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Posts posted by Vicegrip

  1. 8 minutes ago, Illythyrra Dark said:

    First mistborn trilogy to be sure.  I enjoy all the canon pairings so far, even if I have my own head canon for biased reasons (Shallan and Jasnah is my OTP)  Fave magic system is a cross between breath magic/royal locks and elantrian healing magic, hence my about me section here.

    Solid answers! I'm also in the Shallan/Jasnah camp. But I also don't know if Shallan is quite right for Jasnah. I go back and forth I guess.

    Healing magics are often underplayed

  2. Thanks for the upvote!

    And I will give the meme thread a look for sure.

    Alleyverse politics? wow - I will likely stay neutral since I'm mainly looking to theorize. But at a brush I would say I value non-Hemalurgic cookies.

    4 minutes ago, Grey Knight said:

    As for the cardinal sins: If you value your life, never claim that Brandon is a bad author. The people here are remarkably chill, but they will rip you to shreds in an instant if you cross that line.

    I think I would combust




  3. Fav Sanderson book is a tricky one for me actually. It will be an SA one, but I can't decide on which of the three. But I will probably have to go with The Way of Kings. It is the book I've read the most and think about the most. The themes in that series just speak to me.

    Fav world/magic system - so many to pick from. Roshar is a strong contender, but It would have to be Scadrial.

    Fav pairings - well I really think Odium and Hoid should hook up... just kidding. I actually really love Syl and Kaladin's relationship - but don't know if I "ship" them perse since I think they both need something else out of a long term relationship.

    You? I'm sure you've answered that question before

  4. Ok, not to sound emotionally fragile or something, but I'm new to this kind of forum (most of my interaction to date has been on goodreads).

    It seems to me that the biggest obstacle I have is how much content there is on this thing. I can easily lose myself in here if I'm not careful. Any particularly great threads?

    Also, it seems like the only real cardinal sin is not doing your research to see if you are posting in the right place or if there is an existing thread already. Any other run rules?

  5. @RShara: Well said all the way around. And I have loved the various art interpretations.

    And can I add - that this makes me so very sad. I read the prose version a while ago and loved it! I consider this one of my top 1,000 favorite cosmere books and I'm an avid follower of everything from this world. These graphic novels are just such a let down.

    I had convinced myself after the first one that I was just unfamiliar with the medium. But I have grown to actively loath these infernal things.


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