one test for whether a star is a gluon star or not. But also I think gluons can decay into quarks, or gluonium can, so maybe there'd also be a thin sphere-ish layer of pure quark matter at the edge of the star's "atmosphere".

    Now I would guess that this star would be super-bright, but I wonder how long it would last. Apparently, boson stars of some kind are relevant to the question of how an active galactic nucleus works (I think the evidence is that they're not the core cause of the phenomenon, but related nevertheless), so they ought to be exceptionally bright in any event, so maybe weirdly bright stars would be candidates for these. (Or: some quasars are gluon stars, or who knows...) So maybe there's that reason to think they'll exist for a long time. But if gluonium decays quickly (or quickly enough?), I think there's a chance they wouldn't last very "long," for a star at least. Let's say they only exist for a few years at most?

    1. Ripheus23


      More for the story: so color charge has a superconductivity relation, just like electric charge. That's true, like, there's supposed to be a kind of matter that superconducts color charge. Now I honestly don't know what that technically means but in the story the idea is that there is actually a Dyson sphere made of gluonium, surrounding a gluon star, and the gluonium is used in some forms to be color-charge superconductive, so they can use it in computer processing using the color charge instead of electricity. Explorers who discover this ancient system call these things "color computers," somewhat as a joke. Now, there are six color charges, so color computers are that much more powerful already than electrical ones. Secondly, the strong force is much more powerful than the electromagnetic force, so it contributes that power to the information states available for computation.

      In other words, the Dyson sphere is probably, if not "artificially" or "intelligent," still, a computer with enormous capacities. Now, if it were possible to build a dual electrical/color computer, who knows, that would probably be the most powerful. But anyway, for the sake of the story, the exotic gluonium computers and accompanying---eventually---lifeforms, would just use the color charge system.

      These would be the beings looking for the residual inflatons, as it goes. According to them, some cosmic voids are "empty" not due to foam-collapse in the early universe, but because almost all the light in them is being eaten by swarms of black holes in deep space. These swarms' firewalls are constantly blending and creating gravitonic plasma pressure and in a sense most of these buzzing darkness-forces are flowing around each other like amobae in water or some such thing. Some get sucked into others and technically the regions of space in which the swarms manifest might only be a few hundred light-years across on average.

      Anyway, the gluonic engineers would provide for a way to access the Kerr singularity at the heart of one void, where a major deposit of inflatons is expected to be available. This relates to the virtual-reality system that the color computers are able to manifest, which allows consciousness to be rotated out of electrons into gluons via a tau cascade (where the electrons transfer their cognitive information to the tau particles, which then decay into hadrons that get mixed into a quark-gluon condensate). Once the color charge process-set of a person has been uploaded into the color "theater" of the gluonium computer system, it can then be transmitted into the ring/Kerr singularity via a special gravitonic system that the engineers design.

  7. Accidental Cosmere-creepypasta leftovers from a post-edit attempt

    Also known as "whether Sanderson left a meta-clu        .

         , s of realityp  ny, so to speak, seeming normal and becoming mur     remember if this was a specific sub-scene or more a collage ofdescthe linesli s       being the creepy shadow-version of the stark base, just as the subtle tyranny is the creepy version   

    ,ry time (that means my mind can't be broken of this belief :P): there wilny-arcs incallandor-f Lik,the ther ar      .                                            Bear in mind, then, that this theory entails that Dominion was never evil, regardless of whether the Skaze are now (so to speak), or whatever. He might've been in danger of becoming an evil like that but who knows, maybe any of them can, in principle. Anyway...

    So, assuming that Odium is equal to                  ,e-tortBraize-tortur Braize-tortureBraize-torture-v Braize-torture-victorture-vict                  (                           (         e. In fact, whenever Odium ts a magic system base b pa ,  .     tormencti      whate


           (             ""     (   a   

  8. Because the unit circle inscribes pi, but is also determined from the unit number, it arises that the increase of spheration for orthocrystalline matter is not pi itself, but pi minus 1. That is, spheration takes the orthomass and increases it (conceived as a unit of mass) by 2.14&c., as a distinctly used numerical value (not just a virtual implication of the ratio of 1/pi). So, the orthomass is, for a fraction of a second, equivalent to itself times pi. However, now we subtract 1 from pi, so the consolidated orthomass (after spheration) is 2.14&c. The loss of mass is due to the absence of a spherical tessellation of space, as such: there is a virtual "void" or "vacuum" between the unit-spheres of the pure spheration grid itself, and when this void is superimposed over the orthomassive grid, it "cuts out" or "deletes" a unit of mass for all the sections of the orthogonal tessellation that it covers. The expression, then, of the increase of spheration is:

    1 + (pi - 1) - 1 = M

    Because the virtual mass of gravity particles (as spheration) itself is less than the virtual mass of non-gravitational particles, this weakness of gravity is compounded all the more in relation to the other forces.

    ... It stands that there is an interesting infinite expression-series as:

    1 + (pi - 1) - 1 + (pi - 1) - 1 + (pi - 1) - 1 + ... &c. ...

    ---though what this entails for the doctrine of spheration, I don't know.

  9. The concept of the True Words derived from the "mystical" side of action theory. The idea was that there was a special set of action-types that corresponded to "letters" so that, if the actions were performed in a sequence, with the right moral context (the "syntax"/"punctuation"/"grammar"), then those actions implicitly would spell out commands, assertions, and questions, in the "True Language." Now, it was of course possible to question whether each action-type actually corresponded to a letter or a word, as such, but moreover, then, it was possible to define the transentential simplexity or transplexity, which was a True sentence with a subject-word and a predicate-word, each word consisting in one letter (indeed, the absolute transplexity would be the one in which it was the same word that was being used as both subject and predicate).

    The deity-theory of the transplexity is: it is the act-type of creation that corresponds to the subject-predicate word-unity of the transplex axiom, i.e. God performed the act of creation twice in succession so as to state the True Words of the transplexity as such. Accordingly, God would be the only one Who can "say" the axiom, in the True Words. And the True Name of God is an action-type that only God can perform, perhaps.

  10. ... In addition to denying the attribute of absolute simplicity to God, this model of the divine nature also denies that God is necessarily good and almighty. For example, if it impossible for a being to necessarily freely will to be good, then God is good contingently. The divine nature is still an ultimate exemplar of what is good, but this is not absolutely necessary. However, to be sure, this does not detract from the divine glory at all, since it would be futile to attribute to this glory a goodness that cannot exist. ...

    Now also, however, if ethical truth is determinative of the divine questions (the question of the divine nature), it follows that ethical truth would not allow for any being to be almighty, since if this being chose to be evil, nothing could defeat it and the world would be damned forever. But the world ought not to be damned forever; hence...

    It remains to be said that it is possible for a being to have free will without being able to choose evil. Free will in itself is just choice, and since besides the forbidden there are the permitted, the obligated, and that which is beyond the call of duty, it follows that we have a choice even if we can only choose from those three and not also a fourth (evil). Wherefore it would seem possible for God to be necessarily non-evil. If this were so, it would follow that it was possible for God to be almighty, maybe. But I'm not sure.

    Now, there doesn't seem to be any "ethical" reason for God not to be omniscient. Indeed, the way in which God knows things seems to be the most specific way in which God is God.

    ... In those days, during the False Apocalypse, the Sin-knight worked to bring all the world unto Its revelation, the visio malum,* the song of evil. But during the True Apocalypse, when the True Knights do their great work...

    [*Opposite the visio beatifico or audio beatifico, the vision or song of God.]

    1. Ripheus23


      Also, if God was omniscient, God would have absolute proof of all goodness, which seems like it would rule out being able to sin at all.

    2. Ripheus23


      "The visio malum was the vision of the summum malum..."

  11. A question that arises is why the crystal graphs would unfold in a sequence, rather than be superimposed into each other simultaneously, or dimensionalization setting the total structure to its 5-dimensional estate at once? The explanation was that deontic-epistemic logic required agents as we know them (in ourselves) to understand the deontic crystal in a sequence, over time a priori, so that the epistemic requirement was transferred over to the physical sequence, and the universe did not start in a higher-dimensional state but has intensified and expanded into it.

    1. Ripheus23


      [It was also inferred that if dimensionalization occurred at once, then since Minkowski time is itself infinite-dimensional, it would follow that the entire Moretti set (of deontic graphs) would be graphed in all dimensions at once, and the universe would be absolutely infinite, which does not seem to be exactly the case.]

  12. ... sing a little louder...

  13. When the sorceress awoke, she was on a rock ledge, pastured over by veldt plants, under a sun of blue. The shade of the sky moiled with the clouds, casting their shadows into themselves like molten turquoise.

    She had no idea where all that would be.

    She had no idea when she was, for that matter. Something had happened. I wouldn't just wake up in the middle of nowhere, suffering a shock to my memory, unless something happened.

    The next thing that happened, as she tried to get her bearings, was that a creature appeared. The taste of cheddar cheese came over the sorceress, as if the sensation of cheddar were outside her mouth or mind, coalesced as an animal---something like an orange-yellow sloth, it seemed. Inexorably, her synesthesia made her believe, with the force of imagination almost as vivid as hallucination, that she could actually see the cheddar sloth where the sensation contoured itself in that form, on the grass to her side.

    The creature chirped up to her---she could hear it, and the sound didn't taste like anything, to be sure.

    Checking herself for leaves---she might carry edible ones, after all, since she supposes she must be a resourceful sorceress to have survived whatever thing that happened that ended up with her here, in this wild land---and finding none, she shrugged at the sloth-thing. It half-mimicked her gesture, then laid down on the ground as if in defeat.

    Off in the plain below, the sorceress tasted another species. Auroch-yaks baked of bread, it seemed. They grazed silently, from her vantage, though she imagined she could almost hear their immense gnashing.

    Wondering what a meal itself would taste like in this world, the sorceress decided to head in the direction past the bread-things.

    As she walked, a wind of lavender raked over her. The cheddar-thing followed. Oddly, she could see it even when she wasn't facing it, because it was her sensation of cheese transposed outsider her head, and this faculty of sense---Or nonsense!---radiated from her head arbitrarily, unlike sight itself with its focused range. Still, the cheddar sloth blurred more the less directly she looked at it. The lavender wind intersected the fromatic mass, but didn't admix like one soup into another. The sorceress just "tasted" the objects separately.

    And not everything, she saw as she walked, tasted like something. By now she was close to the bread-aurochs. Behind her stretched a ways of flowers and other parts of the field that gave off no glamour of appetite. Neither did any insect she espied, call to mind the taste of anything. Indeed, she simply saw the plants and the insects at once: only when facing them. In this, then, the taste-monsters implied an irregular power in this world, too.

    She had reached one of the auroch-yaks. She thought---in a first clear memory of her home realm---of how in an old but popular translation of the Scriptures, the ancient word for "auroch" had been rendered "unicorn," and it became a serious article of religious faith to accept the legend of the unicorn. Still, the sorceress thought, I'm walking up to a unicorn made of bread... The cheddar sloth had stayed back some ways, enough to be "seen" but far enough to run from the quasi-unicorn, should it come to buck and fight.

    Actually, it didn't really reply to the presence of the sorceress at first. She stood next to it. It looked at her, and as she locked her gaze with it, a deeper form of her taste-sight opened its eyes inside of hers.

    "Welcome to the Heaven of Life," the bread-unicorn intoned suddenly.

    The sorceress shocked back a little.

    "I am of the Order of Bread, of the Angels of the Land," the bread-thing said. "Guardian of this door to the Heaven of Life. Welcome!"

    "The Heaven of Life? Don't you have to be dead to go to Heaven?"

    "Trust what I say," the bread-angel suggested, "you don't want to go to the Heaven of Death. So don't go there! Ever!" Then it started grazing again.

    The sorceress didn't know what to say.

    The angel again stared at her.

    Then it spoke again. "Well, then. You're still in shock. That might be good, you know. It's always rough, finding out you had to survive the destruction of your universe. That's how you get to Heaven, you know---surviving the apocalypse. Well, your apocalypse. Ever since the Agreed signed the Treaty with the Killer, no one's had to worry about everyone dying all at once, everywhere. Just most of the people they could ever possibly know, sometimes. You're in that lottery, wizard. Your world exploded, and it hit you with so much force it just pushed you into a universe as far away as could be from where your home was."

    By now, the sorceress had blanched with horror. "The destruction of the what?"

    "The---your---universe. Welcome to the Heaven of Life!"

    The sorceress almost screamed.


    She followed the angel, the cheddar sloth still at her side, and yet silent but for a random chirp. They slept under a canopy of stars that gave off the most evanescent hint of emerald light.

    And giant slugs like living accordions paraded in the forward distance.


    This is what I get for bringing about the end of...

    ... the end...

    ... of...

    ... the world.

    "Hell's name! It's my fault!"

    The angel sighed. "You being here? Do you say, then, that you killed your world?"

    "Yes. I don't know why or how, but I swear I know what I did."

    The angel hummed. "You will be told, then, of the Killer."

    The sorceress shuddered. The accordion-slugs churned their plasma-music miles down the way. The moon glimmered red in the odd cast of the sky's night.

    "In the ancient times," the angel said heavily, "the First Ones, those who Agreed with the Killer, did so to prevent the end of all things. For the Killer had come to wield such power that It could have ended every world at once. It threatened to do so and prepared to unleash Its might. The day of darkness and reckoning was at hand. And it appeared that no miracle stood ready to save the day.

    "So the First Ones---the first to Agree with the Killer---reasoned with their adversary. This being hungered for rampage, did it not? Why, then, kill all alive right now, if there were only a limited number alive at any given time? To kill infinitely, one would have to allow some to live, after all, in every era, so that they could give rise to others who could be killed in the future.

    "Now the Killer Agreed to this compact, that It would be allowed to slaughter recklessly across the ages, so long as it would never risk or warn that it might destroy every universe at the last. It is this and this alone that has saved us all, for all the ages since."

    The sorceress considered that if any of this had anything to do with her, she might well be doomed in more than just a spiritual way. "And since I destroyed my world...?"

    "No. Because you survived that destruction. Now, maybe only you and a trillion others in your entire damned universe---in all its galaxies!---survived. But the Killer has sworn that It will exact as part of Its eternal toll, the lives of all those whosoever survive their world's end. You must have been swept out as much as possible, as I said, to have landed so far, in so many ways, from your place of origins and damnation. So you may be last on the Killer's list, now. But still, when all the other trillion are dead, It will come for you. And then you will be forced to choose between letting It kill you, or chancing to die in the Heaven of Death, whereto you might seek to flee, knowing by then what is to be found---and hazarded---there."

    The mind of the sorceress reeled; her words were, "How often do entire worlds... explode like that? Often? How old is the landscape of all these worlds, anyway...?"

    "Often enough," the angel mused, "all things considered. And it might well go on forever and ever, satiating the rapine of the Killer. That is our hope, I suppose. It is, thus, what we the angels are also Agreed upon."

    1. Ripheus23


      ... Later, the sorceress had the presence of mind to ask, "But what good is it to come to the Heaven of Life if the Killer is only going to kill me eventually? It can't just be that my dying is to be delayed. And didn't you say that everyone who survived my universe being destroyed, would end up in the Heaven of Life?"

      "My pardon," the angel-yak said. Unfolding from its back, wings made of the ghosts of tortilla chips and vanilla wafers accented the image of the angel sweetly. "I am myself the door to the place of repose. Elsewhere, other doors are offering their aid to other survivors. Getting killed in the Heaven of Life is different from getting killed elsewhere, or specifically in the Heaven of Death for that matter. Don't worry: you might never have to find out how different. If you die after a trillion others, you might be thousands of years older by then, and tired of life, after all."

      Considering that she had just desolated her whole world by accident in an instant, the sorceress didn't expect that it would take a Killer-god that long to catch up to her. If I live through anything else that might happen at all, I'll end up having to face that thing. "I don't want to go to the Heaven of Life just yet, then." She looked at the still-following cheddar-creature. "I want to do something."

      "What? Atone for your sin?"

      The sorceress mused. If only... "To atone for something, I suppose."

      The unicorn-yak harumphed gently. "That will do for now."

      The cheddar sloth chirped.

      And far, far away, at an imperceptible distance from them all, a horizon of red light blinked.

    2. Ripheus23


      ... The legends spoke of the Fire of God, sealed beyond the Floodgates of the Apocalypse, placed there by the God of Heaven when He sundered it from the two Gods of Hell. But this was, to some extent, a masque of the facts. Rather, the same principle of the saviors of the world was the principle of its destroyers: no one, and no incomplete number of, people could save or destroy the world, but only all of everyone together. So it was that there were stronger and weaker demons, but no demon alone might ever end the world. And the Lord of the Heaven of Life did indeed seal their power of destruction away long ago, not by killing them but by emptying their minds of the knowledge that they possess this dire power in the first place.

      So the demons spent their long years afterwards assailing a place in the universe they believed to be the Floodgates of the Apocalypse, believing that if they could open these, they would destroy creation. They competed with each other for the chance, and in all these matters thus deceived themselves, or were else deceived by nature, as it were. Now, even so, it became true for many worlds throughout the stars, that one or another demon of great might would appear, and forge an apocalypse for that world of its own.

      ... "To be divine is to have the power of creation. It matters not whether one has it by nature or inheritance. Yet nevertheless to be an uncreated creator, a deity---not a god but God---is greater than to be the other kind. The Gods of Hell were the scions of the Killing-god, and they indeed were destroyed, but their remnants became the demons of the Floodgates later. And the Lord of the Heaven of Life has not yet brought forth His own second power, wherefore the outcome of such an intervention in history is unknown except as a potential."

    3. Ripheus23


      ... So the demons who had come to know the truth---the deeper truth---worked towards such an end. They allowed the other demons to trudge in darkness because the truth was that if mortalkind could be had to draw on this darkness in themselves, they could be had to achieve the goal of the world's destruction by magic instead. And to keep this secret from mortalkind required the fewest of the untrustworthy monsters to know the truth, they judged further...

  14. "Excuse, me, sir, but do you---I mean, does the library--have The Black Hole?"

    That's what he thought she'd said, but she had shaken her head when she saw him looking through an index of books. "No, the book isn't The Black Hole but the book is a black hole."

    For a moment, he believed that she might've been talking about those peculiar circular books from Charshajest, or the Moebius script---many original replicas proudly housed in this building, no less. But her accent hinted at Atashy or Screlk, not Flerence. Not that I know much about any of those places. Still, he'd never heard anyone refer to any such thing as a black hole. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I do believe that it is not possible to write on a black hole, much less to store one for public reading. If you would kindly clarify..."

    "It's in time," she rushed in, "not space. Well, you can see parts of it in space. In the words. They're squiggles, you see. Strings. Wasn't it Taustargine who said that the shape of reading is the shape of time?"

    The custodian of the great cathedral-library of his land would have interjected with an answer, knowing as he did a little about antescholastic theology, including the anti-Helagian writings of Taustargine: an insightful, if prejudiced, figure in the historical regime. The custodian might have voiced other thoughts. But as he collected his breath to say something, the interloper simply continued.

    "So," she exhaled sharply, "there is a book that can draw all those strings towards itself sharply. It bends time the way mass bends space. We know that now, you know. They've proved it. So, the book absorbs meaning like a black hole absorbs matter. It absorbs the power of that meaning."

    Nodding, the custodian replied as soon as he could, however. "What about Zhawking radiation?" He didn't really get what the point of the "black hole" description was. Time? Space? He studied lists, not facts. Really! However, the interloper smiled slightly and spoke again.

    "No matter, that. The music of semiosis is not the same... it can be in perfect harmony."

    "Is there, though, actually such a book?" Here, the custodian thought he'd caught her in the web of her own metaphors. For it all came down to there possibly being a book in his library that united other books to itself with the strength of absolute gravity. Aside from the God-lore, I suppose. But that hadn't ever really been codified in a single text. Some people in some places at some times argued that it had---the B'kol Semanticists and the Terfryltyth Syntacticists the most ardent kinds of those debaters---and so maybe, for those people, their holy books were black holes. In their minds, into which all their thoughts were thrown.

    But now the interloper said, "Yes."

    The custodian studied her eyes for a glint of a second as he imagined to guess at her proposal. What kind of books has this person read? If she was from Atashy or Screlk---or maybe Ejaes---she was within a few hundred miles' distance from many trade routes involving paper and ink goods, and other great libraries and university reserves. Even a national literary estate, the Hall of the Labyrinth-book, in the north of Ejaes. But more readers and more reading choices meant more titles to hypothetically sift through. The custodian had seconds in which to make his judgment. If the interloper was quoting or paraphrasing the report of a book about time having black holes in it (the book about the phenomenon therefore embodying its own report), then she was probably---I'm not sure exactly how probably, to be fair---referring to the esoteric works of the Kanz-Frafka clique in Nrague, the capital of Czelchliand. Or the Xolopon Society, in Flerence after all... Or something else, even more absurd or weird, to be sure.

    He'd neglected his intuition on letting the interloper into the library four hours earlier. That had signaled to him that there was something weirdly dangerous about her, that she or her intention's shadow meant possible violence for someone, somewhere---even if was only herself, ultimately. But the name of the book she gave to him when he failed to guess it was of a work so innocuous, in his eyes, that his worry flashed away totally. Again his intuition jolted him as he'd handed the text to the visitor, and again he refused to look it in the eye at all. Now he just smiled; he was going to be allowed to stand guard at his desk in silence again: no one else there for the day had asked him so many questions as this one odd patron had.

    The odd one didn't look at her book when she took it. She just let it dangle in her hand while she signed a receipt of withdrawal, then slowly left the realm of bookshelves, off through the intersection of the cathedral transepts, after which point her departure proved invisible to the custodian. Whether she ran in delight then or not, he knew not, though he had a split second to think on that question when, a week later, the universe came to an end.


  15. Let's say there's an initial kairon field for the unified force. This is in itself acting in time, i.e. the excitations are traced across the axis of symmetry for the three-dimensional temporal manifold. Now, when four kairons collide in the unified field, but as of now only in time, they implicitly trace a tetrahedral space (or, rather, if they happen to collide so as to do so?), and the energy-mass conversion of their collision force produces the lower-field particles, spraying out in space (due to transcendental symmetry) as well as time. From the vantage of the kairon field in total, there is no reason to suppose that these "Planck incidents" would only ray off in one temporal direction, and in the Riphean "theory" it is assumed that the rays inscribe a 3-dimensional cross-polytope of particles so as to "echo" the octahedral manifold of the deontic tessellation. So, there are in fact 6 universes (sets of matter) that ray out from the time-point of the Planck incident.

    But in fact we can detail the assumptions further and arrive at a more provocative picture of the cosmos. It has been said that the increase of the inflatons dimensionalized space from zero to three or more levels (I mean, I have said this; I think maybe one or two others have speculated about something like this idea). Is there any essential reason to suppose that the kairon (inflaton) field in itself is not in a state of eternal quantum flux, expanding like space, its tessellated Planck-Kleinert geodesics allowing arbitrarily larger and more productive (or destructive?) collisions of kairons. So for all we know, space-universes are being "echoed into existence" from collisions in the time-plenum involving trillions of kairons, giving off a sort of "inflaton nova" that might "branch" (ramify like light) into much larger sets of particles than in the observable universe of our own. Or whatever else along these lines (maybe not trillions but septillions of kairons are involved in those processes, for instance).

    Indeed the kairons or inflatons might be conceived of as plektons, that is particles admitting of neither bosonic nor fermionic statistical indication, but in fact here the plektons would be the fused state of the pure bosonic and the pure fermionic manifolds (meta-fields). So quantum flux in the time-realm arguably would manifest in a special enough way. I myself am not versed enough in the actual difference between Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, so I will only say that the form of probability in the plektonic meta-field might correspond to the (presumed) form of probability for the "free-will field."{*}

    {*} In His Dark Materials, it is said that consciousness is unique and irreducible, but physicalism is also true, because consciousness is actually one of the fundamental force fields. Its particles for some reason can become highly entangled with organic, sentient life, in a way that they do not with gravitational networks on the galactic scale (at which point the consciousness ("Rusakov") field only produces the dark-matter effect due to its excitations' implied gravity). In the meta-theory of the Ripheus story, it is not consciousness that has its own field but free will, and this is not a field that is in space, but time alone. The primary zone of crossover for an object in the free-will field, and objects in physical space, are physical objects that are conscious, so there is a rather tight connection between physical objects and free will as a force, but how this should be so is not clearly understood.

    1. Ripheus23


      In the superstory above the Ripheus setting, in fact, wherein the quantum fractal interiors of particles are directly, significantly explored, it is determined that the scale of the space-universe produced by a given kairon collision scenario, is in part a ratio of those kairons' quantum fractal thresholds to each other and in general. So, for example, let's say an Earth-oriented universe could be generated by kairons that collide with fractal masses of 1 (the unit) each. But kairons could have fractal masses of any higher number. So, for example, at some (unimaginable?) point in the history of the cosmos, perhaps "merely" three kairons, but with fractal masses of 2.3(10^777), 1.1(10^701), and 1.3(10^791), collide, in which case who knows what mass they might inscribe in physical space thereby?

  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rectified_5-cell

    So, in the next stage of dimensionalization after 3-space appears, the tetrons and the octons are composed in the 5-cells and the rectified 5-cells that are tessellated together in 4-space. If the 5-cell has 5 particle types associated with it, and if the rectified 5-cell has 10, then there are 15 particles of tessellation (tessellons?) in 4-space. Now the theory as it stands becomes geometrically degenerate at the next stage of dimensionalization unless the information is hosotopically curved. Besides, then, rectilinear-spherical duality, we have a basis for the spheration of space in gravity, but then the graviton is an intrinsically 5-dimensional (spacewise) quantum field (it is the spheration arising from the hosotopic action at that stage). [Moreover, the sphere-helix of the tetrahedral chain mediates gravitational action, under the assumption that the tetrahelix naturally arises in action and satisfies the required principle of correspondence, here. So perhaps it is not necessary to limit gravity to 5-space, as such.]

    1. Ripheus23


      Otherwise, though, we just have one graviton type acting at each stage, invoked under different conditions. Since the 5-cell can decompose into tetrahelical manifolds, it can subsume that form of spheration into its action. But so anyway, there are 14 particle types at the 3-space stage (Higgs, graviton, 12 vectrons/gluons), then 17 (hyper-Higgs, hyper-graviton, 15 hyper-vectrons/gluons). If dimensionalization proceeded apace, then there would be 43 particle types (6 for the 5-simplices, 15 for the rectified 5-simplices, and 20 for the birectified 5-simplices, and then the other 2). So {5, 14, 17, 43}... an interesting pattern to consider, as it would then enable a prediction of which stage of dimensionalization the universe was at, based on which of the numbers on this list the universe was set towards...

  17. Planck incident. Term for the "Big Bang."

    ... The resonance of the tetrahelix flows transfers the knotical spheration of the 2-dimensional vectors through the 3-dimensional manifold, composing the maximally compacted sphere-chain of the gluon flux tubes (their implied gravitational action as mass-generating) from their triangle-spin and the knotical resonance thereof. I.e. the trefoil knot's curvature unfolds, from the triangular force's action, up into 3-dimensional spacetime, and is used to trace the spheres that are chained by the gravitonic action on the flux tubes.

    ... The Higgs action on the triangular force is the quantum fractal threshold for the triangular force, i.e. when the Higgs breaks the electroweak symmetry, it does so by decomposing the given unit triangle into four equal smaller triangles, and mapping light to the center of the four (to differentiate its higher-dimensional angle of transrotation from that of the weak force particles).

    [It remains to be seen whether this is a possible model of an entire universe---ours or not---or not.]

  18. Frise.jpg

    The metaphysics of the Ripheus story involve a model of gluon flux tubes as tetrahelical flows that trace spheration into the lines-of-force between the points of the gluon octahedron (in the manifold of tessellation). This corresponds also to a general truth known as knotical-graphical correspondence, in which each simplectic deontic graph (traced in physical space) is matched to at least one simplicial knot. At the index of spheration (aleph-pi), a given rectilinear graph's "arrows" fluctuate like plucked strings, according to the correspondent knotical manifold.

    Tachyon-bradyon complementarity

    One model of antimatter and dark matter, in Riphean terms, assumes that the antimatter is the dark matter, as in the opposite-charged sfermion manifolds. Another option is to look at Big-Bang events as equivalent to pair-production incidents in time: the matter and antimatter both form but the antimatter is shot backwards in time as tachyons. As tachyons slow down they gain mass, and as this increasing mass gets farther away (in time) from the bradyonic manifold of the "future," it pulls more and more on spacetime, producing the dark-matter effect. However, if tachyons speed up, they lose energy, and this decreasing tachyonic energy reciprocates across the Planck interval to intensify the expansion of the universe in the "future."

    1. Ripheus23


      Actually, there are more possibilities... let's say the tachyons are regular antimatter and dark matter, and the bradyons are regular matter and dark antimatter. Actually, the 5-dimensional system of the deontic metagraphs seems able to imply that there would be five time axes, so if there were two pairs of pro- and anti-particles per axis, there should be 10 pairs total?

  19. ... Gravitational pressure "squeezes" the quark-gluon plasma, and the quarks, which have been flowing through the seething array of gluon flux tubes, are "squeezed" out. The matter surrounding the quagma sphere is therefore hit with a pure quark wave. Simultaneously, the gluons are compacted enough to fuse and form a "short-lived" gluon star that will eventually, if it absorbs enough matter, go supernova and leave behind a black hole...

    ... In some cases, a squark/gluino analog of an atomic-molecular star collides with another dark-matter star at the same point in space as where two baryonic stars are colliding. Though the two regular stars do not interact with the dark-matter stars, their gravitons and gravitinos do. Accordingly, not only do the collisions and accompanying novae generate two separate black holes, but these black holes involve the fusion of gravitons and gravitinos at their core, which creates a small shell of gravitational fusion energy around the absolute core. In other words, the tetra-star collapse compounds the gravitational turbulence that already arises in the case of a regular black hole and generates a supermassive black hole (with an epochal intide (inwave) that draws matter towards the black hole, from the neighboring star systems, over a vast enough space that the SBH quickly absorbs more and more stellar masses within a "short" (let's say 1,000-year period)). [The inwave manages to suck a massive number of neutrinos/sneutrinos into itself, which adds up to a sizable amount of the mass constituency of the initial hole.]

    1. Ripheus23


      RETRACTION: I now think that the gluons would get squeezed out of the quark manifold, because the quarks would form a superfoam, and the thermal pressure surrounding the foam manifold would squeeze it like a sponge. So a quark star, albeit small and short-lived, would form at the center of the thermal manifold.

    2. Ripheus23


      DOUBLE RETRACTION: Now I'm not sure, maybe the case would alternate depending on the ratio of quarks to gluons (i.e. a quark store forms if there are more quarks, a gluon star if there are more gluons---although how many would be released in the initial quagma foam state IDK).

  20. I had an idea about consciousness as a physical phenomenon. The fact is, even if the mind is made of particles somehow, these particles "know" about ones that they can't directly perceive (in a system) and which might be purely possible and not actual otherwise at all. So, I submit that the "seeds" of consciousness, during the Big Bang, might have been unusual "bound states" involving all the basic particles (including superpartners). These proved to be immensely stable and were gravitationally drawn across the expanding universe. For whatever reason, these "molecules" attached to various regions and began to develop the order of life, by nature, from their presence. That is, life is neither accidental nor purposeful, nor even absolutely inevitable---it is, nonetheless, understandable, how and "why" it would arise where it did.

    Although, it is not absolutely required that the Seeds of Order be planted only in the seas of carbon on planets like Earth, I think...

  21. A Labyrinth of Crystallized Light

    The scientist did not remember the Low Yield Exchange (also known as the Low Yield Exchange Incident) because she had not been born yet, then. Later, as an adult, she'd come to think about how the philosophy of chaos told her that she would not have been born at all, but for the meeting of the exact same parents as she had, at the exact same time, anyway. Evolution had been kidnapped by extinction, was being dragged towards the monster's layer; this scientist owed the darkness her very life nevertheless.

    ... [As it turned out, the use of the "mutually-assured-destruction doctrine" to hold back the end of days worked due to the absolute-proof theorem. However, the spider between the lines spun a web of lies that inspired the nuclear militaries of the Earth to develop an enormous number of "low-yield explosives," meaning in the 0.1KT to 10KT equivalence range. Yet so many were manufactured and used that the death toll during the LYEI still amounted to an unprecedented statistic of democide. Here are hypothetical examples of the unconventionally large number of fatalities (from single/limited-number bombing runs in an urban area) during the LYEI:

    Seattle: 29,000

    Omaha: 35,000

    Washington, D.C.: 112,000

    Tel Aviv: 123,000* [ironically, Jerusalem is not bombed because it is not recognized by Iran as the capital of Israel]

    Tehran: 442,000

    Beijing: 1,094,000

    Tokyo [don't ask me why/how]: 3,000,000 [assumed]

    Delhi: 75,000

    Islamabad: 157,000

    London: 76,000

    Paris: 43,000

    Norfolk: 44,000

    Pyongyang: 655,000

    TOTAL: 5,885,000

    The LeMay limit: "theoretical" psychological limit on ordnance expenditure by a given world superpower, over a certain interval. The number is assumed to be around 2 to 3 million (depending on the government in question) and is named in "honor" of Curtis LeMay, the butcher of Japan and Korea. The idea is that the US, for instance, will not use much more energy during a LYE as was used by all factions together during the Second World War. Nevertheless, this "allowed" the US to fire off nearly 3,000,000 tons' worth of low-yield explosives, during the LYEI. (Indeed, it was later discovered that during Operation "Watchmen" a number of political elites had agreed to "grant permission" to each other to use certain quantities of low-yield devices, to kill select numbers of foreign civilians, in order to "demonstrate" the threat of nuclear holocaust sufficiently intensely so that the next generation of political elites would guard against the full-scale form of this threat, i.e. by reaffirming the doctrine of MAD. Unfortunately, the propensity of such a demonstration, to achieve its purpose, was tempered by the widespread apathy expressed about the number of civilians killed during the LYEI, i.e. since it was "too low" ("lower than World War 2," one commentator notes), especially in relation to the global population (7ish billion), it didn't instill enough new dread in enough people, to hold back the future danger of the LYL theory [low-yield lattice theory]...)

    1. Ripheus23


      Rename: Operation "Watchmen" is now Operation "Ozymandias" AKA "the Ooze." One of the main characters believes this is a reference to chemical weapons before the LYE commences.

  22. http://dc.medill.northwestern.edu/blog/2018/02/09/exactly-low-yield-nuclear-weapon/#sthash.I1biKEhs.dpbs

    So, it occurred to me, a while after hearing the president of the US (where I live) propose his idea of developing low-yield nuclear weapons systems or whatever, that my special knowledge of the Vietnam War and high-yield nuclear weapons test reports indicates what this proposal would amount to. So, according to Nick Turse's book about the Vietnam War, in 1969 alone the US military placed an order for 379,000,000 incendiary grenades (white phosphorous in particular, IIRC).

    I don't know what that means (was the order to be filled in the same year? over the next few years? in general?). I do know that the US military used an immense amount of firepower during this specific war. Like 17,000,000 tons of explosive force, 370,000+ tons of napalm, compared to a little over 2,000,000 as were used by every major faction during the Second World War, including only 200,000 tons (~150,000 conventional, ~10,000 napalm, ~33,000 nuclear, I think...) on Japan's cities.

    Which, you know, well, I won't make a gallows-humor remark but I will tell you that the USSBS (Strategic Bombing Survey) claimed it would only take 500 tons of bombs to devastate the average city. If low-yield nuclear weapons can range from 1,000 tons to even 10,000 tons, of TNT-equivalent explosive force (along with their other destructive energetic effects), and if the US was able to make a single high-yield weapon equivalent to 25,000,000 tons of TNT (in the past, this is true), then the military could easily end up making tens of thousands of "low-yield nuclear weapons" that still if unleashed in large numbers on specific targets could mimic explosions on an order of magnitude of 100,000 (maybe hundreds of thousands) tons of TNT. And keep in mind, this is just assuming that we're using 25,000,000 as the benchmark. It's not like the US didn't make tens of millions of tons of TNT-equivalents' worth more overall. In fact it might even be many tens or hundreds of millions (I don't remember the numbers I saw cited when I did the research but it was in those kinds of ranges). So for all I know, the US military could place an order for, IDK, 200,000 to 300,000 "low-yield" nuclear weapons on the 1,000-tons-of-TNT scale, which would be equal to 200,000,000/300,000,000 tons of TNT-equivalence. So if you fired 10,000 of these at a city, which would leave you with a great majority of these weapons regardless, you could simulate the detonation of a single 100,000 tons TNT-equivalent explosive, which would be like five or six times greater than the explosion set off in Hiroshima.

    And the thing of it is... well... If the US put in an order for 379,000,000 grenades, in one year, during the Vietnam War---not normal grenades but incendiary ones--alongside all else it was manufacturing in terms of weaponry then... I feel like it would be easy for them to make at least something like 800,000 to 1,000,000 of these things (hell, do you really think 2,000,000 to 3,000,000, for that matter, would be totally unattainable?). Equip them to the Trident submarines somehow (I feel this wouldn't be incredibly impossible of an engineering problem to solve) and voila, "the most versatile nuclear arsenal/system on Earth," perhaps (I don't mean to say that someone has vouched for that phrase's usage yet, but that it sounds like a description the government would use to congratulate itself about what it had done).

    1. Ripheus23


      P.S.: And that's all assuming that the use of these things doesn't trigger a conventional nuclear exchange. (Ironically, the least of the problems originally faced by the Avengers in the movies [the weaponization idea from S.H.I.E.L.D. for the tesseract] seems to be the greatest of the problems in the real world [weaponizing the most powerful energy source in this general way...].)

    2. Ripheus23


      EDIT: 10,000 of the 1KT would = 10,000,000, not 100,000. IDK why I wrote the number I did in the above.

  23. I just learned the word "Centuriators" and I can't wait to come up with a way to apply it :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ripheus23


      I learned it in reference to a text called the Magdeburg Centuries, which was some Protestant analysis thing. Apparently it refers to "historians who organize information using 100-year time periods as the common interval" or something.

    3. Gancho Libre
    4. Ripheus23


      As far as the factions in the Ripheus story go, I would guess that a group of centuriators would be ecometers ("outside" specialists, so to speak) but IDK, I don't want to just say "the ecometric centuriators"...

  24. The deontic transkeys

    Another example of the kind of problem of which ingratiation is an example, is the problem of threatening. I will not dwell on the argument too much at the moment but the essence of the idea is that threatening someone is never justified (this is not identical to the question of whether defensive violence is acceptable) because doing so amounts to attempting to make something forbidden by doing something supererogatory [which is the obverse of ingratiation, then].

    In general, these moral phenomena are known as deontic transkeys, in which one deontic operator is transkeyed to another, such that the dynamic of one operator is used to bring another into play. Under the circumstances, I have not had indifferential permission as transkeyed to the other operators, the idea being that since the why-glyph* is externally negated in this case, the why-force doesn't apply to it and so the mediation of the operators via the why-force doesn't take place here. So, given the other four deontic operators in the fundamental graph, there are 16 transkeys possible (assuming that each of those four can be transkeyed to itself). Some are true, the others are false; e.g., as noted, it is false to transkey supererogation to obligation or prohibition so as to be ingratiating or threatening. But OTOH supererogations can give rise to other supererogations; and so on. I'm not sure how many incorrect transkeys there are but whatever the number, those are all aspects of the Form of Evil's mathematical structure, I suspect.

    *[The why-glyph is the conversion of an imperative, "Do X," into the question, "Why do X?" In the case of indifferential permission, since there is no reason why X and no reason why not X, X is not subject to the why-force as such. By contrast, in differential permission, the disjunct {X or not X} as a whole is what there is a reason for, so differential permission is subject thus to the why-force.]

    1. Ripheus23


      Recursive sins

      It is possible to be recursively ingratiating, i.e. some people have a strong desire to be responsible and discharge their obligations rationally, and they can be preyed upon by being "given" the special chance to be responsible for something, the "gift" being given according to the negative logic of ingratiation in general. It is thought that this is the more invidious form of the corresponding deontic transkey error.

      Related to the phenomenon of recursive hypocrisy, which is being hypocritical about other people's hypocrisy. [Hypocrisy appears to admit of a further recursive layer, in which one has double-standards about double-standards for double-standards, although few agents have ever been identified as performing the required warp in reasoning to reach this state of attitude.]

  25. Monster theory and Apollyon

    According to the game-theoretic architecture of the multiverse and the divine realm, some lifeforms are physically possible as a relatively direct computation of the existential manifold of the possible economic sequences. That is, monsters are just beings computed into existence not due to the principle of original obligation (that is, deontic logic contains a theorem of particular duty, which requires that there always exist some agent or agents who are able to satisfy the duty) but due to the helping and harming theorems. Monsters therefore have roughly the following range of dispositions:

    • Willing to heal others (H1).
    • Can be provoked but otherwise helpful or neutral. (N1)
    • Intermittently self-provoked; sometimes docile, sometimes feral, possibly with no discernible order to the exchanges (N2).
    • Permanently hostile. (H2)

    For example, all unicorns fall into (H1). Though technically all monsters have some form of free will, its physical manifestations are much more limited in range than for regular agents. Monsters are in a real way "game pieces" in the divine plenum of the world. This is why they are so significant throughout:

    Now, the major distinction in monster theory is between monsters and supermonsters. The technical distinction is not between two absolutely weaker or stronger monster classes/types, since any monster can perform a maximum move in the Game (relative to its type), and all maximum moves are of equal deontic value simpliciter. Or, rather, internal to the H/N categories this is so. To illustrate, therefore, the idea is that the supermonsters are just those that can (A) perform a greater number of moves in general and (B) perform a greater number of maximum moves. So there is an abstract higher chance for a supermonster to perform a maximum move, at any given interval, than there is for a normal monster to do so.

    It is common for people to think of the demiplane of Apollyon as a sort of supermonster. However, in the theory of the monster transet, this is not exactly so: Apollyon is referenced as the antimonster or the "empty monster" (on the analogy with the "empty note" soundex for the glyph of Apollyon*). Nevertheless...

    As noted, besides Damnite and Armirex, five other Noumenal Artificers are counted as having Fallen. One of these did so in the early age of the multiverse, three more over various ensuing ages, and the fifth near the halfway mark between the day of genesis and the days of ascension. The first of these did so alongside the only three Fallen Metroarchs (so to speak) in history. The mistake that these agents made was this: in a mysterious assault on the demiplane of Apollyon, they attempted to divide the ecographic manifold of Apollyon's monster-theoretic identity into six pieces, one for each chord in the Song of Destruction. This succeeded in bringing about the Dirge-shadows, and after learning of what they had wrought, the four Fallen ones killed themselves in horror.

    Just as the Form of Evil's crystal shadow in the physical world was used to contain the seraph hydra (the monster of the crystal), so was it used as part of the seal on Apollyon's power. Namely, if you represented the multiverse as a gameboard of some kind, then the location of the Veldaithemyr (the city that is the size of one entire of the 24 universes) is the location where the monster-gamepiece of the Destroyer is indexed (overlapped). And the idea is that this is a monster that can be "awakened" by an unwary "player"... But that stasis-in-waiting was imposed on Apollyon in part using the Form of Evil's own power to seal monsters. (Another major component was, of course, the rift in Cantor's staircase; but this too was entangled with the ancient darkness.)

    When Apollyon awakens from the Veldaithemyr, therefore, it transforms the manifold of that city, part by part, into an icon incarnate of its (the Destroyer's) reality. It refashions the skyscrapers surrounding its heart into buildings equipped with massive weapons systems of various forms: missile arrays, lasers, energy-bolts, etc. all insomuch as these systems are implicit reflections of possible sinstone weapons systems.*** Because it has an "external" image for itself already (the city on the floating Mountain of Slaughter), it can manifest through the finitude (the Veldaithemyr is in one of the finite-size universes) of its surroundings without violating its infinite power.

    [*In addition to a chromatic index, it is possible for an aleph-glyph to have a sound index or soundex (AKA an index of tonality). This is represented as a sound that is to be played whenever a soundexed glyph is especially displayed. In regions where electronic sound systems have yet to be developed, mathematicians who wish to indicate the range of specific indices of tonality usually carry with them an instrument known as an orchestrium, which is a sort of agglomerate of other kinds of musical instruments, reduced from their typical size to fit the scale of the orchestrium (as a handheld piece). Although not every transet has a soundex, Apollyon's aleph-number specifically has the soundex of silence itself (think of it like: the difference between not having a .wav file assigned to play when you click on the glyph, and having an empty .wav file assigned to play when you click on the glyph).

    [***Not only did the Last War commence owing to the use of the Sin-gem, but many of the hostilities commenced and proceeded according to the development of a large number of sincrystal weapons systems. For example, the energy released from broken sinstones [the brick-shaped Dirge-shadow pieces] could be focused through a hosotopic lens (a spheration yielded by the special controlled action of a hosotopic wave) to form an extremely destructive kind of laser-like ray. Nevertheless, (most of?) the major factions using these weapons did not believe themselves to be servants of Apollyon, but professed that they were in some way trying to use Apollyon's own power to defeat the antimonster.]

    Apollyon's argument

    Inasmuch as the endgame of the story is a personal confrontation between Ripheus and Apollyon, what is the argument of the Destroyer in the end of days? One point that the Form of Destruction makes is that although Ripheus could use the Final Power to destroy that very Form, the City of Destruction in its totality is made of sincrystal, which means that breaking the entire City would unleash the ultimate nova of sincrystal power possible, one sufficient to annihilate all contingent reality in a flash. [This is more extreme than it sounds: the concept of the exchange specifically concerns the distinction between necessity and contingency, and the relationship between these concepts and the concept of free will---which in turn has implications for the ecology of moral logic at work overall, here. Think of how Armirex tries to interpose the Forms of Evil and Nothingness. Apollyon itself intends to interpose the Forms of Necessity and Contingency, so to say.] So, since Apollyon has no concept of what else Ripheus could do to halt the damnation of the cosmos, the Destroyer tries to convince Ripheus to let go of the Shield, commands the man to do so in fact. [However, Ripheus does not intend to kill Apollyon at all, anyway.]

    1. Ripheus23


      Since priority problems in abstract ethics underwrite the matter of the world, and since it is through sigma-actuation that the Trinity transcreates the world, it follows that the corruption of the order of modality is the ultimate act of divine evil that Apollyon is capable of. That is,

      [Apollyon is killed and the world explodes OR Apollyon transcreates all possible sin at once OR Apollyon corrupts the distinction between necessity and contingency and violates the power of transcreation in general]

      So, as long as it can achieve one of these goals, Apollyon will be satisfied with the outcome of eternity, so to speak, and it is against this tripartite goal that Ripheus must take his stand in the end.

    2. Ripheus23


      Or it could be that transcreating all possible sin at once is equivalent to violating the order of modality in itself. That sounds like a more philosophically analyzed description of the problem (danger) inasmuch as the violation of free will in the uncreated sin's light, would amount to an inversion of necessity and contingency inside of free will itself already?

    3. Ripheus23


      OR, rather, the necessity/possibility/contingency corruption appends to either of the other two purposes?

      RE: unicorns:

      Forgot to mention: although it is possible to use magic to resurrect people from the dead,* and although unicorns have healing magic, it is usually not possible for unicorns to resurrect people. However, during the Battle of el Samir, the metroarchic equine, the ecoarchic ur-unicorn, and the occurrent auroch unicorn, combined their powers to resurrect one of the members of the team** sent to fight the Form of Evil.

      *[The idea is that sometimes people deserve to be resurrected. The deduction is based on my theory of the Resurrection of Christ, namely that if "ought" implies "can" and if Christ ought to have been resurrected, then He could have been (and apparently was). Magically, this amounts to the Artificers (for the primary example) being able to raise people from the dead using the moral energy of the economies.]

      **[The Meretzky strategy, AKA the eagle gambit, is the deployment of a small number of spellcasters to fight a major enemy, according to the idea that the smaller number of personnel is less likely to draw the enemy's attention. It is named in honor of the sorcerer-educator Stefan Meretzky [although technically he did not, IRL, author the game Enchanter] and the theory of why the Eagles were not used in the quest to destroy the Ring of Sin in the Land of Murder [if you know what I mean...].]

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