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Posts posted by Jehoiada

  1. Tevarah was just able to jump back avoiding the blade heading for his leg, he summoned Tessi and knocked away blade coming for his chest, then pain and numbness, his left arm he didn't see Soul swing for it. This was it he started to swing his shard blade but it fuzzed "Tessi is something wrong with our bond, he quickly said before drawing his side sword. She fazed in and out, somethings wrong yes definitely Tessi said in a wavering voice. Not knowing what else to do Tevarah cried for Rhazien to come help him and continued the battle with Soul the best he could.

  2. Tevarah was done he was just done he reached out and tried to reverse lash the guy who pulled him out of the stone (he thought his name started with a D) oh thats right no stormlight. The world seemed to slow, storms he was tired, he looked at Souls sword coming down at him, he just was done finding new energy the energy of frustration, Tevarah summoned his armor used his arm to deflect Souls blade and push down on both blades towards Mr D when the blades hit they hit with a power Tevarah had rarely seen, he noticed cracks in his newly formed vambrace (from the deflection he thought). It was hard to move, he thought the reason was lack of stormlight, he fell, but directed it to fall on Soul then proceeded to slam his arm directly into Souls temple, Soul stopped moving. Tevarah dismissed his shardplate and ran, he ran towards Rhazien. Rhazien had asked for protection, Rhazien had gotten it at heavy cost and Tevarah didn't think he could do it anymore. Not if this was the cost, the cost of Tevarah getting the living Breath knocked out of him and Rhazien doing nothing. Tessi, Tevarah said, lead me to the nearest stormlight then get me the location of Rhazien. 



  3. Tevarah felt something fly past his head, he turned around just in time to be shot  in the gut, an immediate burst of pain ran though his body, he got another bolt in the leg, "ahhh" he was frantically looking for the person who shot him, there right there, it was Septimus holding a bow with some weird attachments. Currently he had two choices heal himself and be unnable to fly, or fly away with the possibility of bleeding out and dying. He blocked another arrow with a Tessi formed sheild, those arrows were going much slower now. "Huh I wonder why there going slower now must be some sort of"-Tevarah! Tessi screamed your not thinking strait. Tevarah went to act he reached down to pull the arrow out of his stomach, but it wasn't there, those arrows must have been going extremely fast- no stop! Stop thinking, Tevarah thought to himself. He directed all of the stormlight he had to the wounds, that felt much better, he looked to his leg, there was still a big gash where the arrow had gone through, the stormlight hadn't quite healed the wound. That's when he lost consciousness.

    Tevarah tumbled through the air looking like a rag doll, blessedly he was falling at an angle he hit a tile roof, falling fast on the angled roof then rolled off, he hit the ground hard his body splayed on the ground.

  4. @Kureshi Ironclaw

    So I think it's a cool concept and you did great the obvious problems have already been stated but to me there's one big issue that I had and it was this....

    Ok so here's the deal, I'm assuming the main character is cleaning the blood, but, he's cleaning the blood, why would he be cleaning the blood if he was part of an elete force? Why would he be tasked with a dirty job if later he is supposed to be given this great task of finding out who killed everyone? 

    Other than that I thought it was great, I have some suggestions if you want to hear them. I've been theorizing on a book, but have nothing super solid but I'll try to post it on here asap.


  5. 1 hour ago, LIFE&DEATH said:

    Soul reached Septimus and Tevarah, and lept forward and sliced the bat in half. 


    Umm thats Tessi (my spren) turned into a bat, but its ok she just got knocked away.

    Tevarah was shocked! He hadn't seen Soul coming. Tevarah sucked in more stormlight, storms that was the last of it. He thought what his odds were against two of his former friends, he had seen them train he new he couldn't defeat them both. Soul was coming, so he did the only rational thing he could do he charged. He sprinted with a burst of stormlight going fast he formed Tessi and threw the short sword at soul, ten feet away now Soul moved his swords to block, five feet, but as soon as he got his swords up Tevarah slid summoning Tessi and swiping at both of Souls feet (Whatever happens to Souls feet ill leave up to him) Tevarah stood quickly and flew toward the city, knowing that Rhazien was safe, he still went slightly off from where Rhazien went, yet it may look as if he was following him. Hopefully he could leave without someone tracking him, but he knew the relentless assassins he had trained with they would not leave him alone not while he was still protecting Rhazien.

  6. Quote

    To be honest, I'm not so sure that you have enough sand or how it would all work logistically, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Tevarah had sand in his eyes it stung and it wasn't just something you can heal with stormlight, he tried to rub it out but he still felt the grit in his eye, he felt himself being pushed down by the sand, he'd never had sand attack him before it was odd, but he had an idea, he pulled his canteen out and spun spilling the water on alot of the sand it slowed satisfactorily. He was able to lash out of the sand, but instead of going up he lashed down (hopeing to surprise his opponent), he had just enough time to orient himself towards the ground and there! He dove for Septimus formed a bat and swung at his head.

  7. Tevarah flew in between Lopen and Septimus, he formed Tessi as a battle axe and threw in at Septimus took out his side knife and launched it at Lopen gave it a few lashings for extra speed and prepared his throwing spikes. This was his battle field, he had practiced years with his surges now was the time he got to use them.

  8. No!!! You know you can't stop whats coming, Tevarah shouted back. He formed Tessi and cut large chunks out of the rock, then lashed them up. He flew out of the hole he was in and hovered a few feet above the ground, then lashed said rocks at Septimus.

  9. Tevarah just got to Rhazien when they started running again, he saw Septimus tackle the woman. He new something bad was gonna happen if he let him do whatever he was gonna do next, so he sprinted and slammed into Septimus hopefully giving Rhazien enough time to escape and continued wrestling with Septimus


  10. Tevarah saw a group of dakhor monks run by with their weapons, considering what Rhazien had said about his plan the dakhor monks should be on our side so... He fell in step with the monks flashing his insignia tattoo and followed them to Rhazien.


  11. Tevarah was done, done waiting he was just too sick of it and and just can't do it!!! Tessi we gotta go there's something happened I can feel it. But Rhazien said to, No stop Tevarah shouted I'm done. He ran up the stairs and burst out the door and ran right into a man wearing messenger clothes. Oof!!!! The messenger fell but with stormlight Tevarah stayed up, he saw a flash of metal in the air he reached out and caught it, then he was no longer in the same place.

    Tevarah looked around apprehensive what just happened Tevarah wondered, he summoned Tessi as a short sword and looked around he saw the leavings of a army, but no one was here he saw weapons and a table with a bunch of metal chips like the one he grabbed. Look there he said to Tessi dismissing her, ooh we could go back home she exclaimed. Umm lets try. Tevarah grabbed the metal.

    People lots of people, wow!! Tevarah thought, this is not home!!!


  12. KAABOOOM!!!!!!!! A very loud explosion sounded in Tevarah's head. We did it!!!!!!! He proclaimed, we finaly have shardplate. Tessi hows our bond?    Umm good I think Tessi replied I feel very powerful actually. Taking the form of a full grown woman still glowing slightly red, she walked over to Tevarah reached her hand out and touched his arm. Tev!!! she exclaimed, I can actually touch you. This is very weird, Tevarah stated, something must have gone.... Umm can you go through the account again when Odium corrupted you.            So I was bonded with you at the point of my transformation, but somehow since our bond wasn't strong back then Odium was able to slip inside and get me, I fought him off the best I could, but he left residue. Which is why, Tevarah interrupted, that I can kill lie and steel without ever breaking our bond. Yup pretty much Tessi said with a nonchalant voice. Ok so we just did something though, I mean Tessi a storming explosion sounded in my head! Well I dont think you can complain because you have shard plate. I guess that's true but what about you can you shift? She tried successfully changing back and forth from different weapons. Well umm I guess we will have to just see what happens, Tevarah said, just let me know if something changes. Ok Tessi replied, I can do that.


    Sorry if this is to long but I thought it relevant to my story (because I wanted shardplate) and I dont know what the fourth ideal is for wind runners but whatever.


  13. Waiting waiting waiting, Tevarah hated waiting it was just soooo boring, he couldn't do anything besides get the weapons ready prepare stockpiles and get some old favors ready to enact, but he was still waiting he was squared away in the safe house, (more like safe luxury house) I mean seriously how does Rhazen get this stuff, anyway at any time now Rhazien would contact him and give him orders, but he's taking his good old time about it ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! WAITING!!!!!!!!!


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