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Status Replies posted by Pagerunner

  1. Do Arcanists have authority to delete spam? Because the gallery has lots.

    1. Pagerunner


      One report per account is what's needed. (Although it's not necessarily one person - it might be several employees at a clickfarm who all get assigned the same sites. But that's not really important.)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Do Arcanists have authority to delete spam? Because the gallery has lots.

    1. Pagerunner


      No, we do not. Just report the pictures (you only need to get one pic per spammer, if it's one person posting a bunch); most of the mods should be waking up soon. It just happens to be the hateful hour when none of them are online.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. hi

    "Ambition is not on a planet, but he/she is not the Shard Brandon has previously referred to as the one not on a planet. So, there are two out there."

    Can you tell me more about this exchange?

    Because Ambition is dead/splintered. Does it mean that it died not on a planet, or that it may have died on a planet but is not on one any more since it is nowhere?

    1. Pagerunner


      @Hoids Imaginary Friend, what WoB are you looking for? The one that says Odium targeted Ambition? That's linked in my previous reply. I believe @Argent was the one who asked about it, and he was at least present, if you want some more specifics on the exchange. But I don't think the dialogue you put forth fits with Odium having Ambition on the top of his hit list.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. hi

    "Ambition is not on a planet, but he/she is not the Shard Brandon has previously referred to as the one not on a planet. So, there are two out there."

    Can you tell me more about this exchange?

    Because Ambition is dead/splintered. Does it mean that it died not on a planet, or that it may have died on a planet but is not on one any more since it is nowhere?

    1. Pagerunner


      Gladly. I asked, "Is Ambition the Shard that you have previously referenced that is not on a planet."

      Brandon hemmed and hawed, and he said "Ambition would fit that definition, yes, but that is not the Shard I was referring to."

      I pushed a little bit, but not too hard (since it seemed he was about to drop a RAFO), asking "So, there's another Shard out there, besides Ambition, that isn't on a planet?" Which he confirmed. I didn't want to push any farther, so I switched to a different question. (I suspect that the other worldless Shard is the basis for Silverlight, about which he has been consistently RAFOing detailed questions.) So, I didn't get a ton of information on Ambition's current state; I just wanted to take some uncertainty out of my Shard count.

      There's another WoB, from the Chicago signing, that says Odium targeted Ambition because he thought Ambition would become his rival (not the other way around, which would have opened up in my mind the possibility of Ambition catching Odium between worlds to try and kill him). Piecing everything together, the story I get is this:

      • Shattering
      • Shards split. Ambition goes to Threnodite system.
      • Odium looks for Ambition. Can't find him. Takes out Dominion/Devotion.
      • Odium tracks down Ambition in the Threnodite system, and the two battle.
      • Odium mortally wounds Ambition, leaving Splinters of Ambition Investiture. Ambition flees the system.
      • Ambition either dies in interstellar space, or Odium catches up in interstellar space and finishes the job.

      That fits best with the information we've received on Ambition; not currently Invested in any system, Threnody has no magic system, but it has enough pieces of Ambition's Investiture to cause Shades. It's possible that Ambition could have come from another Shardworld, or that he spent some time elsewhere before death. But, I don't know if there's a mechanism for a Shard with no Vessel to Divest from a system they were Invested in before death, so I find it unlikely that Ambition died on a world and then 'drifted' away from it.

      Hope this helps; I'd like for someone to be able to figure it out, so we don't have to wait until the recently-announced Threnody novel gets written!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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