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Just a Lifetime

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Status Updates posted by Just a Lifetime

  1. These are more than words that the false prophet sings
    They're promises of what tomorrow brings


  2. There were never any "good old days"
    They are today, they are tomorrow!
    It's a stupid thing to say
    Cursing tomorrow with sorrow


  3. Taking the plunge to change my display name to something other than my IRL name... We'll see how it goes.

  4. My sanity, my sanity
    I've nothing to lose, so please let me be
    My life is a song, a short melody
    Harmonizing with reality
    I've got it real bad, there's no remedy
    You're all I have, my dear sanity
    Sometimes there's no sane reason
    For optimism


  5. Ah, October snow.  It's not sticking, but I'll take it.

  6. Intelligence and knowledge are an ordinance
    A constant check on privilege and wealth
    Nurture it, provisioning a furtherance
    Of fundamental democratic health
    So it's criminal, antithetical, inimical
    To ignite and plan
    If you seek to make divisible
    The principle of the profane rights of man


  7. Just a couple more days back in the US.

  8. Got at least one convert to the church of Aaronovitch!

  9. For some reason last evening some folks started singing There Is Power in a Union in the park outside my office.  Made me wonder what century it was (in a good way).

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