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Ripheus23 last won the day on November 21 2018

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About Ripheus23

  • Birthday 07/15/1986

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    Wherever I ought to be
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    Interesting things.

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  1. The Septatheon and the Sea Alone

    There is a theorem in the system that says that some set of agents must always exist. This is either a permanent finite number of agents, or an indefinite number of impermanent ones, or an infinite number of either, or something like that. This is where the Noumenal Artificers "come from": they are (trans)created directly by the ethics-magic, to satisfy the theorem. The Septatheon form from/in the infinite-size economies due to an interplay between the infinite form of the theorem and their own spatial extent. Now, like the Artificers who joined the Host of Ripheus, these entities have the power to directly access the magic of the system in the following way: first, they can access the 7-Vennplex to control the hosotopic waves given off by collapsing 7-isoplex crystals.* This allows them to use the hosotopic waves themselves to access the power of the Lachesis aleph-forest and, through this, aleph-7. Aleph-7 being in the economic transet, it is one of those keyed by the seleplex artifexium to the isoarchy. So the Septatheon are, if you will, "hacking" the Keyscape to reset aleph-7 therefrom. This will allow them to affect the codex of the Keyscape, the "programs" that the "computer" runs. Now only one of the Septatheon at a time can do this, so they're dueling each other over who gets to.

    *[Waiving the fact that there are rectilinear Venn diagrams... the explanation is that the curvature of the 7-Vennplex can be "folded around" the curvature of the 7-isoplex collapse-waves. Compared to the stable isocrystals used by the Host of Ripheus, these energies might be referred to as isoplasma.]

    ... The Sea Alone is a phenomenon resulting from the seleplectic rift. Each of the 24 universes has a physical relationship with one each of the aleph-numbers from aleph.1 through aleph.24, and so one has a physical relationship with aleph.19. This does not mean that the 19 universe is blocked from the Keyscape. However, this does mean that the rift manifests physically in that universe, and this is the Sea Alone.

    The purpose of the rift, so to speak, was to block Apollyon from the advent of the Final Power. As stipulated elsewhere, the Broken Ones created by the Form of Evil put a different block on Apollyon's access to the Final Power. The rift prevents the original acquisition, the Broken Ones prevent the acquisition-by-transecration.

    So, maybe Ripheus thinks that the rift is the Proof of Default. Like, he thinks he needs to drain the Sea to "fill in" the rift, and if he does so he will have completed the "absolute proof" codex that his Host defaulted on when programming the Keyscape. Something along those lines, I suppose...

    1. Ripheus23


      OMG I just found out above these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-skeleton No idea how to apply it yet.

      Also these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremal_graph_theory

    2. Ripheus23


      *found out about

    3. Ripheus23


      RETRACTION: I referred to "the stable isocrystals used by the Host of Ripheus" even though I explained re: the Platonic dice that Ripheus and his friends did NOT use stable isocrystals to power the chaotic hypoplex.

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