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Posts posted by DvaBearqLoza

  1. One of my favourite books is Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Actually I read that and Final Empire in the same week. Darn, that was a good week :)

    Anyway, I wish I see the last book (Door of Stone) like SOOOON!!! But its probably not going to happen :)

    Also, Patrick is amazing writter, and I really hope for more books from him.

    On the other side, Brandon writes his books so fast (or at least it seems like it to me). I`ve been bombarded by his work last 2 years, and now after a really short break, there are 2 books, with more coming soon.

    Also, cant wait for Elantris/Warbreaker/Stormlight Archives books to come.......

  2. Hey all. I know some will flame me but can someone post entire list of works of Brandon Sanderson?

    I might have found all, but I got confused with so many unreleased works.

    Also, is there something that cannot be found? I saw some ppl mentioning Brandon himself used to send some of his work by mail, but it was limited etc?

    I`ve read Mistborn (all 4)



    Way of Kings


    I`m interested in all the short stories, long stories, mostly everything I can get my hands on.


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