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Posts posted by Lazarus_Rising

  1. A pen & paper RPG in the vein of Pathfinder, D&D, or some other format would be cool.  It may not be the right point of time in the series right now.  Maybe it could be set during a different desolation, but the product could be fun.  It would definitely have to be well balanced.

    The combat would have to be multi-tiered.  Regular fighting and then a balance for the use of Old Magic, not to mention shard plate and shardblades.

    It has potential.  Plus, a RPG property means a lot of commissioned art.  Yes please.

  2. I already joined this forum a while back, but I’m not too active for fear of spoilers (currently reading Oathbringer and I haven’t read Mistborn).  I ran into some slight spoilers today but nothing too bad.

    I owned a paperback copy of The Way of Kings as well as the box set Mistborn trilogy.  I had started Mistborn, and it was intriguing, but at the time it wasn’t striking a chord in me.  I still haven’t gone back (though I will).

    The Way of Kings summary on the back always intrigued me.  I was also looking for a book to read concurrently with my father so we had something to talk about.  So, we started that.  I want to say that was Winter 2017?

    He is a little obsessive/compulsive so he got ahead of me and read it super quick, but that’s part of the story of the “why” of me reading The Way of Kings.  I liked it so much I ordered a hardback copy of it, Words, and Oathbringer as well as paperbacks of most of Sanderson’s work.  Since starting Sanderson, I’ve also bought both Skyward series books (in the TBR pile).  He is an author I support by buying the new release hardbacks.

    Before reading, I knew he had finished The Wheel of Time series as well.  That’s another TBR, lol.

    Stormlight is great, and I find myself remembering how it started with the nearly endless battle in the prologue.  To think the current story will eventually advance to epic clashes like what wasn’t hinted at there is very exciting.  The current character development is more than satisfying right now.

    My only gripe at all - and I won’t say names because I don’t want to be a spoiler for anyone - is characters coming back and or being resurrected when it’s not special circumstances like the prologue.  That really cuts into the subjective “cost” of the events the story.  This has now happened in the series at least once, and I’m not a huge fan of it.  I’ll have faith that Sanderson makes it all great though.

    Sorry if that was rambling at all, I wanted to put a thorough response out.

  3. Definitely Stormlight Archives.

    I had bought the Mistborn Trilogy, started and stopped it, then went away for a bit.  Eventually I started The Way of Kings.  Fantastic, easily one of my favorite books in a long time.

    I don’t read as quickly as I used to with a high stress job at the moment, but I liked WoK so much, I bought nearly all of Sanderson’s books.  I’m slowly reading them along with the rest of my massive TBR books.

    Reckoners (mentioned above me in jest I think) . . .  I loved the first book.  The second and third progressively disappointed me. Great action scenes but it lacked the depth of what I got from Stormlight. Some of the characters I found flat.  It is an outlier so far, as I have absolutely no issues with anything in Stormlight so far with the exception of Lift, who I both like and am annoyed by at times depending on my mood.

    Glad to have started reading Sanderson within the last few years.  He definitely deserves high praise and deserves his place among the top charts on places like Amazon (I was looking and he is #17 overall, that’s an accomplishment).

  4. That's tough, so much to draw from each well written character.

    If I had to choose one of the main characters, it'd be Kaladin.  As far as the supporting cast, I enjoyed Syl a ton.  That isnt to take away from Shallan, Dalinar, or Adolin of course.  Even some characters, such as Moash, just have a small part but I appreciate them.

    Now as far as the assassin goes (Szeth) . . . he is a great read, but I am definitely either A] rooting against him or B] hoping he somehow is freed of his binds (I find the latter unlikely).


  5. Hey everyone,

    I've owned Sanderson books for a long time (Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, & The Way of Kings) but they sat on my TBR list.  I finally decided to give my paperback of TWoK a go and liked the beginning so much,I bought all 3 books so far in hardback.  I gave my paperback version to my dad to read, so I'm doing my part to spread the audience.


    I pretty much bought every Cosmere related book except the Mistborn books beyond the beginning trilogy (yes, even the comics), so I've got a lot of catching up to do.  Just finished Stormlight Archive book one today.  Bravo Sanderson.


    I shall tread lightly for fear of spoilers for a while, but I wanted to join the forum.


    Best wishes.

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