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Posts posted by Minato™

  1. *Next Day*

    Whats this pain in my head...

    Saraha, although sluggishly, got up

    If I look in my book there should be something that should help, Domi I feel so nauseous.

    Saraha got out her book, which surprisingly wasn't damaged in any way, shape or form by the fight with Devaan.

    Devaan is an excellent fighter, seeing as he probably didn't even break a sweat. I need to learn from him as much as my ca--- MY BACK!!!

    Saraha looked through the pages. One of them said "Extreme Healing". It had 2 Aonic equations, one healing her body a lot while still being off-world, and one removing her tiredness while still offworld. There was also a mixture of the two, combining Aon Rao, Ene and Aon Ien. She would be alright. Saraha enabled the Aons on the page, amplifying the aons which then healed her and increased her mental capacity. She felt a lot better. She realized that the sun just got up.

    Alright, Devaan should be awake by now right?

    Saraha knocked as hard as she could on the door of Devaan's house.


    1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

    Yes Voidus does indeed have this ability.

    Yes, Anyone can do this for anything they create in the alleys, if they knew that they could. Unfortunately no one knows about the specifics of this except for Mac and Voidus and maybe lopen. 

    Ive kept this close to the chest because I didn't want this to be RP breaking, and I wanted some kind of benefit for founders and/or people who made stuff in the alleyverse. I figured that anyone who takes the time to create something major and add it to the alleyverse, deserves some kind of boost to power and would be invested enough in the alleyverse to not troll and be RP breaking with its OP'ness.

    Can players that didn't found the alleyverse still get this ability unlocked for them if they really tried or will it just be a thing for them?

  3. Quote

    Saraha knew she shouldn’t be posting this, after all it could get her into the hands of the wrong people, but hey, she has a couple of Aon Tias so what’s the big deal?

    Hmm what angle... Is this really eye catching enough, I don’t want to change it again I spent so long.

    Eventually she posted the poster, it read:



    HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT TO YOURSELF “wow I just need someone with a somewhat complex understanding of Aons”?


    Saraha, an experienced Aon user who is also a stage one edge dancer, is willing to help you out with your incoming difficult journeys. Some of her skills include:

    • Extreme mobility, especially with the use of aons
    • Infiltration
    • Combat (although killing is strictly forbidden)
    • Making people really upset (ask Devaan)

    Another keen skill of hers is that she is able to plan ahead very effectively. Let’s say you need her to duel someone, she is able to find their weakness if given time, and would be able to use that to ultimate effectiveness in battle.

    Saraha wont show you all that she can do, however do not underestimate her due to her lack of feruchemical gold or only being first oath edgedancer. 

    Oh and she’s a very slippery person which means that the bad guys wont catch her you know?

    Below you will have the contact information:


    PM me if you feel like hiring me!



  4. @Gancho LibreNot sure if Saraha should join. She is keen on helping people regardless of what it is, hell shes even fine with fighting people, however will not kill anyone under any circumstance. She is good in infiltration due to her knowledge of Aons.

    @MacThorstensonI would love to see that NPC in the alleyverse! He would be an amazing asset to Saraha :D. You should make a new thread for the NPC and I would immediately visit!!!

  5. Quote

    Cool, very nicely done! There is a problem however, the wheel of time is not a part of the cosmere so you could not use its powers in the alley verse. Even though it isn’t in the cosmere however, you could make some Elantrian NPCs instead. I haven’t seen many pure elantrians.

    Not all of Brandon Sandersons’ books are cosmere, here are a few books which aren’t:

    • The Wheel of Time
    • Alcatraz series
    • Infinity Blade series
    • Legion series
    • Reckoners series
    • Rithmatist series

    Hope it helped!


  6. As Davaar was leaving, Saraha started shouting for everyone to hear "I know I am irritating sir! And yes, I apologize for the insults, however, it was only used tactically! I hope you don't take a personal grudge!"

    Saraha felt something familiar, she wouldn't mess this up, she wouldn't. He was under the seeds, She put her back behind and quickly Aon Tia'd to the seeds. She dropped to the ground and used nearly all of her stormlight growing the plants to immense size in a split second, she was wide open, she put her angle correctly and Aon Tia'd to his left. From there she stood at perfect distance and then drained her last dozen of skymarks, using Aon Kaa to control the plants and root him into place.

    This is it, this is my only chance, I messed up my introduction, infact, everything I did up until now was stupid, but this man, no matter how powerful, will recognize at least the littlest of skill!  I have been too cocky and I recognize that, but all I want is his approval and this is my legacy!

    Saraha immediately put all of her stormlight into the palm into her hand, which sent one huge Aon Daa

    Saraha closed her eyes and hoped, listening to the explosion. If she lost now, which we likely would, she knew she at least tried everything she possibly could.

    I feel dizzy, and tired, maybe if i jus---

    Saraha passed out on the ground

  7. THAT WAS WAY TOO QUICK!! I dont want to die..... Maybe I can get him embarrased enough to give up, its stupid but I dont have any other options right now!

    She stood up tall, "No investiture huh? I knew you would stick to your coward ways wouldn't ya! Try to beat me without stormlight, I know you cant, its okay though, its just another fail, you clearly look like you're experienced at it!", Saraha laughed as hard as she could, for the audience was growing and she needed everyone to hear her "AHAHAHA", "ow I'm serious now, seriously going to dissapoint my mother, oh I don't need investiture for this. Oh wait I do, not everyone is as terrible as me, after all my father did teach me to be a cheater" she said as she tried her best to mimic Devaan in a stupidly low voice, she could hear some chuckles from the crowd. It was working.

    Just a little more

  8. Ok, do what the book advised, check your surroundings for Aon Tia, then jus---- Oh honors feet, it really seemed like I offended him,

    Saraha started shivering out of anxiety

    I CANT DO THIS! That look on his face, that's the face of a killer right there, I dont have much stormlight left either, I should have made him upset, but I went over board didn't I? 

    As he walked towards her, she made sure to keep her distance. She looked at her hands and noticed something

    Wait.. Is that the... It... I might have a very slim chance of at least surviving, I should have thought this through, maybe if I anger him so much that he starts getting sloppy, he DEFINITELY doesn't look like the type of guy to get reckless but instead, more focused and dangerous when offended, but trying it can't hurt right? He can't get any more upset.

    "Devara, oh wait Devaan, sorry you looked like a scared lady, its a bit hard to differentiate. Where are your parents? Are they dead? I would kill myself too if I had a storming failure child like you!"



  9. Improvise, Improvise, Improvise, I got it!
    Saraha, scrambled to her feet and yelled "Coward!!!! What did you do on the way home?! I bet its some cowardly things! Do you have a child?!!?! I bet they hate you don't they?!!? Oh whats that?! You're going to use investiture because you're losing!!?! Yeah that's a thing sore losers do! Do you have a brother?! If you do, they probably forgot about you due to your idiocy!"

    She drew Aon Kaa and planted some seeds around her. She bet he was going to get upset.

  10. Saraha got the elblow in the gut, it hurt, a lot. She saw the elbow to the gut incoming and decided to use another one of her tricks, instead of tapping her middle and ring finger, this time she tapped her middle finger and her index finger. Her small Aon Tia mark activated, as she smacked the tiny handle and teleported 3 meters behind her.

    YES, I did it, that felt amaz-- OH DOMI

    Saraha tripped over something and fell on her butt, feeling foolish instead of amazed now. 

    Oh god I'm not going to get up in time

    She tried to get up while not revealing her vitals too much, but it was too late...

  11. It looks like hes going easy on me with that jab, She thought mid-reaction.

    "Aon Edo" A voice in her head, said. She remembered the book. She then tapped her middle and ring finger together in a quick motion, infusing stormlight into it. Using her quick reaction time and stormlights energy, She created a barrier around her left hand, pushing Davaans' hand to the ground with her barrier. Saraha then formed a barrier in her right hand, using up more stormlight and punching davaan on his right cheeck in a quick motion.

  12. Yes! He's not using any investiture! Father said it would always be easier to fight people without investiture due to my lack of experiences. He also wants me to pick a weapon, I've never used a weapon before. Oh merciful Domi, I'm pretty much lost haven't I?

    "Is it okay if I don't use any weapons? uh...." She scratches the back of her head. She looked at the space in between her second and third finger on her left hand and thought:

    Gu, if you can hear me, whatever you are, I am going to need your help

    Saraha felt a weird sense of satifaction from somewhere, "Davaar, go easy on me will you?" Saraha breathes in stormlight, she indicates to Davaan that she was ready.

  13. She read the entirety of a mysterious combat book she found in her backpack on the way. It brought back some memories, vital ones, but not any ones telling her of her past. She Sat down with Devaan and was thinking hard.

    "Sajua, thats my name, I think. Sajua, yes" She said after a while of thinking. "These are the training grounds you say, how strong are you even if you are to train me, are you even strong enough for my skill level? I just want to get stronger and help people out." She looked at Davaar "Oh god, did I offend him?" she thought.

  14. On the way to the training grounds, Saraha looked in her backpack, she had some leftover food and... A  book. A storming book. She quickly opened it, what if it was a diary, what if this explained some of the things that had happened.

    The book's title read: A Guide To Your Powers

    She knew she was going to slow the guard down but she read it for the way anyways.


  15. Hello fellow summoners,

    Me and @Nohadon (You might know him from his activity in the Alleyverse RP) have decided to create a clan for League of Legends. Most people here will have read the Brandon Sanderson books. Another forum member who has joined our club is @MoHaam. In our club, you will be able to find numerous skillfull players and you will be able to queue with other players while talking about the cosmere or some of our favourite brandon sanderson books! The club is called Aon Are (Unity, Cohesion)

    If you find that fun and want to join, my name is MinatoRising, if you add me as friend, I can nominate you to the club.

    NOTE: The club is on EUW, sry if you’re on a different region :(

  16. Saraha was confused as she took the card, the strange man disappeared, she shouted "WAIT! I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THESE PEOPLE!". She went up to one of the guards and showed him the card, "please make it quick, I don't have all day, I'm tired and I need to settle down, oh and its so cold in here!" she took the guards hand and drew the symbol for Aon Ehe with her other hand. Suddenly, she and the guard became warm "that's better!"


  17. Saraha as she bumped into Devaan, jumped. "Uh.. Ye.... y... Y-Yes I am Saraha, No i didnt aon tia out of the room to try and explo-- I mean nice to meet you!" she was very nervous. 
    "Are you gonna take me prisoner?". She suddenly felt some weird spheres in her pocket, she took them out. She thought "This feels familiar, maybe if I". She realized she was gonna probably be kept as prisoner so she put them back in her pocket, experimentation later.

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