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Sherlock Holmes

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Posts posted by Sherlock Holmes

  1. While I was listening to Warbreaker, I noticed that Clod was described as being as fast as Denth, or almost as fast. So I was thinking... is Clod Arsteel? That whole thing about Denth buying Clod might just be fake news, even though Denth, Tonk Fah, and Jewels (or however you spell that) are always treating Clod like a piece of machinery, this might just be because they have experience with Lifeless. What are your thoughts? 

  2. 4 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    @AxeliustheGreat I don't really think that the book was making sport of Kaladin - he was just having tons of struggles this book, which is what it was all about. Faces struggles and learning to cope with them. Plus, he isn't the main character, so it makes sense that he got less time in the book than he has in past books.

    It was making fun of Kaladin. He'll just be strollin' along, when all of a sudden, BOOM, he'll be crying because of his baby brother, or be too weak-willed to make sacrifices to help other people.

  3. I am hoping against all hope that Kaladin is going to survive, and that Brandon doesn’t make him anymore weak-willed than he already is. Maybe he’ll have some kids with that old girlfriend of his. Maybe, just maybe, Brandon can LEAVE HIM ALONE, so that I can actually re-read the next book after it comes out. If he does die, he’d better have said the fifth ideal and get a proper Hrathen-sort funeral afterwards.

    I think Adolin will die. Somehow. And, for the record, I think that Shallan will probably either have already had a kid with him, or be pregnant, or something like that, though I said the same thing about Vin and Elend, so... maybe not. Maybe they’ll both die, though I think Shallan’s death would send Kaladin into another 300 pages of crippling dramatic depression, so I hope not, for Kaladin’s sake. 

    Dalinar is probably going to die. Maybe he’ll be fighting 3 Unmade and 500 Fused, and have killed them all but lost too much blood, or maybe he’ll have a Luke Skywalker death, sitting in a window, blessing Kaladin as Kal fought the aforementioned 3 Unmade and 500 Fused. In that situation, given a bridge to complain about, Kaladin would probably kill everyone and then go complain to Shallan, but I’m still worried about him. 

    Renarin is going to be killed by his own spren. Maybe near the end of the series, but it is going to happen. Probably in a pathetically dramatic setting, where Adolin watches him but is unable to help his little brother as Renarin is eaten alive be ants, or a chasmfiend, or a Fused, or something, I don’t know!

    Jasnah is going to find a way to get herself killed. That woman will persevere! straight into the den of 20,000 chasmfiends, maybe dragging Shallan along for good measure, and maybe getting them both killed, giving Branderson yet another chance to make Kaladin suffer. Maybe even more than usual this time. Sure, why not! 

    The secondary characters are going to be fine, except for Moash, who will get lectured to death by either Kaladin or Dalinar, depending on who wins the rock-paper-scissors match. If Branderson writes a single word about Lopen or Rock or Teft dying, I’m going to be sad and disappointed, perhaps joining Kaladin in the pit of misery by Branderson. 

  4. I noticed, while listening to Oathbringer, that it was incredibly boring and drawn-out, made sport of Kaladin a lot, and also, uh... Kaladin's baby brother never comes up in any other part of the book at all, like Brandon just stuck that part in there just before releasing. This book definitely could've been a lot shorter, and maybe also WAY less dramatic. Does anybody else think that this isn't Brandon's best work? 

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