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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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    Interesting things.

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  1. Random terms/phrases

    Cantor's staircase. Also the cardinal staircase, the paradise-staircase. Aleph-numbers listed as aleph.0, aleph.1, aleph.2 ... aleph. n, and aleph-aleph.0, aleph-aleph.1, ... aleph-aleph.n, and aleph-aleph...-aleph.n. (This will allow me to one day write a sentence that includes "the rift in Cantor's staircase"...)

    • There is (hypothetically) a scene where Ripheus (or whoever) is standing above a hollow pillar, and the interior surface of the pillar appears as fractal accordion-staircases. This is supposed to visually represent Cantor's staircase. (The rift would be a weird distortion, here; we'd probably just have the staircases for aleph.1 through aleph.24 represented, unless the fractals allowed us to represent all of them. Anyway, if there were just the 24, then the 19th would, IDK, look like it was made of obsidian or glowing darkness or something.)

    Son of Atropos, the. A poetic/prophetic designation of Ripheus (points towards his sonship under Apollyon).

    Ecoarchic isonomy, the. Also the geonomy(?). The total of all economies and deminomies, i.e. all transcreation.

    Orthomorph, the. The geometrical designation of the Form of Adventure (Ripheus' cube/tesseract-shaped companion).

    1. Ripheus23


      Apparently there is already a Cantorian staircase... a "devil's staircase" mapped by something called the Cantor function...

    2. Ripheus23
    3. Ripheus23


      All this rando number stuff seems to be giving me an actual headache :P

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