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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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    Interesting things.

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  1. Due to the role of the legend of the 36 Justiciars, in the Ripheus story, I have decided that there will be the ל-numbers (lamedh-numbers), which are an infinite list of cardinal numbers that have the peculiar property that 36 of them (any selected 36) can be keyed together as the so-called "justice transet."


    There was a war long ago, the War of Sin and Hell, the First Ecomachy. (The Second Ecomachy, the Isomachy, was also the Last War.) This was when the Form of Evil attempted to transcreate its own economy. It would do so at a later time by trying to infect the Riphean isocrystal causeways, and through them pollute an entire economy unto itself, but the elder attempt depended on an assault on the deminomies first. What the Form of Evil did was corrupt a precursor of the Platonic dice, an object known variously as Plato's box or Pandora's dice, in order to generate hosotopic waves from the stable isocrystals, and use these to tear off pieces of an already-existent deminomy on the one hand, and Cantor's house on the other, whereafter it tried to ram its own deminomy (a corruption of the Keyscape) into the fragments of the other two.

    1. Ripheus23


      "Pandora's dice" due to taking the cube of Plato's box and dissolving it in Cantor's solvent (a fluid distilled from Cantor's snow; a 3-dimensional analog of Cantor's dust).

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